If so what do you do to ease these symptoms?
Does anyone fingers swell , turn red... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Does anyone fingers swell , turn red , itch ,get very painful and stiff?

Mine do, too. In fact my feet do the same and the balls of my feet hurt so much to step on when it happens. Only time and cold avoidance seems to help me. Nothing else. It's horrible.
I used to get this problem with my fingers when I was in my teens. I put it down to chilblains at the time. It may have been caused by trying to warm my hands too quickly by placing them in hot water or on the school radiators.
My hands still swell sometimes. I'm not too sure if my feet do as I hardly ever see them these days with the Raynauds. I wear socks to bed and they're changed as quickly as possible so that I don't get cold
I do , my feet also swell and are very painful, they turn so red they look as if have had them in red dye , so painfull
I developed Raynaunds about 3 years ago. I also have peripheral neuropathy in my feet. Double trouble. Anyway, these are the things that have helped with the swelling and the pain. I use Wool Wax cream for my feet and hands to keep them soft. I also use a compounding cream made especially for me by a compounding pharmacy. The formula I use is as follows: CMO/KETO/DICLO (2/10/5)%. It provides pain relief and is a strong anti-inflamatory. It took a while to come up with a formula that worked for me. I also use LANACANE Anti-Chafing Gel. I use it on my feet to prevent rubbing in my shoes when I walk. It helps allot. Hope this helps.
with scleroderma this starts at the beginning,the only thing that helped me at all was prednisone,started off with alot and now i maintain at 5 mg. a day. it has been 11 years and i have tried to wean off but with all the arthritis i have can't do it.good luck!
my hand also swell and fingers stiff and sore at times. Had thumb injected recently with steroid. I use lots of hand cream and carry it about at the ready. I have also ordered a wax bath to use. You are supposed to dip your hands into the wax, then let wax dry and repeat a few times to build up a thick layer. It is meant to be soothing for painful swollen joints. Will let you know how i get on whenever it arrives. There are also hand exercises on the raynauds website which i do.

I was beautician for yrs and did that paraffin wax on lotto people and my mom 76 and she is real bad but she does it 3 times week and swears by it ...☺
I have more problems with my feet swelling and becoming really red and painful than I do my hands. My hands just get cold to the point I can not feel my fingers or they become really sore
I get exactly that and find the cream Balmosa invaluable .
Well with me I tried putting hot rags on it and it felt good but it didn't bring down the swelling
I have it quite often got it now and I don't know nor do my docs know what it is I need to know and I need to find out how to help myself and others with this as it's painful and I hold cold things in my hands so it eases it a bit till I let go my feet are same some one say it my high blood pressure some say it my arthritis I not know please does anyone ...😯