I feel like crying.............woke up this morning at 6am with stiff fingers and awful aches and pains in the back of my hands.......I just don't know what to do with myself........I've taken pain relief and tried warming my hands in warm water with no relief whats so ever...........any suggestions please.........feel so miserable as there are tasks I need to do....... ;- (
Painful hands and stiff fingers......... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Painful hands and stiff fingers............

Oh wartsandall, not nice though the only other thing I can add is to try & gently massage your hands whilst they are in the warm water to try & encourage the circulation & if you have any 'Vaporub' you could try rubbing sparingly over your joints to provide some relief. Hope you feel better soon. X
Thank you for your reply........I'm still aching.....sob sob.....but; .I'll try your suggestion and see if it helps....it's really strange....despite the welcome change in the weather.....my hands are freezing....I've had a really hot shower and the house is warm....yet still my hands are like blocks of ice............I'm willing to try anything to stop the pains I have in my hands at the moment....x....warm hugs.....x........
Och poor u i know this feeling as my hands r the worst..what i have learnt to do is to not let it stress u out...i would wake in the morning and have house jobs that i plan to do and when the reality of it kicks in i realize that i just cant do them so i settle myself and wait til i can i'l give u an example ..my hair.. i have long auburn hair very wavy and it takes a lot of combing out tats but when my hands r like clubs swollen and painful i cant hold the comb so i tie it bac and wait til i can and be thankful that asleast i know in a day r two il get it washed..its mad i tell ya ..all the things we took for granted ..so please dont stress..just do wot u can and know ur own limits ..i find that my hands r less swollen when i just accept they way i am now and no beat myself up and expect too much of myself chill out keep warm let all the things sit until ur ablt to do them r just do one per day ..im a stay at home mum it used to be i cleaned my house each day now i take a room per day and it get done..i bought a parrafin wax hand bath ..look them up on ebay ..its hot wax its grt for ur hands its lovey and relaxing ... hope u feel bit better today ....
Hi fruitpastle....thank you for your kind comments......I feel much better today,... I've decided to listen to my body and chill out whenever I'm having a bad day.....I'm going to pace myself and only do the essential tasks until I feel well enough to do more.......I am slowly beginning to accept the fact that I have a chronic illness and that I can't do all the activities I used to take for granted........I will look for a wax bath for my hands on ebay....I'm willing to try anything at the moment.....take care....xx
Hiya warts and fruiteyp !
I hope you are feeling better today wartsanall ?!
I can relate to this also
eg. I have not been able to bake any cupcakes for a few weeks due to ulcers and despite the warm weather, my right hand knuckles are all swollen and tender, so no way can I hold on to a hand mixer. and the cupcake frenzy skill only developed over the last few years due to my being housebound with my raynauds !
I have a wax bath but my finger tips are too sensitive to the temperature of liquid wax - you cant make this stuff up hey ?
I have been using the Louise Hay recommended affirmation 'I am a magnet for miracles' the last few weeks !! and I agree, one of the biggest challenges is not to beat yourself up or be unkind to yourself when the symptoms are being particularly demanding !
I am looking forward to finding my eureka moment to be free of the constant musculoskeletal pain.... I am hoping to find an activity which is so engaging that I do not focus on the pain. When I was conducting court trials, I certainly did not notice my pain, but once i got home and relaxed ... ooof did I know about it ! so my focus is on an activity that I can do from home and keep the raynauds symptoms happy, as well as the full time scleroderma demands ! haha just living the dream x
hi, i have this, it is very painful, i am still in school so its even worse. what i do is rub my hands when i get the pains....is it caused by anything, i mean, i get it when i put too much strain on my hands, when my mirror was stuck in my pocket i tried using my hand to get it out but that caused pain....i know what its like. i wear gloves all the time now, as i have raynauds, no tablets and a lot of side effects! do you get it in other parts of your body? i get it in my feet, i do ballet, and they go halfway and im in loads of pain.... hope this helps....hope to speak soon x
We are so used to "fast fix"....I have been there. I really sympathize with you. What you have now has been developing for many years. It is a total commitment to reverse it and if you do you WILL conquer it. What to look for
1. limiting believes
2. food (allergies)
3. Body (Tai Chi, simple Yoga)
4. Meditation
Flood yourself with self help books.....Learn to love yourself.....Easier said than done, but that's the path of healing from ANYTHING