So my main problem is physically falling asleep, I never feel tired or like I want to sleep, it takes me at least a couple of hours to finally fall asleep and if I get woken up or randomly wake up suddenly (which happens alot) it takes me forever to try and fall asleep again and sometimes I can't even fall asleep again, by the time I want to get to sleep again it is time to be up for work
I have been referred by the GP for CBT as they feel there is an underlying problem but there is a 6-8 week waiting list for the therapy to start
I have tried tablets, herbal remedies, getting in a routine, no drinks after 11pm, warm drinks before bed, extreme painkillers (Tramadol) for no reason other than tryig to make me sleepy, staying up the night before to fall asleep the next night (my body just powers through and keeps me awake), it has to be pitch black and extremely silent for me to even start falling asleep but obviously it is an impossibility for anywhere to be these conditions ona regular basis
Any suggestions?? I have been recommended CBD oil so will be trying that shortly but any other suggestions??