I was diagnosed in 2019 with stage 3 ovarian cancer. I had surgery and several different treatment protocols. I’m now facing my 3rd recurrence and about to decide, under the guidance of my wonderful oncologist, which treatment will be next. I feel fortunate that I’ve never suffered a lot of pain and that there are a lot of new treatment options. I am blessed with great support from my family and friends. I’m happy to be a part of this group and I look forward to learning from your experiences.
My cancer journey-: I was diagnosed in... - SHARE Ovarian Can...
My cancer journey-

wishing all the best for you x
interested in knowing what type of regimes that you have been on for your recurrences and where they found the cancer all the recurrent times. I am facing recurrence. # 3.
Thanks for the question! My first line treatment was Carbo/Taxol. Recurrence about 17 months later. Second line was Carbo/Doxil. A year later was Carbo/Gemzar and now- just about to start a fairly new targeted drug- Elahere. Sounds like a lot and it’s been a long road but this is the nature of the beast- we just have to keep trying to quiet it down. I’ve tolerated all the treatments pretty well- except for Gemzar which I had to stop because of awful face and neck swelling. I hope this has been helpful
Best of luck on your journey.
Hi! This has been almost exactly me tratment regimen pattern. The only difference is my first recurrence was a scant 9 months in and I did have Lymparza in between Carbo-Doxil and GemCarbo. I had Avastin with the GemCarbo then Avastin by itself for three rounds before it was quite evidence that GemCarbo has been a flunkie and I was platinum resitant.
amazing! Such a similar path! Being platinum resistant you might be a candidate for Elahere. Did your doc test u for that? I just started and I’m feeling great.