About five months ago, after experiencing dyspareunia, I started getting spotting. This spotting got heavier and heavier turning into clotting and constant bleeding even heavier than a period. My periods have also always been very heavy and I started them when I was 11. This bleeding was assisted by lower right abdominal pain which was quite bad, and got worse as the bleeding went on. I was given ultovan to stop the bleeding, which worked. But it didn’t stop the pain, but this was dismissed as ‘nothing’ by the doctor. But the pain persisted, and I continued to get worse and worse dyspareunia, and then I started getting a burning pain alongside the sharp pain. My abdomen is constantly distended, I look pregnant, it’s really tight and swollen. I have nausea, early satiety, on and off constipation, extreme fatigue, urge to urinate often, thick discharge (reoccouring thrush?) I went back to my GP regarding the burning pain and he seemed concerned so sent me for an US. I had this yesterday, and I will get my results next week.but I’m panicking now. I did ask the doctor and she said my ovaries were Normal size and I do have a cyst but it’s only 1.5cm. Which confuses me - how could it be causing this many symptoms?? Is it possible I have ovarian cancer? Or what else could be wrong?- also- I am not pregnant!
Ovarian cancer in a young adult? - SHARE Ovarian Can...
Ovarian cancer in a young adult?

Dear Alice, I, too had your experience; 11 years old at menarche, extra heavy periods, bloating (my mother used to ask me if I was pregnant, even as a virgin!), Pain, diarrhea, spotting, cyst on my right ovary. I lived like this for 25 years. The cramps we're so bad I would miss work. They x-rayed me, ultrasounded, MRI, etc. Nothing showed up. The only tests that showed what I had were a CA-125 marker (blood test) a transvaginal ultrasound, and a PET-CT scan. I'm not saying you definitely have ovarian cancer, but these tests would confirm your suspicions or put them to rest. Ovarian cancer is difficult to diagnose otherwise. Ps I had a biopsy of my uterus, that was negative too, although the tumor covered the whole organ. I hope everything goes optimally well for you! 🙏 💖Please keep us posted! Love, Margaret
Thank you so much for your help and kind words!! That sounds like such an awful experience 😓 I’m so glad they found the problem. Has the cancer completely gone? I just got a phone call asking to make an appointment with my GP, so I will discuss it all with him Monday and find out the results from my scan. Thank you so much for your loveliness!! 💓💓💓
I am in remission for 4 years, Praise God and Jesus! My cancer was discovered in the late staged. I've lived 8 years past my projected life expectancy. Have hope! Please let me know how your test goes!💖Margaret
I am so so happy to hear that!!!! You are so strong 😇 did you have a laraptomy to remove the cancer?
Thank you for your loving kindness! They didn't figure it out until I was 50. The cancer had spread throughout my abdomen; in fact, it was covering every organ in my abdomen. They closed me up, and said I had 6 months unless I tried chemo. Luckily, the chemo killed off the cancer, and all that was left was the "scaffolding" that held the tumor to my organs. They scraped off every organ, and removed part of my spleen and my entire omentum. My oncologist said they had "yards of the stuff" in the basement freezer! (I let them keep it for experiments). I underwent 12 rounds of chemo in six years before I got into a study about PARP2 Inhibitors. I'm currently on Lynparza, which is keeping me in remission. I thank God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for continuing hope and healing! The doctors said I had a 5% chance of making it to 5 years. I'm at 20 years, and counting!💖🙏💕🎶Margaret
Dear Alice never had bleeding did have bloating and fatigue and complained to my gyn for years. The c125 test started rising since then I have
Taken Different Chemo since 2014 so please try friend to think positive
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