Update – surgery tomorrow, then on to... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Update – surgery tomorrow, then on to Xeloda

Saltandlight profile image
24 Replies

Hello all – hope that the new year is finding you all on a good journey to healing and wellness. I unfortunately have been in and out of the hospital for 21 days with seven new MRIs as they are trying to discover the root cause of my back pain and inability to walk. In addition to the extensive bone mets discovered in December which led to the kyphoplasty surgery, they have discovered a lipoma wrapped around my spine which they are going to remove tomorrow and I would appreciate prayers that all goes well.

My oncologist has decided to put me on Xeloda as the next line of treatment. I continue to struggle with her lack of hope in her answers, and am really looking forward to a second opinion with another doctor in Florida we have set up when we can hopefully get back down.

I feel so fortunate to have you all as a wonderful sounding board that does bring hope and inspiration to this journey. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to read and catch up with what all is going on with you, but know that each and everyone of you are in my daily prayers. Know that you are all loved!

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Saltandlight profile image
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24 Replies
kiwi67 profile image

Prayers for a successful surgery with an easy recovery. Also that you find an onc you can trust and depend on, so important on this journey that you are surrounded by people who uplift you.

DinNorCal profile image

I am praying for your surgery. And praying you can sense a peace knowing God is surrounding you with His loving arms.

I am currently on Xeloda and find it is very tolerable. Praying that between the surgery, the medication and a second opinion you can get some relief and healing. God bless and keep you ❤️

Nocillo profile image

Good luck on the surgery and recovery. Hopefully xeloda will work for you. Get a doctor you can truly trust! Will you be going to Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa? They are great! 🙏 for healing.

Saltandlight profile image
Saltandlight in reply to Nocillo

I’m lined up with a doctor at Florida Cancer Specialists. He seems like a very good listener so looking forward to meeting him!

NPmary profile image

Hoping all will go well and that you will be walking again soon. Do you have to travel to Florida for a 2cd opinion??? Why can't you get a 2cd opinion where you live? Wish you the best. I am sorry and sad that you are going thru so much.

Saltandlight profile image
Saltandlight in reply to NPmary

We are usually in Florida right now for five months. The way the system is set up where I currently am I’d be getting a second opinion from basically the same group of doctors. That’s why we were excited to be out of this system with a totally new set of eyes. My recovery is going to dictate when that happens.

SoulJourney profile image

Dear Saltandlight,

As I read this I am thinking back to my spinal surgery 10 years ago. It is scary as anything but also hopeful! I am praying for you and your family, peace and calm, for success beyond your expectations. I am praying for your doctors and nurses that they are rested and have steady hands. When you come out of surgery I pray you have a diligent team on top of your care, pain management and recovery.

You are stronger than you know, stay positive and know you can beat the odds (all those stats they gave you at pre-op).

We all come together for you now a chorus of prayer, happy thoughts and encouragement according to our beliefs; it doesn’t matter what we believe but know we believe and support your wellness and success!

Hugs , prayers and happy thoughts,


BritSammy profile image

may God grant you peace, comfort and strength during this time. Praying for a successful surgery and a positive second opinion 🙏🏾

Lulis profile image

Prayers for a positive outcome. May God bless you, your family and your medical team.

Fiercefighter13 profile image

Prayers sent up to heaven for you. Godspeed to your recovery and I am hopeful that Xeloda will be your silver lining! Take care, rest, and recover well!

Aprilfoolz1 profile image

Sending you prayers and healing energy for a successful surgery , recovery and that Xeloda kicks this cancer to the curb. Take care and know you have many praying for you and in your corner.

bikebabe profile image

thinking of you and hope all goes well

Totheriver profile image

if we can all hold on to that saying we will be good but it can be so hard. I pray all will go well with your surgery and that the new treatment will work good for you💕. I just came off 5 rounds of radiation to my spine. Hopefully it will stop the growth of the tumours. It seems to be never ending but sure helps to have our faith. Theresa

love2golfwell profile image

I am so very sorry for all that you are going through right now. I am praying that the surgery is very successful. I'm sad that your current doctor does not offer you hope, I'm sure that does not help the situation. Praying that you will do well on the Xeloda and I hope the doctor in Florida will give you some positive feedback and hope. Sending you hugs and prayers. I get daily reflections from Dynamic Catholic and this is from today:

"The basic message God wants to convey

by a covenant, then, can be stated simply:

"I love you. I am committed to you. I swear

that I will never forsake you. You are mine

and I am yours. I am your father, and you

are my family."

Also, I live in Florida.

Figletf profile image

🙏🙏🙏💜 trusting your surgery will prove successful

Hopeful4Cure profile image

Hang in there and know that we are all here to support you. We too have faced issues with dr.s that should really have better attitudes. I am in the same boat with my dr. Sending prayers and positive energy that your surgery will be a success. Blessings

mariootsi profile image

My prayers are with you!

13plus profile image

It sounds like you have been through a tremendous amount in those few weeks. I’m glad they found the source of the issue and wishing for you that your surgery will be hugely successful and restore your ability to walk. And that you then do very well on the Xeloda too! I am set to be starting that drug this week .

Sending you healing vibes for a speedy recovery!

fancydog profile image

Prayers for it to be God's will for you to walk again. Your faith is strong and a wonderful example for all who cross your path in life. 🙏❤️

Likes profile image

praying for you and hope all goes well!!!

Dragonfly2 profile image

hello Saltandlight…wishing you the best possible outcome for the surgery…and a big hug for advocating for yourself. Do go for a second opinion; a fresh set of eyes can point you in the way of some new treatments that others haven’t heard about. Prayers…❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

Ntash01 profile image

Sending you a virtual hug and prayers for a speedy recovery x

PJBinMI profile image

I hope your surgery went well and that your recovery will be speedy and comfortable. About second opinions....here in the US, the top cancer centers are those that have been designated "Comprehensive Cancer Centers" by the National Cancer Institute, a division of the National Institutes of Health. Most are affiliated with medical schools and all have very specialized oncs, like those who treat only breast cancer. In Florida, there are two CCCs, Moffitt in Tampa and Mayo in Jacksonville. Your onc should be able to refer you and help you get an appt soon. The first time I had a second opinion appt with a bc onc, whenshe examined my breasts, it felt differently than when any other doctor examined then, like her fingertips had radar in them! I'm a long timer, in five weeks it will be 20 years since my MBC diagnosis. I loved my first onc! She was a great communicator! Very direct, which is what I want. She retired about five or six years ago and I miss her alot. Trusting our oncs is sure important!

here's the website that lists the Comprehensive Cancer Centers cancer.gov/research/infrast...

RLN-overcomer profile image

I pray you are having a supernatural pain free recovery🙏😇🙏😇🙏 XoXo

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