Update about an update on Oncologist ... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Update about an update on Oncologist meeting

37 Replies

Hello again,

Lovely sunny day here in the UK. So yesterdays meeting on the back of MRI discovering brain mets....

I went with my husband, we sat with oncologist for over an hour, I looked at the scan image, the first time since being diagnosed with MBC last year that I've wanted to view any, dont know why I haven't before now wasn't so bad.

So i have multiple dots mostly very small spread through brain, none of which are irritating the surrounding brain tissue hence why I feel well no side effects apart from tinnitus which he isn't convinced that the mets are responsible for.

WBRT is an option but I can hold off for now as I say, no side effects yet. Kadcyla is my next line as its known to cross the blood brain barrier and has shown to shrink tumours in the brain. I can say yes to this and be on that in next 2 weeks but also hes mentioned clinical trials with kadcyla and everyone on the trial gets that but then 50% also get tucatanib whilst the other 50% get a placebo and you won't know which group you in whilst on the trial but he said the tucatanib is a very promising exciting med. I live hundreds of miles from where these trials would take place but not an issue.

I've said I'm willing to go see these clinics and speak with them if they feel I meet their criteria before hand, I've got nothing to lose as the kadcyla with my onc is always on the table at this time.

My liver on recent CT, in one of the lesions it looks a bit plumper compared to January scan so he said nothing exciting there and lungs stable and bones so not all bad.

I'm feeling optimistic currently and would like to thank you for prayers and kind words on my previous post.

Love and best wishes to you all.

It is what it is. Caroline x

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37 Replies
Topood profile image

It sounds as if you have a lot of good options, and a wonderful, balanced intelligent attitude! What a relief for you to know there are many good roads, and for us, knowing you’re doing well!

in reply to Topood

Yes there are good options thankfully. Thank you for replying and I hope you're having a good day x

ChipCw profile image

Sending you hugs ,I have never looked at scan results either ,don’t know why maybe out of sight out of mind,best of luck with next treatment ,it’s not easy but ya have to keep going 🥰🥰🥰

in reply to ChipCw

You're right, it's not easy but you do indeed have to keep going. I've never felt prepared to see images before but theres something about the brain that I need to see for myself and see what I'm dealing with. X

Beryl71 profile image
Beryl71 in reply to ChipCw

All my consultations have been by phone. I get a copy of letter to gp, that's all.

BARBIE70 profile image
BARBIE70 in reply to Beryl71

I think you so brave and doing what is right for you looking at your scans .You’ve got a good onc ,wish I could see mine in person just phone calls then a letter !

Sending hugs and positive thoughts to you xxx

Teddielottie profile image

Yes , a lovely sunny day here ... it sounds as if your onc has taken time to discuss all options . Where is the trial ? I am in the U.K. ( north ) and I too don’t ask to see scans ... just get a copy of the radiographers brief report from my GP.

Wish you well and keep positive ! x 🤗

in reply to Teddielottie

Thanks for reply teddie, I'm up north, clinical trial would be london and is a phase 2 second line treatment regimen based trial. Just waiting to definitely hear back from my oncologist whether I'm suitable with brain mets x

Topood profile image

I’m off the get my CAT scan results....saw them on MyChart yesterday, and they looked good overall, but still nervous! Thanks.

in reply to Topood

Hope your meeting went as well as you'd hoped x

Topood profile image
Topood in reply to

It did!!! Everything shrunk, and my CEA has gone from 1,500 to 862 in 4 months on Xeloda. I was worried, because there was a new enlarged lymph node, but it turns out it was just defending me from my COVID vaccine, as a good lymph node should! A happy day! Thanks for asking. My oncologist even said she wanted to hug me! So I am relieved and happy.....

in reply to Topood

🙌. Great news, I can feel the relief coming across there. Long may it continue for you. Enjoy the rest of your day x

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to Topood

I know, there is always fear of results!

Hi Caroline,

Thanks for the update. First off, I'm glad you were able to take your husband with you for support. At times such as these, it's important to be able to take a close family member or friend with us for support. It sounds like you have a lot of options. I wonder if the WBRT will be able to get rid of the brain metastases? As they are so small, I hope that is a possibility for you. It must be reassuring to know that you have more than one option available to you.

I asked to see my scans one time, and my oncologist let me see them. I wanted to see the spots on my spine.

Take care,



in reply to

Hi, yes it was a great comfort knowing my husband was there, it's only the second appointment he's been able to attend with me due to restrictions. WBRT would likes do a good job and I may have to pursue it first before a clinical trial will consider me as presently they wouldn't class the brain mets as being under control, makes sense.Hope you're doing ok Sophie x

stardust1965 profile image

It sounds like you have some good treatment options. I hope you are a good fit for the promising drugs trial if that’s the route you decide you want to go down. Would the trials be at the Royal Marsden?I’ve always seen my scan results on my oncologists computer right from diagnosis. I find it helpful. Of course that was pre Covid and I haven’t actually seen my onc for over a year now! Just telephone consultations. It is good to hear you got the time you needed with your onc. who does seems to have your back on this. Take care.

in reply to stardust1965

Royal Marsden has been mentioned and the sarah cannon research institute on Harley street.

debbiedo2063 profile image

So pleased you have a number of options and sending positive vibes to you. You sound so positive that is so important. Sunny again in the UK today so njoy this sunny fresh air while it lasts. Planting my bulbs today in the garden and will be thinking of you while I do and say a prayer for us all while we wait to see the flowers next season.

My garden and back yard are my source of joy season to season . The number of times I have planted bulbs and vowed in my head “I Will see these flowers bloom “especially when I’ve had mixed news and it so helps me when I see them peeking through the soil.

Take Care


in reply to debbiedo2063

Hi, yes you send like a woman after my own heart with the love of garden. We planted some primroses on monday, various colours and I'm looking forward to them blooming fully. X

Beryl71 profile image

Good luck!

JPutt profile image

Thinking of you - so glad you have these options. Fingers crossed for the trial x

8576 profile image

Great. Glad you got such good news. Wishing you well if you join the trial. Nice to know there are promising drugs on the horizon. Thanks for the update.

Cheers, June S.

jersey-jazz profile image

It is amazing how knowing the worst of it takes so much of the anguish away. Your post sounds so positive. Well done! Am sending more prayers and good wishes for you.XXX OOO

Sunnydrinking profile image

Just to say ...

I’m thinking of you. Thanks for updating us.

It’s good to have some treatment options and it sounds like you are addressing things in a very positive manner.

I admire you.

Very best wishes.

Jo xx

ChrisVict profile image

I’m sorry for this progression. Sounds so logical. It appears manageable. What is your type? How long have you been MBC. Many options give us hope!

in reply to ChrisVict

Thank you for your message. I was diagnosed last April with MBC after my first run in with BC in 2015. Invasive ductal carcinoma. I am triple positive still.

Hi CarolineWhat a time of it you have had lately.

Good to hear that it is all going in a positive direction and you are being considered for a trial. Shame they aren’t doing it in Manchester!

I have never been able to look at my scans either as I think I would focus on those sites to much.

You have such a good strong and positive outlook, I am sure that is going to help you on your journey.


mariootsi profile image

Caroline,Sounds like you had a good meeting and that your onc has a plan.

So glad you are optimistic. I wish you peace with your decision on whether or not to join the trial.



mariootsi profile image

I have never looked at scans either!

in reply to mariootsi

I think you have to feel completely ready, as I say I wasn't until knowing I had the brain involved.

Dragonfly2 profile image

Hope your meds continue to work and you feel better. I was sooo surprised to note that your husband was able to go with you to the oncologist. Here in the US, the hospital has banned all visitors. I have been going alone since last July...it’s frightening to be alone getting bad news. However something else has happened...I tend to be more honest and can ask the really hard questions when I’m without my husband. I guess I didn’t want my husband to worry excessively ...but I do hope that vaccinations make a change in hospital protocol...Good luck to you...feel well!

Yes only in exceptional circumstances at least at my hospital or if you have poor mobility which I don't (not yet anyway, feel like I'm jinxing myself!).I'd asked on the phone whether I was to come alone and oncologist thought best to have another pair of ears taking on the info as there was a lot! X

PJBinMI profile image

I agree with the others here who have said that it sounds as though you have good options! If you get into the drug trial and have to travel to London, would you do that by train? I've visited England three times and twice relied on Britrail to get around and just loved it! That was a long time ago, tho, lol. I've not had brain mets myself but have known several women who have.....one friend went skiing less than a week after completing WBR, and did not stay on the easy trails, so very like her to be out there finding the most difficult ski sloops. I also met a woman with primary brain cancer who was in a trial at the University of Chicago a few years ago, where she had a cap that she wore and received periodic electrical current to the cancer spots. That trial was very promising, too, but I've not heard any more about it. There are so many options that are new since I was first diagnosed in 2004! I hope that you will have peace with your treatment decisions and do really well! (and my husband goes to important doc appts with me, too, whenever a change in treatment will be talked about. Useful to have the support and also a second pair of ears.......)

Thank you for the update Caroline. As you know I have been suffering from Tinnitus for the past few months and I shall use your diagnosis as an example when I speak to my Oncologist Wednesday. He was a little dismissive when I mentioned it to him and said it’s unlikely my medication is causing it. He suggested a hearing test what I duly did. There was nothing wrong there. Tomorrow I will have a phone conversation with my GP as she is more up to speed with Tinnitus. If she thinks I need a head scan she will push for it. Seems sometimes I have to go one step beyond my Oncologist and speak to my GP who forces the issue to him. I just wish I could have a face to face conversation with him. It’s far better than a crackly phone conversation. Take care and I hope all works well for you. Cheryl

hawkmistress profile image

Healing wishes, strength and support on this journey of discovery. It's true, this is a journey and any of us might wish to be taking in another way. And, it is what it is.Thank you for the update

Andersl profile image

Kadcyla or Kadcyla plus (or not). Great options.

I've been on kadcyla for a year and yes it does cross the blood brain barrier though I also had partial radiotherapy to the brain too just as I started kadcyla. (My brain mets on the Dura were situated all together).

The side effects have been manageable.

All the best xx

Andersl profile image

I've been on kadcyla for 15 months. All lesions have disappeared on scan including the ones on the membrane of my brain.

Ask how much difference was found between kadcyla plus and kadcyla only.

If it's not significant that may help you make up your mind.

Best wishes


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