ladies watch out for those antibiotics. Look up C-diff. It’s a horrible bacterial infection that can be brought on by some if not all antibiotics. It was a horrible experience. Especially with fighting cancer and low counts probably makes it worse. I was in the hospital 11 days. It is highly contagious. Starts like a bad stomach virus. After 5 days home I went to er they admitted me immediately. Saw infectious disease doctor. When I was discharged I went home with pic line of vancomycin. And weekly nurse visits for 2+months. Just be very careful. I’ve even been told I’m at hire risk of getting it again now. I also had to hold taking my ibrance so I could fight the bacteria.
antibiotics : ladies watch out for... - SHARE Metastatic ...

Thanks for warning us- I have just had antibiotics for a persistent UTI and am on chemotherapy and omeprazole, which are both triggers, so I will be keeping a close eye out for any symptoms. So far OK.
Hope you are feeling better
Jackie x
so terrible so sorry for your illness! Gid bless you and get well soon! Thanks for the update on antibiotics!😉
Thank you for sharing your story.
Hope you are feeling better. Thanks for sharing that info.
Greetings: Sister/Warrior Advocate😇 Thank you for this information. I was always told many years ago from Medical Professionals that after taking any antibiotic(s ), that you have a chance of getting another bacterial infection after finishing the dose🧐. I also always take a high dose probiotic, especially after finishing an antibiotic. This will replace the good bacteria that was removed along with the bad infectious bacteria when taking an antibiotic.🙂 This will build your immune system back up, and make it almost unlikely that you will have another bacterial infection.😇 I also take Kelp, and zinc. Sister(s). and Warriors. Almost 70% of our immune system generates from our stomach(s). Make sure you ask your Medical Professionals about any supplement advice anyone gives, including me. Plus try to make time to do your own research 😳 I do hope pray we will enjoy the spirit of the season. Happy Holidays 😇 XoXo