Hi group,
Please can someone please help me out? Anything!
Question about inner thigh pain. My mom started Doxil this June after new spots appeared with Xeloda after 1 full year.
This July she broke her vertebrae (t4) this was a spot where the cancer showed up and she had a fall in the meantime and it broke.
A couple weeks ago now her inner thigh started hurting but it only hurts her when she moves her leg or tries to walk on it. When she is sitting there’s no pain whatsoever.
We called the nurse and she sent my mom to the orthopedic ambulatory office and they took X rays where they ruled out metastasis on the femur.
The doctor ordered a bone scan for this Friday so I guess we will see then.
I guess what I’m asking is does anyone have a similar experience? I just don’t want it to be the Mets 😭I hate seeing my mom like this. One break in her back in July and now this?
I almost feel like it’s the end 😫😫😫
Thank you guys for reading and thank you for being so supportive.