This is a strange question! Has anyone noticed less graying of their hair since taking Verzenio? After my chemo and total hair loss, my new hair growth was salt & pepper colored, mostly gray looking. So when it was long enough I started getting my hair colored brown as I did precancer. A year later I was started on Verzenio and have been on it for 1.5 years. Now, my hair is still growing, although at a slower rate, but the new hairs are not as gray as they used to be! I have moved by hair color appointments from every 4 weeks to every 8 weeks because there is not as much gray as there used to be! It is a good thing but I am just curious as to why it's happening! I have also been taking Anastazole for the last 3 years so wonder if the combination of these 2 drugs has something to do with it.
Verzenio and gray hair: This is a... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Verzenio and gray hair

So funny you should say this! I’ve been on Ibrance for over 5 1/2 years and I have less gray hair than before I lost my hair during chemo too. Though my hair wasn’t very gray before, so I never dyed it.
Curious if other people cdk 4/6 inhibitors are experiencing the same thing.
My hair has always been very dark even into my sixties. I've been on Ibrance since September 2022 and noticed the other day my hair is even darker, and the few gray bits I did have gone. I thought it was strange but didn't think much of it but it's interesting that you've had a similar experience. Best wishes.
me too. Post chemo hair was grey and my hair 2 yrs after palbo and letrazole is more brown than gray. People seem to associate that with looking healthier!! Im 64
When I started Verzineo I had all white hair with a few dark spots. It started thinning and we cut it off. Now the Verzineo stopped doing it's job so hair that is coming back is mostly dark with patches of the white. Kind of look like a dalmatian. LOL Will start chemo again this week but don't know what that looks like until I go to my appointment today for the treatment plan. Pink for October maybe?
I want pink for October, too! Not Barbie, PeptoBismal pink, but the lighter BC pink! Anyone know a good brand of non-permanent hair coloring in pink? And about graying- my hair was a mid to light brown but it's been thinning and graying during the last few years. I was on Fulvestrant when the graying begam, then the steroidal AI, and since early this year Xeloda, since the cancer became triple negatitive, after being E + for almost 19 years. I'm 77, now. My mother became somewhat gray in her sixties, and I dont remember when my dad's almost black hair started graying. When I look at my hair in doors, I see maybe 1/4 gray but my hair cut lady, whoose husband has cancer, says it's closer to 1/2 gray, She's probably closer to being right, LOL! I never thought about any of mymeds having an impact on my hair!
Yes, me too. My hair was completely white for years til Ibrance, fulvestrant made it fall out then Xeloda, zometa etc. Grew back in smokey gray. Hated it. Bleached it to pale yellow and toned with Manic Panic ...its a good quality vegan cream dye. Easy to use on any hair, doesnt need to be bleached. Lasts 6 weeks if you dont wash hair daily. You can dilute color with white conditioner if too intense. They have several shades of pink PBJ( I know, dyslexic and thats how I read yer name1😁.... And dont be scared of how intense color looks in jar!!!! LOL...It made me feel better. Hope you try it. We need some fun in our lives.
I taking verzenio for 72 weeks now my hair is not just dont have grey also shine and soft