I had a pet scan and things are shrinking and I am so thankful. Now I have to make decision to stay on Ibrance at lower dose or just stay on Astrazole for awhile as I brance is tearing my stomach up
good news: I had a pet scan and things... - SHARE Metastatic ...
good news

Praise God, Granny! Rejoicing at your good news! <3
Perhaps ask your oncologist for some medication you can take an hour or so before you take the Ibranc
Go down to the lowest dose they allow. Ibrance has been found as effective at low dose than high. Also people here have varied the schedule. Instead of three weeks on and one off, they do more frequent "vacations." If that doesn't work, there are other things.
Congrats on the shrinkage! I am almost your age, and I take similar meds (Kisqali, not Ibrance). I've been taking my meds on a 5 days on and 2 days off since last October. You too may find this schedule is much easier on your body than the 3 weeks on and 1 week off. I agree with Tammy Cross that you should stay on Ibrance at a lower dose in case that serves to continue shrinking your mets.
Best Wishes, Cindy
That's a shame, have you tried probiotics. ? I've been on ibrance for nearly three years despite improving.. It helps me to feel safe and I do feel well. Hope you get your meds sorted so you have no bad effects. Carolyn x
So happy for your good news! Hope you get some help from your oncologist with making your decision about Ibrance. Best wishes.
Congratulations on your great news!! I am so happy for you. I'm sending you a virtual hug 🤗Sharon
so happy for your good news. I have tried lots of combinations of those drugs. I am on the lowest dose of Ibrance 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off and this is tolerable.
Yeay! it makes us happy and hopeful too to see good news. I always make sure to read posts like yours. Thanks for sharing this with us and i hope you will find the right dose that works best for you. I do have to say that our body is so resilient—the side effects that I had when i just started (going on 4 years now), I was able to overcome. Somehow our body learns to cope/adjust with it.
For most of the 5 years l was on lbrance - l was on the lowest dose (75 mg) it worked great. I have never heard of lbrance failing because of the dose. 🌺
So happy for your results!
Wonderful news!
Hi Granny, I always take my Ibrance at 8:00 pm in the evening after dinner and have never had stomach troubles with it. I do very well so far on Ibrance and Letrozole. I have been on that combo for three years and now my scans show no sign of disease (NED). I am grateful that this is helping me. I don't know what the future will bring but I think positive and try to eat a wholesome diet. I eat everything - pretty much - but I eat much less meat and I limit dairy. But I do eat some of those things along with my veggies and fruits. Now that spring is around the corner I will be having my morning smoothies again with lots of fruit and plant milks as well as some protein powder. If my stomach feels funny I often will have a hot cup of miso broth. That works wonders for me. I hope you will also have good results with Ibrance. Hugs Marlene
great news!!!!
that’s great news! I would defintiely try a lower dose, and or changing the days taken, as some others have suggested . Lowest dose worked for me for over 2 years. Do make sure you have eaten a good amount of food when you take it to help avoid the gut issues.
Also be sure not to eat any grapefruit! It will have the effect like taking more iBrance in your system
congratulations on your scan results. That is great news. Always nice to hear about a win 😅
And all the best in your decision about ibrance. I’m new to this drug so I find related posts to be of great interest.
Take care,
Thank you all for your input,😍
Great news on your scan! I agree with the others. Talk to your doctor about modifying the strength or the dosing schedule before just dropping something that is working.
So happy for you!
who has had good results on Ibrance 5 days on and 2 off?