Yesterday my son proposed to his girlfriend and she said yes ❤️I am over the moon happy with this news. He proposed on the anniversary of their first date on the beach with their beautiful dog. Lyndsey loves the ocean so it was the perfect place for Alex to propose. She was totally shocked which was even better. It’s so nice to have some good news for a change. ❤️
Good news: Yesterday my son proposed to... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Good news

Oh my gosh, this photo and story warm my heart! (And my son's name is Alex so I extra relate!). Such truly wonderful news! Thank you for so much for sharing, I needed that! (BTW, they're both gorgeous, to boot! Icing on the cake!)
I’m glad it could brighten your day. It sure brightened mine. They are both cuties. ❤️
That is such great news!! Congrats to the happy couple and of course to all the families 🎉❤️
Thanks for sharing. Always good to have positive news!!
Great news!
I definitely have something to aim for. She was so excited ❤️
That’s such wonderful news! They look so happy. Congratulations!!
That’s great news! Look forward to the wedding❤️
Oh my God. Congratulations. This is excellent for your family ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Congratulations! They both look so happy! What a perfect place for your son to propose - very romantic! It definitely gives you something to look forward to. 🎉
It really does.
Hi Sarah,
I’m so happy for you and your family! What wonderful news. I hope Alex and Lyndsey will be very happy together.
Sophie 💐
Thank you Sophie ❤️
Congratulations! Very happy & exciting news! ❤
Cangrats! 🎊
Wonderful news! Congratulations!
Beautiful story. And ohhhhh. The pic!
Congratulations to you and your family ! ...and a delightful picture to capture the moment ! 💕
What a beautiful couple. Much happiness to both. Now, you have lots of planning to do.
Blessings to all, Hannah
I will try to be the good mother in law and not be bossy. Lol
Oh congratulations! Happy to hear about your son's proposal!
Yes, congratulations so nice to know your loved one has someone. They are a darling couple and you are doing partaking in a wedding. Happy Days!
Congratulations🎉What a cute couple!!
So delightful to hear happy news! Such a beautiful couple. Congratulations to them and to the families.
Wonderful news! Congratulations 💕💐🎈🥰
I love this photo.. Love the look on your son's face. That is one happy and rightfully proud man, with the equally as happy woman. Well Done.
Thank you for sharing your joy with us..
We join with you.. as you have so many responses showing that you and your son, have
given us joy today too.
Thank you so much for your comment. It means the world to me. Alex is madly in love as is Lyndsey.
Love is AMAZING ❤️... I’m wishing the best always
That would be amazing. Although I may have to be content with the fur grandkids. Lol
This is lovely news and such a nice happy photo you shared! So happy for you and your family. Wishing you all the best! Faith
Wow, such lovely news. They look a very happy couple. I’m sure you will make a fabulous mother-I’m-law.
It brought back memories... my second engagement ( I was widowed in 2007) was in 2015 whilst we were at Cusco, Peru, the girls at work misunderstood Cusco & thought I’d got engaged in Cost Co 🤣
Jo xx
Lol. Good engagement story
Hi Jo,
That's so funny! At least you didn't get engaged in a town that sounds like IKEA! It's always fun reminiscing about happy times.
Sophie x
Sorry didn't see this earlier. Very nice! Lots of planning now. You are right it is good to have some good news for a change.
Cheers, June S.
Your son looks totally in love! I’m so glad you got such wonderful news. It really gives you a boost after bad news and Covid and everything else. Hugs, Elaine
Thank you Elaine. The picture really tells the tale. ❤️
Congratulations to them. They look so happy. ❤️