Going for my first CT since being on ... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Going for my first CT since being on iBrance for 3 months

Khoya95 profile image
56 Replies

Hi all

I am extremely scared and worried about the ct. I am not usually this sad or down but today seems very bad in every way. I feel hopeless about everything including my partner, my career for no reason.

I am going to do some yoga to feel better. I need all your love and prayers. Thank you.

UPDATE: Got my results, it is really good. Have a 50% reduction in the size of my tumor. Thank you all for the love, prayers and hugs. So grateful for this space.

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Khoya95 profile image
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56 Replies
Claireperth profile image

You will be 🙂 fine!

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to Claireperth

Yes. Thank you. Just got my result. There is about a 50% reduction in my tumor. My body is responding well to the medicine. Yaay!

Mumberly profile image
Mumberly in reply to Khoya95

that’s great news!! I’m so happy for you.

I will be in your position in a month when I have my first scan since starting ibrance in September.

Enjoy the fresh outlook that comes in the wake of making it to the better side of a stressful situation.



Totheriver profile image
Totheriver in reply to Khoya95

that is awesome

Chef50 profile image
Chef50 in reply to Khoya95

That is awesome news

Trissh profile image
Trissh in reply to Khoya95

Amazing! Enjoy your great news! Celebrate!

Tmbj profile image

Scan anxiety we all get it I'm sure you will be fine 🤗 sending hugs and positive energy your way xx im waiting for my CT and MRI results which I will get on Thursday so I totally understand how you feel xx hopefully your yoga has calmed you xx 🤗🤗🤗

Aprilfoolz1 profile image
Aprilfoolz1 in reply to Tmbj

Tmbj, we are here for you , too - in your pocket as you wait for results . Let us know how it goes!

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to Aprilfoolz1

Tmbj and Aprilfoolz1 I got my result. It's pretty good. There is a 50% reduction in my tumor. Thank you all for your love and prayers. I hope and pray we all get good news. 💕

Aprilfoolz1 profile image

We are here , with you , in your pocket while you have these scans . Scananxiety is real and we all understand . First scan you are looking for stable disease and that the meds have kept things from growing larger . If the scans show cancer areas are smaller that will be amazing , but stable is also amazing ! 3 months isn't a long time for the meds to work but it's important info. Let us know how it goes and when you will have results .

My cancer center allows me to choose music which is helpful to me as I can focus on the lyrics (I choose Foo Fighters as they are my favorite band !) . I'm 58 and for my first scan I think it surprised the techs as they expected me to choose soothing music ;) I also wear lucky socks :) Now the techs expect it :)

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to Aprilfoolz1

Thanks a lot for this reply. I read it today morning before the scan and felt warm. 💜

The results just came and it's good. It's almost half gone. I shall listen to Foo Fighters today. Keep being the amazing person you are.

Aprilfoolz1 profile image
Aprilfoolz1 in reply to Khoya95

Fantastic ! That is a great result :) it is amazing how much of a relief it is to get the scans done and know that the treatment is working . Thank you so much for the update .

AvidBooklover profile image

Breathe deeply...seriously...been there...worried....and one day realized it was always not the best use of my time!

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to AvidBooklover

Yes yes. Got good results. Thank you.

BritSammy profile image

scan anxiety is awful. I had scans two weeks ago and I was waking up in the middle of the night worrying. Thank God the results showed the cancer is getting smaller so responding. I too am on Ibrance 100mg. Pray for peace. 🙏🏾

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to BritSammy

Hey, mine too. Just got the results . Yaay, let's keep up the fierce fight.

Smokeyd profile image

Hi, sending prayers for good results on your scan. I remember feeling very sad and anxious at the beginning of this MBC journey (coming on a year) so know you are not alone. I have been much better since belonging to this group. It helps to feel not so alone and be able to ask questions from women who have the same experiences. And most importantly to hear of women who have been MBC for a very long time which brings so much hope for our own future. This is an amazing group of supportive women ❤️ that I am so thankful to belong to and I'm sure you will find helpful too! Wishing you all the best and sending prayers.🙏

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to Smokeyd

Yes. Reading all your replies really helped me calm and feel good. The scan went fine and just got the results. It's good! The tumor has reduced considerably about half the size. This group is awesome and am glad to be here. 💜

Smokeyd profile image
Smokeyd in reply to Khoya95

Great news, so happy for you! Prayers answered 🙏

bikebabe profile image

unfortunately it’s a necessary evil and stressful because of that. Try to see it as a good thing because the results help determine the right treatment for you and there are quite a few of these nowadays for breast cancer and more coming on line all the time. Situation much better now than 10 yrs ago even for TNN and Her2. .These pill based meds palbo etc allow me to do the things I enjoy so much more than horrible chemo. My onco just said to think of it as yet another chronic disease to live with (I have several) and that they would just try other treatments when one starts to fail. Maybe there will be a super cure down the road - just got to enjoy life as much as possible to get to that point.

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to bikebabe

True. You said it so well. Medicines like Palbociclib have made our lives such easier unlike how it was with chemo. I will try and reset my attitude to perceiving scans as a road to better health. Thank you so much. 💖

bikebabe profile image
bikebabe in reply to Khoya95

You’re allowed to be anxious. Most of us are and I would be lying if I said I’m ok about it as I have my moments of anxiety and desperation. But i find it just takes the edge off the anxiety to think there might be a ‘useful’ aspect to this horrible experience.

LibraryGeek profile image

Scans are scary but Ibrance is a very effective drug and I am sure your results will be good.

Jackie x

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to LibraryGeek

They are. The results just came and it's really good. 💕✨

Phillipians4and6 profile image

it’s ok to be nervous. It happens to all of us near scan time. Just hold on to your HOPE and Pray about it. Philippians 4:6 is great scripture for such a time. It has really helped me the past three years.

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to Phillipians4and6

I shall look at the scripture. Thank you 💓 Got the results and it's good.

love2golfwell profile image

I am praying that your scan goes well and that you receive good results. Scanxiety is something we all experience. The unknown is scary. I think yoga is the perfect thing to do to release your fears and calm you. Try to think positive thoughts and know that you are not alone. Sending hugs.

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to love2golfwell

Thank you. Hugs to you too. I got good results. Hoping the best for all of us. 💜💙

love2golfwell profile image
love2golfwell in reply to Khoya95

I am so glad you had good results! That is awesome. Hope these meds continue to work for you.

Mimiholl profile image

Dear khoya,

It’s all natural your feelings, and going through what you’ve been through compounds everything. Ibrance makes you fatigued and combined with worries etc, it can get you down . You have a right to have your feelings it’s a heck of a detour in your life, that you didn’t ask for. . I’ve been on it almost 6 years and I’m so thankful there is this miracle drug, and bless the researchers, and those trial patients and of course our Drs. It will get better I’m not saying you won’t have what I call pity parties, but we are still going ! I’ve had to go off it for various reasons(surgery, low blood counts) and I actually feel nervous then because I feel like I’ve lost my lifeline.

Take care do what you can, My big thing was getting over my now white thin short hair, but I’ll take it over the alternative. I was a fabulous blonde with thick hair that people envied and I had a good run with it for 65 years. I just hate when people think my husband is my son,🤣🤣

Take heart, My friends all pray for me when I have my scans( now every 6 months not 3) and I can feel surrounded by love while I’m being scanned(probably sounds nutty)


Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to Mimiholl

Your reply made me feel good and also cracked up a little. Thank you for sharing this. I am also under trial here as the medicine was otherwise unaffordable for me here in India. Yes, i am grateful to the initial trial patients, doctors and researches, everyday. And it's not at all nutty, i also love being loved and cared for. We do need that. 💓💜

Totheriver profile image
Totheriver in reply to Mimiholl

when did they switch you ton6 months?

Gingerann1 profile image

Khoya, it is so natural that you feel that way. Those early months are the hardest I think to deal with all this, especially since it was not long after your first diagnosis that you are dealing with this. I had seven years before my BC also spread to my left lung. As hard as it is to be patient for the meds to work, in March after 15 months on Ibrance and Fulvestrant my scans showed “no evidence of metastatic disease” referred to as NED or remission. I will remain on my same meds until something changes which hopefully will be a long while. This gives me such hope which is hard to feel at times.

Stay strong and know that you have so many of us fighting with you. So many new meds are in the pipeline that show such promise to not only fight this but cure it. Big warm hug to you. You are not alone.

mbashura profile image

Cancer does not have a chance you because you got this covered!

Khoya95 profile image

Thanks a lot. I am so glad to read that you are on remission. It gives me a lot of hope. Here is praying and hoping for full normalcy for you in good time. 💜

Yes the research is promising. In the coming futures, life will be hopefully much easier for cancer fighters.

mariootsi profile image

Sending many prayers And Love. We all can relate! Let us know your results !

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to mariootsi

Got good results. Half of my tumor has reduced. Thank you for all the prayers and love.

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to Khoya95

Awesomely wonderful!

Totheriver profile image

Hope and pray all goes well for you💕

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to Totheriver

It did go well. Half of my tumor has reduced. Thank you a lot.

PJBinMI profile image

I'm so glad to hear you got such great results! 50% reduction in 3 months is very promising! How we feel, not emotions but how our bodies feel is often an even better indicator than scans, not med side effects, but what our bodies can tell us about the cancer. And it's true that alot of us are living longer than in the past. I was diagnosed with denovo MBC in March, 2004, over 18 years ago, and am on just third line treatment. I've had bone mets only for the first 15 years. I remember being nervous about scans early on, but not so much any more. I just want scans to tell us anything we need to know for treatment decisions, I've met quite a few women who've lived 15, 20 and even 30 years since first MBC diagnosis.

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to PJBinMI

Thank you for sharing this. Makes me feel very reassured about life in itself. I am from India, and here people perceive cancer as something inescapable or of immediate death. So, news like these mean a lot. 🌻

ba5083 profile image

So happy your scans came back with good results. Were you taking any hormone suppressing meds?

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to ba5083

Yes. I am in a clinical trial which is testing some hormone suppressing oral tablets along with Palbociclib. I am taking Camizestrant or Anastrazole.

Dragonfighter profile image

Much love to you. I know how your feel, I am on Ibrance and letrozole, two and a half years. I feel good and that I am doing well but scans are scary. I won't tell you not to worry because that is impossible. I think yoga is a very good idea, I use an exercise bike daily and it helps me control anxiety, Best wishes to you.

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to Dragonfighter

Yes, I am also trying to build a regular exercise routine. My scan results came and they are good. Half of tumor has reduced.

DorisGarrett profile image

I have scans Friday. I’ve been on Ibrance and letrozole for 7 1/2 years. I’m extremely blessed but I still get very anxious too. Praying you get good results!

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to DorisGarrett

I hope you get good results too. I did. Thank you and much love.

Liessie profile image
Liessie in reply to DorisGarrett

wow 71/2 years, that made me feel so good , I am 2 years , you have gave me so much hope , Thankyou , wishing you a lovely Christmas and a very happy 2023,

Liessie profile image
Liessie in reply to DorisGarrett

good luck with your scan results , 👍

Kcap430 profile image

Everyone of the feelings you were feeling we have all felt and still feel for the most part prior to scans. It’s ok!! Vent it out here…we get it!

Also doing a happy dance for your remarkable results! Now get to living!💕

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to Kcap430

Yass. 💃💃

embrace28 profile image

Wow!! 50% reduction is an amazong result especially you just got it for 3 months!! We are claiming you will be in remission next!!! Thanks be to God!

Khoya95 profile image
Khoya95 in reply to embrace28

Hoping the same for all of us. Much much love

Apes63 profile image

Fantastic news - I am so pleased for you x

Hotlantaphatz profile image

fantastic update!

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