Hi all! First, I want to thank everyone for their wonderful advice on starting Faslodex injections and getting through the fear of the unknown, and dealing with the shots. So far, so good, no pain and the shots seem to be easy. I had a rash on my behind after the second set of shots, but no rash today after the third loading dose set. So far it's been 4 weeks since I started Faslodex and my tumor markers jumped up 48 points YIKES.....which is a little unnerving. Anyone else have their tumor markers go up after starting Faslodex/Fulvestrant? My doctor said I shouldn't worry, that she has seen many people's markers go up the first few months after starting Faslodex. I'm just wondering if anyone else on this board has had that happen, and then later had them go down? I think some real life stories might give me more relief! Take care all, thanks for any advice!!
Faslodex loading doses done, third se... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Faslodex loading doses done, third set of shots today and tumor markers up.

I started Faslodex so long ago that I don't remember how long it took for the tumor markers to stop rising but something to keep in mind is that things besides cancer progression can cause tumor markers to rise. Plus they don't work for everyone. Those are among the reasons that some oncs don't use them at all! They can be misleading plus they can cause us unnecessary worry. Some with MBC never have elevated TMs, some have numbers in the hundreds and even the thousands. I'm a long timer--18 + years-- and only on third line treatment but my tumor markers have only been in the normal range for a few months and have been over 100 and even in the 200 s for the last few years but I'm considered to be doing well. My first old wise beloved onc just used them to indicate when scans would be a good idea after the first couple of years of treatment. My current, second, younger and not as wise onc doesn't pay much attention to them and Ive stopped asking what they are!
Thank you! You have put my mind at ease. Part of me always wants to just ignore the markers, but I know that my doctor is watchful of them since I have lobular and lobular is very hard to see on any scans whether it be PET or CT or MRI. I just started Faslodex 4 weeks ago, and I'm feeling fine, so I will just ignore them for now. Take care!
I just started on Faslodex in June this is my 4th line of treatment. My tumor marker went up after the first treatment. The second treatment it went down by 9 and on the third treatment it went down 25 that month. I just had bloodwork done yesterday and it went down again 4. Be patient and the very best of luck to you
Thank you, it gives me hope to hear it can go up before going down. It gets tiring when things start to go wrong and changes in treatment have to happen,,,,,,and of course it all takes time and patience. I appreciate your input greatly. Take care, and I hope you continue to see your numbers go down.