Hi ladies. I have a question. I have been on ibrance and faslodex shots for 60 months. Well today I had scans which were stable but my tumor markers started creeping up a few month ago. They are now at 38 and my doctor said I might have to change meds. I just don’t get it if my scans are stable but the tumor markers are rising what could be happening. Has this happened to anyone else. Thanks so much. Much love. Marianne
Ibrance : Hi ladies. I have a question... - SHARE Metastatic ...

Thanks so much
First of all, congratulations on 70 months!! My doctor says they look at the overall picture, considering symptoms, tumor markers and scans. He doesn't make a decision based just on the tumor marker. My numbers do fluctuate and they look at the overall trend.
My rising tumor markers turned out to be my lobular cancer in my stomach lining. I knew they meant something but my onc wasn’t convinced. Many months later my family doctor ordered an endoscopy thinking I had an ulcer. My stomach lining was full of tumors and they don’t show up on a scan because they are internal. Not fun. Trust your gut and ask for tests. Good luck!
My doctor pays no attention to the numbers. They can vary from time to time and mean nothing. I have lost 55lbs. which is good. I had it to lose and maybe it is just me. It has slowed on Verzenio which I have tolerated very well. Hope this helps.
Cheers, June S.
What kind of scan? Different scans miss or capture different things.
Mine were discovered with PET/CT with contrast.
I missed that. Wow, 60 months, that is fantastic. Personally, for me I hated the Ibrance and on my week off of it, I was the sickest I have ever been. Tried for three months and then switched over to Verzenio, and also falsodex injections. If you have been on that combo for 60 months, you should be happy and not worry about anything then but enjoy the present. I think that is the longest period of time I have seen someone post that they have been on it.
Yes I have been lucky on 75mg of ibrance and faslodex shots. What I don’t understand is that my scans were stable but my tumor markers have gone from 28 to 38 in about a year. She is concerned about that. Thoughts?
Hi I will just share my experience with you in regards to this. My TM’s trended up for about a year. My scans were stable. Then one day I get a call my TM’s jumped about 20 points and actually I had just had a stable scan. The nurse asked me to go have another CT scan so by the time They scheduled it was probably around a month from the last one. Also I will say my TM’s have always been accurate. But yes the ct scan showed I had more liver Mets. I was so sad. I was looking so forward for spring but instead I had my meds changed from Ibrance to Piqray & just have recently completed the y90 treatment. I was on Ibrance for 3.5 years and I didn’t experience to many bad side effects but this Piqray I absolutely hate to put in my mouth. I’m trying real hard. I just hope I can adjust to it. I don’t want to eat. I got the rash. My sugar went up to 306. It’s been bad.
We all are different. Hoping the very best for you. 🥰
Are you talking about CA-15-3? The normal range for CA-153 is less than 32 yours is 38 which is slightly more than 32. My mom has been diagnosed 15 months ago and her tumor marker went from 12 to 21.6. Her doctor is not concerned. She said she would be concerned if they raise in triples and more but for 10 units during 1 year???I’ve been researching a lot since mom’s diagnose ,tumor markers can raise even with little inflammation in your body or if you take vitamins before the test that could also slightly raise your tumor marker.