Hi, I’ve been on Lbrance and letrezole since last Oct and found this group really helpful thank you. I have read green tea extract can disrupt the effectiveness of Lbrance. Is the same true of black tea and coffee? I loved green tea and coffee but have recently switched to decaf with the occasional real one! I would be interested to hear if anybody knows anything about white tea, black tea and coffee. Thank you
Does Coffee and Tea affect Lbrance wo... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Does Coffee and Tea affect Lbrance working?

Only grapefruit interacts with Ibrance....it would say in the leaflet if there was a problem
Barb xx
Coffee and tea are fine, and that includes green tea. Green tea extract (supplemental form) should be avoided simply because the level is far greater than you could consume by drinking. It can damage the liver at levels that high. That’s why supplements should be avoided or monitored closely by your doctor.
Enjoy your coffee and tea! 😋
Thank you for taking time to reply. That’s really helpful. I had wondered and was hoping it was the ‘extract’ rather than tea in general.
I've been on Ibrance for 28 months (and am in remission at this time), and I drink hot tea in the winter and iced tea in the summer. No problems!
I found out recently that Pomegranate reacts with Ibrance in the same way as grapefruit so please avoid it too. Xx
I drink black tea and have not been told to stop. I think grapefruit causes issues.
I am one of those weirdo's that doesn't drink coffee or tea. Grapefruit is a no no and I have heard that promegrante is a no no too. I did check it on one of the drug checkers and it stated that it is not a good mix. Blessings, Hannah
Thank you, yes I’d heard about the pomegranate to. I like to drink the green tea with toasted rice which takes away the bitterness. I get it from a small independent tea shop in Norfolk.
Hello! I drink mainly decaf tea and decaf coffee at home , but have the odd ‘normal’ one when out . I had hot flushes from Letrozole in my early months and caffeine can be a trigger , so I cut back . After more than 2 1/2 years on Ibrance /Letrozole ( I am stable and doing well so far) I now rarely get hot flushes , but still watch caffeine intake / spicy food , which can trigger them .
I occasionally have a green tea but find many of them bitter too . I only steep them for a couple of minutes and sometimes have added honey if bitter . I avoid green tea 6 hours before bedtime and try and have it between meals , as there is a compound in it that can affect the absorption of iron and other minerals . My fav one at the moment is “China Jasmine”(green tea and jasmine , which has a lovely fragrance) .I buy online from Amazon T2tea . I haven’t ever tried green tea with toasted rice ? x 🍵
Hi, Thank you for your helpful reply, especially about affecting the absorption of iron - it’s a minefield! It’s always inspiring to hear people who have been on the treatment for several years. Thank you for also mentioning jasmine tea that has been something I keep meaning to buy I like the gentle fragrance of that too. The toasted rice tea is called Gen Mai Cha. I buy it loose from a little independent shop in Holt Norfolk called The Tea Caddy. I know they post out as well. Thank you X
I drink coffee and tea every day. I am on Ibrance.
Early on I went to see a leading integrated oncologist affiliated with a major medical center. He recommended green tea as it may have mild anti-cancer properties. But he said not supplements due to liver issues.
My regular oncologist at the time, at the same hospital, rolled her eyes about the anti cancer properties but didn’t say to not drink it other than too much caffeine might interfere with sleep.
Hi, I drink lots of black and white tea and one form or another. It’s usually a mixture of fruits or with certain flowers. My stepdaughter owns a tea room and supplies me with numerous flavoured teas. I also drink coffee but make it quite milky. I must admit over the 18 months since starting Letrozole and Ibrance I haven’t noticed any difference by drinking the teas. I find them quite relaxing at times. I’ve also had green tea but it isn’t one of my chosen teas. Of course everyone is different but I hope this helps.
Take care
Thank you Cheryl. Lovely your daughter has a tea room. Perfect to experiment! I’m still having green tea and have found a nice decaf coffee and the occasional caffeinated one. Best wishes, Jo
My oncologist and nutritionist said not to drink green tea while on Ibrance because it is an antioxidant. The people at Pfizer never said this, they only said to stay away from Pomegrante, Grapefruit and Seville oranges. Pfizer has a medical information department that you could possibly call to ask this question. Good luck!