this month marks the 5 year mets diagnosis. while it might not be 'healthy' to recall the date of diagnosis, this brain does, until it doesn't. this scan, on 30 June, was the 'important milestone,' representing the 5 year 'typical' prognosis, which includes PFS w/Ibrance. this scan, along with priors, have indicated stable, NEAD (beginning in 2016). i celebrate this news, as this is all i know to be true; i believe all we have is this day, the present. because i am human, scanxiety and challenges from procedures and treatment side effects/collateral damage exist, which remind me that the body was diagnosed with an "incurable" dis-ease. wishing you peace. wishing you love. wishing you joy.
fIVe year thrIVer: this month marks the... - SHARE Metastatic ...
fIVe year thrIVer

Thank you. I needed this reminder to “have this day” as I face a third treatment change in 6 weeks. Forward, looking forward.
It's posts like this that give me the hope I need. The hope that I'll see high school & college graduations, the hope that I'll see my children become adults, the hope that I'll one day be a grand-parent.
And I do think it's healthy to recall the date of diagnosis. My little girl was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 8 years ago at age 9. We celebrate her "diaversary" every year. I don't think of it as the day she was given a lifelong diagnosis, I think of it as the day her life was saved ❤️
Congratulations on 5 years and I look forward to seeing your 10 year post in 2025 💕
Congratulations on 5 years!!! That’s wonderful news! 🥳💐🎶🎂🎈🙏❤️🙏🌈!!!
Congratulations 🎈🎊🎉
Your post gives hope to everyone dealing with this nasty disease
Virtual hugs
Congratulations on 5 years ...hope you have many more ! x🦋🧡
HOPE is what you have just gifted us! Congratulations on your 5th anniversary. We share in your joy as we too look forward to celebrating 5 years someday🙏
Thanks for sharing your anniversary. Five years is something to celebrate, here’s to the next 5, 10,15 years and more.🙌❤️🙌❤️🙌
Congrats! I know I’ll be excited a year from now when I hit that mark...I think it’s party worthy! 😀💕🎉
Congratulations 👏 👏 👏
Congratulations 🎈 and I hope you many more! Celebrate! 5 years is something truly to celebrate!!!
God bless and happy for you-great news!🙏🌹
So wonderful to read your post on this day of celebration!! These messages provide hope for ALL OF US! 💗💗
Incurable maybe but manageable!
I too embrace each new day I get to spend on earth. Congratulations for your 5 year milestone!
Thank you so much for sharing!! Five years and NEAD? That's amazing and an inspiration to so many! Wishing you many more!! Lynn
Fantastic news. It is always nice to hear good news of longevity to give us all hope. Thank you
Clare x
Wishing you peace and love! Congratulations on 5 years and I pray you have many more!
Your story gives me hope.
Thank you for sharing a hopeful post. It was just what I needed today after receiving news that my CA 27-29 marker has topped 200 and my liver enzymes are wacko. So this is a breath of fresh air. Thank you.
Well done. Are you still on Ibrance and did your hair loss eventually settle with bew regrowth. I am on cycle 6 and i shed loads, this is bringing me down.
thank you. it's consistent work, for me. i am still taking Ibrance 75mg; on 14 days, off 14 days. additionally, Anastrozole 1 mg daily and 1 mg Lupron injection quarterly. this head shed much hair when first starting Ibrance. i remember feeling upset. then, the excess shedding stopped. the hair continues to grow and be healthy. i hope for your hair to stop excessive shedding and grow in healthy.
Thanks. I take 125mg 3 weeks on 1 week off. Were you started on this regime from the start?
started with Ibrance 175mg for a couple months, then went to 125mg for a couple months. started on Letrozole and switched to Anastrozole, also. if i recall, by the end of 2015/beginning of 2016 i was on the lowest doses of Ibrance and Anastrozole, and quarterly injections instead of monthly. the Ibrance dosage to 14/14 changed at at the end of 2017 or beginning of 2018? this body is sensitive to medication, and was having sinusitis and 'intolerable' (to me) side effects. i was willing to find balance while continuing an integrative approach to health and wellness.
Hello ! I am on the same dose Ibrance as yourself hair thinned quite a bit for the first 8 cycles , but less so after ( 33 cycles now ). I had my hair styled shorter , highlighted and a few layers put in to give it more depth . I hope yours does too . x
Does new hair keep on coming out though?
yes, this head is growing new hair.
My hair loss is not noticeable now as before , when my brush would be full , or my shower. My fine straight hair grows quite quickly now , but the texture is much drier and wavy on the ends , so I normally have it trimmed often ( except during the lockdown ! ) x
Glad to hear of the 5 years. This gives me hope and thanks for sharing.
Hugs for youThis made me happy to read
Settles my mind alot
makes this heart happy to know that this post made you happy and settles the mind. may you be at ease.