Hi Everyone! Against all odds I have been enjoying my 6 week visit to Nz! Just 3 weeks prior I was hospitalised for bilateral blood clots in my legs and scary pulmonary embolism.. with the help of supportive oncologist here in Nz and in USA… see below…
Six weeks in New Zealand!: Hi Everyone... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Six weeks in New Zealand!

I have decided to take a break from Enhertu to concentrate on handling the ascites which requires weekly paracentesis (4-5 litres) is all I can handle right now. Amazingly, the thing I am enjoying the most are my daily swims with my husband and 2 BFFs. We swim pretty hard along the shore for about 30 mins. This is remarkable because walking around is not fun with 10lbs fluid on board. I feel 8 months prego.
We are sharing a lovely beach front home on Onetangi Beach- one of the most lovely beaches on waiheke island. But today I woke up feeling terrible.. acid tummy… my poor hubby stays with me and missed out on the 6 mile hike past many gorgeous bays… he is really been thr most supportive husband.. obviously I could not be here with out the maximum help of my husband Rick and BFFs Dan and Cindy. One highlight was when my daughter and partner and his 2 identical twins came to visit. We had a big almost wedding party with 40 kiwi friends!
And can you believe we got the call that our son and DIL had our first grandson! We got to announce to all our friends to a very loud cheer! We waited 10 years for this! So happy… born in Bern Switzerland… not sure if I will be well enough to go visit any time soon. In more exciting news.. I just heard from the director of the proposed Billboard Moive… and although Hallmark passed… she now is working with Lifetime…. Stay turned! And thanks for reading along… just one more week here in paradise.. we leave on St Patrick’s Day and start back on Enhertu the next day.
Dear Bettybuckets----As usual, you manage to keep the cancer shit in abeyance while you carry on with your life, filled with exciting adventures. Here's to you! XXX OOO
Oh wow, you have been through so much. So happy you could enjoy your 6 weeks there. Also congratulations on your new little grandson💕. He is adorable. Hopefully you can see him soon. If you can’t go there hopefully they can come to you. Love and prayers to you❤️🙏. Theresa
Great to hear about your new grandson and I hope the enhertu boosts you enough to make that trip to Switzerland. And sorry to hear about the ascites - swimming does have that advantage of feeling weightless. Hope you continue to thrive and bring rays of positivity and sunshine into our lives.
Just got some bad news today myself. This is so inspiring. I'm so happy for you.
Congratulations on the birth of your grandson!!So happy that you're having such a wonderful time and that you have a little relief from your ascites with your daily swims.
Wishing you strength for your return trip and continuing successfully with Enhertu, and hoping that you will be able to jet out to Bern soon!
Thanks for the beautiful photos.
×× Zoe
You are so inspiring, the way you still manage to get the most out of every day and savour your blessings despite your health issues. Enjoy the rest of your holiday and hope you are feeling better soon x
NZ sounds as lovely and rejuvenating as ever. You are an inspiration to us all, an example of just putting one foot in front of the other and carrying on. I love that image of you and Rick. He sounds like a wonderful man. Congratulations on your new grandson! What happiness that must bring you. I have no doubt you will figure out a way to hold him in your arms very soon.
What a beautiful Picture Buckets of Betty. You are so beautiful. As I imagine you are inside and out. Go you good thing for getting out there and doing what you love. I’m so happy to see this beautiful photo of you, I can’t tell you.
Love Tim Tam.
So happy you were able to enjoy your time in New Zealand with family and friends despite the health issues. You are an inspiration. Also, congratulations on your beautiful grandson! What a blessing. We have a 5 month old grandson that is also our first. We have been making trips every 2 months to see him. I hope you will feel well enough to visit your grandson soon. Best wishes to you on your treatments when you get back to the states. Sending you hugs and prayers.
Congratulations Betty on your precious grandson!! You are really a strong thriver, I know what it's like to deal with health issues while traveling and I plan on being in New Zealand in June for my birthday to stay with some wonderful friends I made when we lived there. I'm going with my sister-in-law and she will be a support to me for the just in case (two cancers at the same time). I look up to you and I know it can be hard to be drained like that constantly kind of being on dialysis. I don't know how you do 30 minutes of hard swimming especially in the ocean. Oh you and your hubby have such wonderful blue eyes!! It's such a lovely picture of you two together. Your traveling inspires me to do the same since traveling was my late husband and mine's life. And I don't want cancer to steal that joy from me. Do you worry Betty about the acsites, is it painful? I know it's heavy until you get drained. How many rough days have you had? I have pneumonitis right now due to the cancer treatments and looks like I will still have the issue when I leave in two weeks for a cruise with my Bff of 48 years and it's her birthday that week. Congratulations again to such an adorable little one!! What is his name if you don't mind my asking? I am glad another movie channel is going to pick up your story, it's such a great legacy to have Betty! Can I get your autograph? Lol. Hugs 🤗🤗 and love, Alicia
You are very strong despite everything. And you have the loving support of family and friends. And yes, you are beautiful and your grandson is super cute. Congratulations!
Congratulations on everything! You are an inspiration!
Congratulations on a few events like your daily swims, traveling to NZ and having a grandson! Your post was very inspiring and speaks to the resevoir of strength that we possess but often don't know how to access it. Thank you for sharing!!
Hi Bettybuckets, I know I haven't yet responded to your other message to me but I am so happy to hear of your wonderful time in NZ, to see these beautiful photos, and a big congratulations for the birth of your grandson! That is very exciting!
I'm thrilled for you that you've successfully taken this treatment break, been able to manage the ascites and enjoy those fabulous swims! I'm just a tad jealous lol. I've been doing well on the study I joined but the ascites itself, not so much! I've had quite a bit of stress trying to book the procedure in a timely fashion (and getting around weekends!) because it had to keep being moved forwards
Originally I went 10 days between #1 and #2, then it was switched to 7 days for #3, 5 days to #4, and then another 5 days to #5! Getting between 4.5 - 5 litres each time which has really been messing with my ability to eat and have it move through me as well. Now today I found out my neutrophils have dropped to 500 so I miss out on the 4th week of my treatment, and might not be allowed to have the para done that's booked for this Friday due to risk of infection. Have your legs swelled at all with the ascites? My feet and lower legs started a week ago so Thursday I'm getting an ultrasound to check for blood clots. It's been an interesting ride for sure! The worst is, if the ascites doesn't show a clear slowing by next week they now want to put in a catherter - so there will go my swimming opportunity. Bwaaahhhh!
Just wanted to catch you up because our current stories are pretty aligned but I do wish you the best time ever for your final week in NZ and a safe flight back to the US. xx
Bettybuckets, you are so amazing. I love to hear about New Zealand it sounds so lovely. You are an inspiration on how you live life to the fullest. It is wonderful to know you even if it’s just online. Congratulations on your new grand baby. I hope you get to enjoy much more time with him. Love from, Kate from Alabama
You are such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your journey. You have helped me, and I'm sure many others, immensely.