Phew! : Had my 4 monthly ct scan and... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Teddielottie profile image
33 Replies

Had my 4 monthly ct scan and feedback is that all is still stable and bloods are all good , and I’m responding well to treatment , so continuing on ibrance 125mg/ Letrozole. I was told I was as healthy as can be with cancer !

I was a bit anxious as I had a bit of sciatic pain on and off on left side recently but was reassured not related , but don't know what has caused it ... but will try doing some stretches and ease it with heat pad when needed hoping it will settle down on it’s own ?!

But this is my third ct scan showing stable appearances so 🤞it continues for a long time yet until I have to switch treatment or doses . (Not yet got the copy of the radiology report , which I get my GP / doctor to print off for me )...

Very wet day here today ... dropped daughter to airport as she is away in Oslo , Norway , visiting her uni friend ...and husband and I going to a big family barbecue at brother’s house tomorrow ( better day here tomorrow ! ) so will be celebrating ! We all went to see a very funny movie yesterday ... a crime comedy called The Hustle and laughed so much ! x

Wishing you all great results 😘

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Teddielottie profile image
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33 Replies

That is brilliant news! It's such a relief to hear the words "stable" or "responding well to treatment" isn't it? It's like music to my ears.

I can understand your anxiety about the sciatic pain. It's so easy to think the worst and blame it on the cancer. But we have to remind ourselves that not everything is related to the disease. We can also get "normal people" ailments that can come and go and not cause us lasting harm.

I would try not to think about switching treatments. I did that recently with my oncologist and she didn't want to go there, as I'm doing well with my first line of treatment. I get my radiology and pathology reports printed off by my GP and store them away in my folder. I think I might need a new folder soon!

It sounds like you have plenty to celebrate. I hope the grotty weather passes. It started out nice first thing, didn't it?

Have a great weekend!


Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to

Thank you and I wish you every success with both the conventional and the COC protocol etc . I haven’t yet taken any supplements at all but will be starting on a bisphosphonate with Adcal vit D / calcium as a preventative measure . But I haven’t ruled out anything else for the future ...x

in reply to Teddielottie

You're welcome. I wish you well with the bisphosponates and the Adcal D3. You might feel a bit achy a day or two afterwards, but I find that ibuprofen helps with that. I wish you all the best too! x

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to

I will be taking Iasibon 50mg ( ibandronic acid ) which is a bisphosphonate , just one tablet a day , on wakening . I haven’t seen anyone on here yet taking it ? (Most take Zometa or Xgeva )

in reply to Teddielottie

No, I've not heard of that before either. I take zometa every 12 weeks. Perhaps you will not get any side effects from the treatment. It sounds good to just take a tablet rather than have an infusion.

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to

I have to take it first thing in the morning on empty stomach with full glass water but have to stay upright ( sitting or standing ) for an hour after to prevent it irritating the gullet and not eat for an hour after ! So a new morning routine ! ...It says it has to be taken for at least 6 months before it has its maximum effect but can be taken longer if working well for you . But still have to watch out for jaw osteonecrosis risks as in the other bisphosphonates

in reply to Teddielottie

I hope you soon get into a routine with it, and that it does its job.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Teddielottie

I think I’d rather have an injection every month than faff about with those tablets and having to stand them wait to have breakfast

Barb xx

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to Barbteeth

Yes a bit of a faff but one less hospital visit ... I will take one as soon as up with water and then have breakfast an hour later ... usually have a few dog chores to do ... how are your pain meds working ? x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Teddielottie

I guess it’s just a new routine to get into

The 5mcg patch didn’t work so my GP gave me a 10 mcg patch which is a bit better but I think I’ll need even stronger as I’m still taking other meds as well..nuisance to say the least!!

Barb xx

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to Barbteeth

How much stronger can they prescribe ? I hope you soon see some benefit x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Teddielottie

Up to 40 mg but I think 20 will be sufficient as I don’t want to be zoned out

Barb xx

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to Barbteeth

Hope you get relief soon. As with all meds it's about proper doses for our individual needs.

Maludagui profile image

Good news 🙏❤️ yeah. No worry you are a warrior 🎀💕

Teddielottie profile image

Thank you! And hope you continue to get great results too ! ...

I saw a nurse / consultant for the first time yesterday ( tho’ my regular onc was seeing other patients in the next room ) ... my husband ( who goes to all my scan feedback sessions with me ) said he thought it was because of my continued stable results , so it was a good sign ?! ...My next appointment is in 4 months time ... just before Xmas !!

Any advice on mild sciatic pain ...or will it resolve itself in time ? x

in reply to Teddielottie

Great news. Stable is my new favourite word.

Does your sciatic pain come and go, or is it there all the time?

If it comes and goes, think what position you were in, or what you were doing before it came on. Sciatic pain is the sciatic nerve being pinched or inflamed. Follow Sophie’s advice about taking Ibuprofen to help the inflammation. Keep moving as well. Sitting or static positions for long periods exacerbate it. It should go away in time.

(I am a Physio!!). Hope this helps.

Well done on the scans.


Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to

Thanks Bella ! Wish you a similar result x

The sciatic pain comes and goes ... sometimes after a long walk or climbing stairs ...and at other times just from sitting ... tho a heat pad helps ! I have used ibuprofen occasionally . Are antibiotics any good if inflamed ?

in reply to Teddielottie

Hi there.

Antibiotics will help infection, but not inflammation.

Heat is always a good pain relief.

Sounds like a sciatic pain that will definitely improve. It may be from movement of your pelvis, or that your pelvis is a little rotated.

Nothing to worry about!

Do plenty of slow clenches of your bottom.

If you can, lie on your tummy on the bed, with 1-2 pillows underneath and do 20 slow squeezes of your bottom. This relaxes your hamstring muscles which can overwork, and allow your gluteal muscles to do some work. They are stability muscles for your back.

Try some gentle Pilates exercises to get your core stability muscles working too.

Let me know how you get on

🙂 Clare

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to

Thanks for that ... will give it a go . And I noted a few other ladies experiencing the same thing ( see below) useful advice to the group ! x

in reply to Teddielottie


How is your sciatic pain now? Any better?

Clare 😃

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to

Not too bad ...just occasional mild pain often after a walk . Doing bottom clenchers on the bed as you suggested ! Thanks for asking ! How are you ? x

in reply to Teddielottie

Glad to hear it.

Keep going with the clenches.

I’m good thanks. Just had 2 days of lots of physical activity, so feeling pleased with myself.

Clare x

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to

Seen your amazing pic! ...We will be doing similar next week on the coast of Northern Ireland ... the Giant’s Causeway and Carrick -a-Rede Rope Bridge on our list ! x

in reply to Teddielottie

Oh wow how exciting. Rope bridge!!!! And you thought the see-saw was scary!!!

Have a wonderful time. Hope the weather is good for you.

Clare x

Presence1 profile image

I have same sciatic pain in left hip . I read that the meds can irritate the bursa causing it to become inflamed. It usually resolves over time. Tylenol helps a little.

Marieleb profile image
Marieleb in reply to Presence1

So weird I have had pain on my left leg for a while too. I have been told it was not cancer related and having read a description of sciatica I had come to conclusion that is what it was... Will try Tylenol.Thanks for the tip

mariootsi profile image

So happy for your results! Continued good news!

Francesca10 profile image

So happy for you. Celebrate🎉🎉🎉it’s such great news and I pray it continues for many years to come♥️

RLN-overcomer profile image

G-r-e-a-t- news. C-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-e, but don't hurt yourself. This is why we are fighting to beat this disease, so that we can spend precious moments with our loved ones. Your post gives hope to so many sister/warriors on this website. Gods continued blessings. XoXoXoXo

Marieleb profile image

Fabulous news! Here is to the next stable months! 🍾

Julie2233 profile image

Wonderful news, what a relief! 😊

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to Julie2233

Hope your wbc soon recover so you can start on the new drugs x 🤞

Julie2233 profile image
Julie2233 in reply to Teddielottie

Thank you! 💕 Bloods on Wednesday jx

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