Gall bladder removed yesterday - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Gall bladder removed yesterday

Barbteeth profile image
56 Replies

Hi ladies

My gall bladder is gone and I have a sore tummy ...poor old me!

Have 4 holes where the laparoscopy procedure was done and it’s bruised

I feel much better off the Afinitor for a night sweats so I know which drug is the culprit...have to start it again tomorrow ugh...but on a lower dose

The surgeon informed me that he took a small liver biopsy while he was ‘in there’ which I guess might be useful to my oncologist but I was a bit shocked as I didn’t know this was being done

Just thought I’d let you know

Barb xx

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Barbteeth profile image
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56 Replies

Hi Barb, I expect your tummy is sore. I had mine taken away about 15 years ago. I have all sorts of tummy problems. Acid and heartburn. Could be because I’m overweight ha ha. Make sure you have your easy to digest foods and plenty of water. Wishing you a speedy recovery and don’t worry if you feel bloated and are full of wind. It’s the anaesthetic. Best wishes Cheryl

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Thank you Cheryl

I just hate being unwell on top of everything’ll heal so I’m the whole scheme of things it’s just a blip

Won’t be able to ride my horse for a while which is more annoying ☹️

Barb xx

in reply toBarbteeth

Nice positive vibes Barb. I’m sure your horse will understand.......bless. Feet up x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Oh he doesn’t care!!!

I’ve paid his monthly hotel bill

Barb xx

Pbsoup profile image
Pbsoup in reply toBarbteeth

Ha. Get the barn rat kids to throw him on the lunge line so he stays in shape for you!

Hope you feel better soon. What a bore to have gallbladder issues on top of everything else!

in reply toBarbteeth

LOL....Well you can still joke so that is a good sign. Funny remark.

Loriterranova profile image

Barb yes I agree they should have informed u beforehand re: taking a biopsy of your liver. But what a great idea to get a sample while u were having your cholecystectomy!!!

If u don’t mind how long have u been on the affinitor. My metastasis has progressed and I’ve been on the Ibrance 75mg/ falsodex combo for a little over a year. Having a MRI tomorrow to further visualize the lumbar and thoracic spine where it has spread. I’m assuming the afinitor might be the next med they will try. Were u on ibrance and falsodex too prior to starting afinitor?

Best, Lori

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply toLoriterranova

Hi Lori

Yes I was on the 100mg dose...just stopped working after 18 months

I’ve only had two months of the new regime....asked fo the dose to be reduced as I felt too weak but apart from that no other hideous symptoms...she did start me on the highest dose which she admitted not many patients can tolerate so I’m hoping this lower dose will be better

All the best to you...nightmare isn’t it?

Barb xx

Lolli2020 profile image
Lolli2020 in reply toLoriterranova

I was on that combo at first and there was progression - so after 6 months, my Dr changed me to Afinitor. I tolerate it better and it's doing the job much better. Still have some side effects but at least it's doing a good job.

Godbeforme profile image

glad you got it done and now on the mend! yes, I also wish they'd ask first before they take a piece of us! they ran a drug test on hubby whilst in the hospital, we were abit miffed when we saw it on the released results. I guess it's become routine with so many people lying about what they've taken. Anyway, you will feel so much better after having that bad gall bladder removed; I remember my mama saying that she felt like she had a new lease on life. you had mentioned sweating which reminded me, I haven't taken my ginger root capsules <2- 540 mg. ea.> today, I never have hot flashes when I remember to take them, which is almost everyday, thank you! God bless you, and Father God, I ask in Jesus name that you heal us all, amen. <3 xo

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply toGodbeforme

Oh I’ve not been taking mine either!!.. we’re bad girls

Thanks for your good wishes

Barb xx

Godbeforme profile image
Godbeforme in reply toBarbteeth

you're welcome :) ... I kid you not, when I don't take them I wake up at night sweating like a pig! I take them in the morning. when I started taking it, I was taking 2 three times a day, but started causing tummy issues, so now just pop the two in the morning and that seems to do the trick. laters! <3 xo

Phillipians4and6 profile image

Hang in there Barb. I hope your tummy feels better

Hi Barb,

I'm glad you have had your surgery and are now in recovery. Take the time to get lots of rest and let your husband pamper you. You deserve it. I'm sure Bugsy will miss you, but he will be fine until you are well enough to ride him again. I think I would also be surprised to learn my liver had been biopsied without my prior knowledge and consent. Hopefully it will show that the stereotactic radiotherapy worked at zapping the metastasis. The liver is able to regenerate, isn't it? Or is that the kidneys?


Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

The liver can regenerate but not sure if it’ll be scarring after radiotherapy

No I’m not being spoiled!!!

As usual I’m fending for myself

Barb xx

in reply toBarbteeth

Oh, Barb! I'm sorry to hear that you are fending for yourself. Please try to take it easy so you don't hurt yourself.

Sophie ❤

in reply toBarbteeth

I always say no one cares more about ourselves than us. So spoil yourself then. Order in food and let them know that there will be no cooking dinner for a couple of days (weeks:) and they have to fend for themselves while you recuperate.

Justme153 profile image

Glad you are done with that. Hopefully you will feel a lot better now!! I do think they should tell people what there planning but have to admit if there is something that needed checked its better to do it all in one shot. Take your horse a carrot and talk to him he will forgive you!! Take care wishing you well!!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply toJustme153

Oh thanks you said it was a good opportunity to do a biopsy but I didn’t sign for it

I did have to sign a consent form when I got my room...that my name could be on the door though!!!... bizarre ( maybe they wanted to keep the paparazzi away from me...haha)

Barb xx

Justme153 profile image
Justme153 in reply toBarbteeth

I have to tell you a story unrelated to medical crap but related to the privacy thing. My husband worked for the forestry department and was out west in California fighting wildfires. We live in Pennsylvania. So anyway he would call me by cell phone every night to let me know how things where going. So about 3 days after he had left I go to use my cell phone to call my son at college it didn't work asked the people at work if there's was working there's where. So I call our cell provider by land line to find out what is going on . They tell me they can't talk to me cause my name is not on the account. That my husband would have to call. Now I'm the one who set up the account my husband never handles any of it he would have no clue what the passwords are or anything. So I hang up waited about 15 minutes called back and this time when they said who am I speaking to I said (my husband's name) . I was able to get it all straightened out before he even knew there was a problem. Gotta love the privacy junk!!!

in reply toBarbteeth

Probably in the fine print where they use a font that is 1% so you can't really see it.

SeattleMom profile image

God bless you, Barb! Many prayers that your recovery is swift and uneventful!

XXOO Linda

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply toSeattleMom

Thanks Linda...kind of you

Barb xx

Stage4Gir profile image

Hope you’re feeling better real soon and back to riding again! In the meantime spoil yourself ;)

Tam-56 profile image


Glad your surgery is history and you are on the mend! I’ve heard how painful a gallbladder attack can be. No more worries about eating rich foods. Just think, now you can have an English Scone with your tea! Sending healing energy your way. ❤️

Teddielottie profile image

Glad you’re now on the mend ... hope you have some good movies to watch and a few good books ! Wishing you a quick recovery and back to your ‘norm ‘ ! Hope the reduced meds help too ! Much love x

hdhonda profile image

Barb, I wish you a speedy recovery. Let everyone wait on you. Get well quickly. Bugsy will miss you riding him. Blessings Hannah

Sunnydrinking profile image

Hi Barb

I hope you recover quickly from your op. I’m surprised they didn’t tell you they were taking a liver biopsy at the same time but I guess it was a good idea. It may help with the best future treatment options.

You will miss riding a Bugsy but hopefully it won’t be too long before you can ride again. Spring is on its way too. Whilst you are resting, think of your beautiful garden and all the lovely things in life.

I visited the Oncologist yesterday and after a mega waiting to be seen time, I’m so pleased that I’m “stable” . I was so relieved as it’s been a difficult time for me losing mum and the funeral etc.

Take care Barb, thinking of you.

Jo xx

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply toSunnydrinking

Jo, so happy for your stable scan!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply toSunnydrinking

Oh Jo you’ve had an awful time

So pleased you’re stable

Barb xx

LotusAFlower profile image

Oh I’m so sorry ! I’m glad it’s over and you are on the healing side of the journey with your gallbladder. My daughter had it done a few years ago and she was super sore. I would think they would have told you about a liver biopsy ahead of time .. hope all is clear. ❤️

Wintervt profile image

Dear Barb,

Sending love and healing energy! Surprised to hear they biopsied your liver without consent, My hope is the results are positive! Pamper yourself and rest accordingly. You will be back in the saddle soon!

xo Jade

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply toWintervt

Yes Jade I’m not ready to hang up my spurs yet!!

Barb xx

Nannymop profile image

Hi barb

Make sure you rest up for next few days at least no more pain from those dreadfull stones x

Rotagirl profile image

So glad that op is over and done with. I'm sure you will begin to feel more positive now that that problem has been sorted. Yesterday I heard that I am stable but I had to wait 3 and a half weeks for the scan! Where the h... are the radiologists? Now we have Corona virus to look forward to! Never a dull moment. All the best to you and Bugsy Fayx

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply toRotagirl

Congratulations on good scan!

Rotagirl profile image
Rotagirl in reply tomariootsi

Thanks for good wishes, all the best Fx

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply toRotagirl

So pleased you’re stable...fab news but waiting so long...ugh that’s ridiculous

Barb xx

Rotagirl profile image
Rotagirl in reply toBarbteeth

Thanks Barb, hope you are ok, Fx

Nmartinez15 profile image

I have mine take out in 2018! And the 98% of my stomach issues went away!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply toNmartinez15

Hope I’m the same!

Barb xx

Rhwright12 profile image

Praying for a speedy recovery! 🙏🏻💕

Barb I’m so glad you had a successful surgery. I hope you feel back like your normal smart self soon. ❤️🙏❤️

spouseM profile image

Heal well dear sister!! And, what the heck with the biopsy??? No doubt the surgeon thought there was reason. He is on your side in wanting you to live a long and happy life. I had my gall bladder removed 3 yrs ago, so glad to have the clanky, cranky individual gone. Heal quickly!!

Well, I guess the sore tummy was to be expected after having the procedure. Hopefully, that will not last long and now is the time to relax to let it heal and don't push yourself. I am glad you seemed to have tolerated the procedure well, and now you can at least check that off the list now that it is out and done with.

Were you able to go home the same day? I had laparoscopic surgery once but more to see what was going on because I was having severe stomach pain years ago in my 30s, but I was released the same day.

It feels good when a person has to be off their meds for a while even if it is for a procedure and just a few days. You forget what "normal" feels like and then remember once you are off the meds and don't have the side effects. I hope the lower dose may help eliminate the night sweats.

I guess bc of your MBC, maybe he felt since he was "in the area already" that they may as well check just as a precaution.

Hope that your soreness just stays for a few days so that you can go back to riding your horse.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

I just stayed overnight...glad I did as my husband’s a waste of space...he went out last night and I’m supposed to have someone with me 24 hrs after the anaesthetic...he went out this morning and now again tonight...he asked me if it was ok to go walking with his mate tomorrow so I put my foot down and said no I needed company

Barb xx

Sunnydrinking profile image
Sunnydrinking in reply toBarbteeth

Men eh? My husband is a kind and fun loving chap most of the time BUT he really doesn’t understand my MBC, or perhaps he doesn’t want to and it’s his way of dealing with it! He’s so messy & lazy, bless him.... the fairies (me) constantly clear up after him 🤣xx

Good riddance to that gallbladder.

Hope you feel better soon


mariootsi profile image


I wish you a quick recovery! Feel better!

Love, Marianne

Barbteeth profile image

Thanks Sandra

Barb xx

Totheriver profile image

Hope you feel better soon and that the biopsy will be negative💕

lashinator profile image

Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Lolli2020 profile image

Speedy healing to you! And hopes that the lower does Afinitor will be kinder to you! If I still had a horse, I would be sad not to be able to ride for a bit!

Red71 profile image

I hope you are feeling better today than you did yesterday! I had to laugh when you said Bugsy would be ok because his rent was paid! Laughter is good medicine! Watch a couple of comedy shows while you recover and make your husband cook some good food for you! Elaine

Arisgram profile image

Glad you got rid of that muddy gallbladder....and told your husband you needed company! Good for you! Feel better soon, Barb.


MyMiracle13 profile image

I didn’t even know you were going to have your gall bladder removed Barb. I guess I’ve not been checking in here recently. Glad to know that you are okay now though.

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