Hand/Foot Syndrome: For others with HFS... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Hand/Foot Syndrome

ALYogaGirl profile image
25 Replies

For others with HFS. My skin is flaky no matter what I do to it. Has anyone ever done microdermabrasion for the dead skin? I was thinking that may be a way to remove the peeling and flaking skin without much heat or friction.

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ALYogaGirl profile image
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25 Replies
winterbliss profile image

I would be afraid to do that. I have been putting a thick lotion on my hands at night and wearing gloves to bed. My skin is flaking less doing this. I also do the same for my feet.

Jerseygirl45 profile image

I used to do skin care at work before I retired. My job was doing microdermabrasion and I worked a laser for hair removal and skin lightning.

Some people did have microdermabrasion on other parts of there body. It takes the top layer of skin off. You should also have your face done you will love it. Nice new pink skin and you can put makeup on after it.

I also did laser on the face to take more skin off but you would be red for a week.

Call around and see who does other body parts. I never did feet but I did backs shoulder and chest.


ALYogaGirl profile image

thanks for all the feedback :)

AnnieAppleseed profile image

I would like to offer the evidence-based Handout that I created for Annie Appleseed Project. It includes a bunch of good ideas that may help with neuropathy. annieappleseedproject.org/w...

ALYogaGirl profile image
ALYogaGirl in reply to AnnieAppleseed

It's not neuropathy.

Gaily71 profile image
Gaily71 in reply to ALYogaGirl

Thank you for sharing this with us ❤️

ALYogaGirl profile image
ALYogaGirl in reply to AnnieAppleseed

Are you a Metastatic Breast Cancer patient?

in reply to AnnieAppleseed

Many articles cited are from 2003. That is a long time ago and cannot be relied on anymore as the research in MBC and drugs have changed tremendously from 2003.

AnnieAppleseed profile image
AnnieAppleseed in reply to

Studies in the natural world, items that cannot be patented, get no attention from Pharma. There has been very little change in that section. Studies of 10, even 15 years ago are still relevant. I post the current info on our Facebook page and it really doesn't vary. I often ask "how much evidence is enough?"

in reply to AnnieAppleseed

I am one of those people who do not take "supplements" that people sell or read about. Supplements are usually not FDA regulated. We can all find whatever we agree at online. Guess I am old school, but I believe in going for the standard treatment.

Look at Steve Job which I have referenced before. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (which is usually deadly bc by the time you are diagnosed, it is already in advanced stage like Alex Tribek of Jeopardy. Steven Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. But he was told he was lucky because he had the "good" kind and early enough that with chemo and surgery could be treated. (Copied and pasted from a news article in 2007.)

"Steve Jobs 'regretted trying to beat cancer with alternative medicine for so long'"

Steve Jobs died regretting that he had spent so long attempting to treat his cancer with alternative medicine before agreeing to undergo surgery, his biographer has disclosed.

The Apple chief executive, who died this month after a pancreatic tumour spread elsewhere, delayed having operations and chemotherapy for nine months after the disease was discovered in October 2003.

In spite of pleas from family and friends, he tried to cure himself through acupuncture sessions, drinking special fruit juices, visiting "spiritualists" and using other treatments he found on the internet.

Some cancer experts have said that Mr Jobs may have extended his life or even survived if he had promptly tackled his cancer aggressively with scientifically proven medical treatments.

AnnieAppleseed profile image
AnnieAppleseed in reply to

If the conventional cancer worldwide/mainstream could 'cure' cancer for all of us and AVOID the many short but particularly long-term Harms, I would agree. However a) I and my organization never tell people what not to do, we show the evidence for use of various dietary supplements. Personally I use them and studies show that a large % of folks with cancer do too. We need to know the evidence. Annie Appleseed Project has a Handout to help reduce treatment toxicities.

ALYogaGirl profile image
ALYogaGirl in reply to AnnieAppleseed

Annie, Thank you for your feedback; however, since this thread was specifically addressing how people with HFS are handling the dry and cracking skin, may I sugget a new thread on the broader subject of dietary supplements ? My purpose in posting was to hear back from people with the specific issue of HFS on the skin and what they are doing in their case. Thank You.

hdhonda profile image

I use various creams. Any good one will work. I am not having problems with my hand but I am with my feet. Socks also help with my feet. Blessings, Hannah

Geulah profile image
Geulah in reply to hdhonda

Bought Blunston socks,padded and actually have copper in them. They feel so good, recommended for diabetics. Went back for another 6 pairs.

The oncology nurse said to try putting 2 drops of vitamin D in the cream , I tried and I think it helped. Good news from everyone, good health and well being

AnnieAppleseed profile image

My story is quite unusual. I was diagnosed Jan 1993 but was extremely chemically sensitive. Did not do chemo, refused radiation and hormones. Had 9 years of recurrent tumors - 9 in left breast, 14 (at different times) on chest wall. Told I was stage IV in 1997. It was years before I thought maybe I was not. All tumors but the first one grew SLOWER than normal cells. I felt that lifestyle (including dietary supplements, acupuncture, organic food, jin shin jyutsu and more), made the difference. However I got lymphedema from removal of 18 lymph nodes. Now I was diagnosed this past January with follicular lymphoma (a combo of my two issues - lymphedema and chemical sensitivity. Treating it naturally again as I still have to. Good wishes.

Geulah profile image
Geulah in reply to AnnieAppleseed

I began studying jin shin jyusu...i stopped for me it was a bit like a cult they discouraged us from only studying practical side without the philosophy.i found the philosophy a bit fake. Found the flows and points successful and helpful. Tried googling when diagnosed, if you would like to share what you do,would appreciate. There are points for the immune system near the hips....Good luck,good news and a complete cure. One very helpful thing I learned and good to remember now...illness is about stuck energy,even big scary things...need to open them up and then the energy can flow there. Amen

ALYogaGirl profile image

Wow. Great story. So are you Stage 4 Breast Cancer? From the above, I'm not clear.

AnnieAppleseed profile image
AnnieAppleseed in reply to ALYogaGirl

It took quite a few years before I began to think I did not have stage IV disease despite 2 docs at the time (1997) and one doc in 2008! But the disease never spread beyond the chest wall. My lifestyle changes and holistic protocols seemed to have protected me despite TWENTY-FIVE tumors on the left side.

Red71 profile image

I use an oil with Vit e in it smoothed all over most of my body before I get out of the shower. I have the nicest skin....better than when I was a youngster! I don’t use any other hand cream, only a light face cream. No flaking, no drying. I’ll see how it does in Maui 2 weeks from now.

in reply to Red71

Maui? Jealous....Something for you to look forward to.

I recently bought (after seeing a video which was kind of gross but it showed how much it worked - google Annie's foot peel video). I bought it from Amazon and it cost $17.00 and its called Soft Touch Foot Peel mask. You have to wash your feet first, dry them. Inside the box is a plastic slipper for each foot with gel in it. You have to keep these on your feet for one hour (I put socks over them so I could walk around.) After an hour, you take them off, wash your feet again and then dry them.

Then (and this is very important for it to work), you soak your feet for 10 minutes every day in warm water. For some people it takes 5-7 days. For me it started it three days. I could not believe it, the dead skin starts coming off in sheets. It was gross and yet amazing because you never realize how much dead skin is on your feet even if they look good. You are told NOT to rip it off. Every day more and more skin was coming off in sheets so you would have to wear socks every day because you don't want the skin coming off in bed or on the floor or your carpet.

I was astonished. How much skin came off and how smooth it was underneath. There were some large pieces that I did carefully pull off. The trick to make it work better and quicker is the 10 minute soaking of your feet.

It came with two in the box and said you could do another one after two months. I am telling you it was gross to see the skin peeling off but gratifying once it was off to realize that was all dead skin and now the bottom of my feet are so much smoother.

ALYogaGirl profile image
ALYogaGirl in reply to

Did you have an active case of HFS wih redness and peeling at the time you did this?

in reply to ALYogaGirl

Yes. My feet were 10x worse than my hands. No matter how much cream I put on and I was too embarrassed to go to a salon. My hands come and go. Sometimes they are fine but when I am stressed they start peeling.

I loved using the foot peel mask. With me (remembering to do the recommended 10 minute soaking of feet per day), within day three, I started seeing it. So much dead skin you won't believe it, even in areas you did not expect to peel. They tell you not to pull it off but to let it fall off naturally but at some point your feet have sheets coming off, so I did pull off gently. I wore socks because when it starts happening your feet look kind of gross because of all the skin in large flakes and you don't want to get it on your floor, rug or bed. But I was shocked by how well it worked. I plan to do again in March. If you watch the video (graphic) you will see how your feet will look once it starts working. And that is something gratifying about knowing all that dead skin is off your feet. I had no problems using it. A little stinging for the first maybe 10 mins I had their plastic socks on with the gel, but after that nothing.

It's organic and made by a husband and wife that live in North Carolina. Amazon sells it for $17.00 and you get two boxes with the slippers for that price so you save a box for another two months to use again. If not happy, they will refund your money. Read the reviews. The people that it did not work out for so well was the ones that did not soak their feet as the instructions said to do.

That being said, they tell you to ONLY use it on your feet, not your face or hands.

Klamato profile image

Yes, I’ve had derma plane and it’s great!

ALYogaGirl profile image
ALYogaGirl in reply to Klamato

On your hands and feet?

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