I’m going to give it a go. I’ve ordered some Aloe Vera gel, tea tree and lavender oil and will get a bottle of vodka. Mix it all up as per YouTube video. Saves on plastic bottles as I can refill the one I have and hopefully save carrying germs by using it regularly. Promise I won’t drink the Vodka.
Making your own hand Sanitiser - SHARE Metastatic ...
Making your own hand Sanitiser
Why not just buy the real thing online? That may have ingredients in it that are not included in your homemade version? I did read that there is a shortage of hand sanitizer bc people are buying them up.
They even had to put a statement on E-bay that anybody on there trying to sell masks (which they said are useless already) or hand sanitizers for higher prices will be removed from the Ebay site. There are such losers are there that will try to capitalize on something like this.
When I started Ibrance, I was told to wear gloves, use hand sanitizer. So being new to the game, I ordered a box of small pocket-sized hand sanitizers. I never used them but now with this going around, they are saying masks are useless. That constantly washing your hands, use hand sanitizer, use tissues to hold things that the public use like the poles on a train, etc.
Now, its here in NY and people that have it have not even traveled outside the country so that is a little scary. But I am not going to lock myself in my apt. I am going to go outside and still do my shopping and all, just be a bit more careful and finally carry and use the Purell pocket book sized hand sanitizer. Glad I have about 8 bottles.
Saw this online:
"The shortage has spurred people to begin making their own hand sanitizer, using recipes from Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest and countless blogs. But just because these recipes exist doesn't mean you should use them.
Screwing up the formula is easier than you might think. One pharmacist weighed in on Twitter on the risks of making your own:
· Mar 4, 2020
I'm a professional compounding pharmacist, and I can make hand sanitizer gel, having learned this art in the 2009 pandemic, and it is VERY DIFFICULT. Getting alcohol to gel is so pissy, but using straight-up liquid versions destroys your skin. Just. Use. Soap.
10:20 AM - Mar 4, 2020
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The key is to get the right ratio of ingredients. The Centers for Disease Control recommends using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, which store-bought hand sanitizers have. But trying to replicate that on your own can be tricky.
Ingredients I was told about was from a professor. Can only try ladies.
Why use vodka? You can buy rubbing alcohol for so much cheaper. I think that is the type of alcohol they mean in the recipes. I am probably going to have to do this when I get home from my trip to Arizona since stocking up has not been a priority while I have been traveling.
Correct. I read that after writing the comment. I will use the rubbing solution. My husband has it already to clean his vinyl records ha ha x

And now you get to drink the vodka! Sounds like a good deal to me! Maybe it will disinfect your innards! 🤣
Yippppeeee, great idea. It’s the weekend so why not ha ha x
Vodka is the only alcohol I drink. I like to add some to my Hawaiian Punch LOL
Oh yes😁🍷👍
Oh yes👌🍷🥰🤭
Off topic but interesting to know that it is used to clean vinyl records. Even more interesting is that he still has vinyl records. They may be worth quite a bit of money so good for him to taking care of them now.
My stepdaughter has a Vintage Shop so good ole Dad sources them, rare ones at that, cleans them and she sells them in her shop. Mind you he has a huge collection of his own (dust and all).x
Hi there
I went on a cross infection course last year and we did a hand washing experiment
We washed and scrubbed for 30 seconds with soap then were checked with an illumalight which shows up bacteria etc that have been missed during the handwashing
It’s incredible how much was missed...especially in the nail cuticle area and wrists....I’m going to stop using nail polish and having gel nails as these areas are particularly difficult to keep clean....the number of nail bars on most high streets has increased so much in the last few years...quite scary
Barb xx
I'm ashamed to say that I still bite my nails and I am now 60! An awful habit that I was never able to break. Also, for years since I worked as a legal secretary I needed (for myself) to keep my nails very short so I could type. I have never had nice nails although I cut them myself and keep them very short and I rarely put nail polish on them.
Once we were going out when I was younger (in my 30s) and my friend put on those fake nails for me and painted them and Oh my, they looked gorgeous. I loved the way they looked. We went to the bar and I could not stop looking at my nails bc I had never seen them look so nice.
And then it was time to go to the restroom. I could not for the life of me figure out how I was going to do it, since I never had long nails, so no experience in that area. Then I did the only thing I knew how to do. I ripped all the nails off and cleaned myself. I thought how do THEY do it?
First and last time I ever used fake nails. So I keep them short and I don't like to use nail polish but I love to look at other's people's hands. I have seen ladies in NY on the train with nails so long that they start to curl underneath. I think how the heck do they even get dressed in the morning. That is not attractive.
I did have a manicure once when going to a wedding. A friend was having hers done so she convinced me to go along. But I went for the clear color anyway.

You’re funny re the nail story!!
I have gel nails but cut short so they just look neat and have a French polish
I can’t stand long nails...can’t do going to the loo..play the piano or put my horses bridle on...I think only ladies of leisure can have long nails
Barb xx
I’m not a lady of leisure so no long nails for me. They keep breaking off since Chemo or, is it all the washing up I do? He he.......

Don’t you have a dishwasher/someone else to wash up?
Barb xx
Yes hubby cooks and washes up. No haven’t got a dishwasher. There is only the 2 of us so got rid of it. My nails just break anytime and it’s only happened since being on treatment. Least of my worries really. I use hand cream every time I wash my hands. Best I can do really.
I’m now using nail hardener. I will see if it works 👍😁
They say that soap is the preferred method (look for the CDC's recommended way how to thoroughly was your hands), and hand sanitizer in a pinch if you don't have access to soap and water. Also, re disinfecting surfaces around your house - is you're going to do that, read the instructions. Every household cleaner I've ever seen, of the spray-on type, says TO DISINFECT you need to spray, then LEAVE ON FOR 10 MINUTES, and then wipe off. Many people think all you have to do is spray and wipe.
Liquor doesn't have enough alcohol. If it's 86 proof, it only has 43% alcohol. I think it has to be like over 70%. Make a yummy Cosmo instead and use regular alcohol for your hand sanitiser.
Ladies on here have been really informative. Can’t get hand sanitiser anywhere so eBay it is and will make it with the rubbing liquid as a standby.
I hate the media at times. They have started a frenzie again. Best wishes
Not sure they started a frenzy. It is people's fear that is causing the frenzy which is understandable. It is our only means of learning how many people are getting it and if they are making any headway in a vaccine. The only other way to know is the internet and we all know not to pay attention to what we read from people with no medical degree or schooling.
I do listen when they say the CDC is providing the information. People panic and go into a frenzy. I am sure those people who have built underground rooms for when the Apocalypse comes, are now underground LOL.
Our Mayor of NYC had a conference the other day about the virus which I watched. He said, quite frankly, to expect that we will be dealing with this for months to come, not days.
Same kind of panic when AIDS first started. People were afraid that just by touching someone they could get it. Alot of misinformation and panic ensues. We have several countries, all working in conjunction with China, to try and come up with a vaccine. Because now, it is not one country's problem, it is a world issue problem.
Funny how in this circumstance, the world can work together in harmony, to try and solve this medical issue that is affecting all now. Why they can't do it for other issues that arise is beyond me, other than starting wars. So we have the best and brightest working together and I believe in a few months that they will either have figured out a vaccine that may prevent us from getting it and it will be a thing of the past and because of this, they will have new protocols in place should something like this arise again.
So very true. There should be peace and working together all over the world. Have a good weekend everyone.
Tea tree oil is a natural anti microbial, antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiviral oil, which I believe will boost the effectiveness of the antiviral activity in substitution of the Isopropyl alcohol. Tea tree oil is one of God's green earth oils that me, my family, and friends have used for the last 3 years, as a diluted mouth wash, to gargle, as a tooth pain/swelling reliever, when diluted on a cotton ball. You can make your own soap, toothpaste, lotion and natural deodorant. It is very strong you have to ( always) dilute it with other carrier oils. I am not telling anyone to do what I do when I do get the Flu/cold, but I put a drop in my tea or hot fluid to kill the flu/bad colds. It works for me, and my friends, and family. None of my family/friends have had to go to see a Dr for the last 3 years, for a cold/flu. who have used this Tea tree oil protocol. My dad who use to think natural modalities was quackery, now he calls me when he has any health issue, and yes he LOL calls me Dr. I research everything, and try it on myself first after, I consult with one or more of the 3 Integrative doctors I can communicate with to give me their input. I am not afraid of the Corona virus though I like everyone else am taking precautions. to not contract it. I would first use Tea tree oil if I found I was in contact with someone who had the Corona virus . All medical facilities have germs, and virus laden people. This again is my opinion, but I hope it will help others, as it has helped me, and my loved ones,
Always have Tea Tree Oil in the medicine cupboard and take New Zealand Manuka Honey 30+ every day. My poor 90year old Dad was a stroke victim and his feet were awful from his disabilities. I introduced Tea Tree Oil as a foot soak and it really improved his feet. It has a wonderful earthy smell. I will certainly use it more now. Thank you for mentioning this.

A year ago my dads feet were swelling, cracking, and had thick white fungus laden nails. His feet back then were burning, and looked like they belonged to an Ogre. He threw away his favorite house slippers , that couldn't be washed. They were the source of the fungus. He applied this cream named FineVine to his feet, put socks on and had a new pair of house slippers. that he wore. The next time I visited where they live about 3 weeks later, his feet were/are now healthy, and look so good, especially for a man's feet. The FineVine cream has the antfungal Tea Tree oil in it.
Great news for Dad xx

Amen. and great news for my mom, who won't have to worry about hard cracked feet touching her's in bed. LOL
She usually writes posts that make me smile and laugh.
A waste of some perfectly good booze - hehehe
Ha ha. True, have now decided to use rubbing spirit if need be mixed with essential oils and olive cream. I don’t need to make it yet. A kind lady on here mentioned tea tree oil which I love. So,when I went shopping the other day I rubbed my hands in with the cream and tea tree oil that I did make up and put a little up each nostril. Pleasant really. Not sure if this is right or wrong. I still washed my hands when I got home.