Hi everyone.. is there anyone here with liver Mets? And what treatments do you use? And long term survivors? Xxx
Liver Mets?: Hi everyone.. is there... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Liver Mets?

Hi Nat
I’m waiting to have radiotherapy on my liver met...it’s started to increase in size
I take Ibrance and letrazole with monthly denosumab for bones
That’s all I can tell you really...not much help am I?
All the best
Barb xx
I’m not sure how many my mam has in liver he said a few but small what ever that is supposed to mean he said he is going to show us the scan tomorrow when we go to see him. Do you know if they can do radio on liver Mets if you have a few? He mentioned proper chemo so will see xxx
Hi Barb,
How are you doing? You have horses don't you? I think that is great. I really would like to go ride again but I feel I hold myself back from doing the things I used to do. This Ibrance/Falsodex is really rough on my body. I just don't feel as good as I used to before I started this treatment. I take Ibrance(125mg)&Falsodex. I took Tamoxifen for 10 years & had no side effects.
I also had a total hysterectomy last year and my body sure does feel every bit of it. I just feel it is very depressing but try to hang in there.
I hope you are doing well.
Hi kelly
Not feeling good at the moment...a lot of it I’m sure is due to worry...I feel weak and nauseous and can’t blame the Ibrance as I’m off it until after the radiotherapy
I’m going to the yard today but doubt will ride...being with horses however cheers me up
All the best to you
Barb xx
I just want to let you know you are an inspiration to me. I hope you get feeling better soon. You are in my prayers. 🙏
All of the best to you too
Barb, I have felt the same after stopping Ibrance. This is the worst nausea I’ve had. I had mild occasionally on Ibrance. It feels like morning sickness 🤢
Letrozole And Ibrance for a year no side effects . I am on other drugs that have a number ? It is a trial. For my type of mutation
I have liver mets & have been on Ibrance/Falsodex for a year now. I was dx with Stage 1 in 2002 & 2008. Now Stage 4 2019.
Scans stable.
How far spread are your liver Mets? Thanks for your reply xx
I have 3 spots. I really don't know. I believe it's two in one lobe & one in the other. I was going to try & get my info. Out today to be more specific but I had work today so it has been a busy day for me.
I was happy with my first scan because it showed 56% decrease. My second scan showed stable but of course it was only 3 months after the first one.
I do. I started on hormonal therapy and it really didn't work so am now on Xeloda which is an oral chemo therapy. The tumors have shrunk some which I am thankful for so I feel like for now its working.
My mum got the results of her ct scan she has 4 or 5 little spots on liver the rest of her scan is fine and the one met in the back is the same which is good. Her oncologist is wanting her to have a liver biopsy to see if the cell receptor has changed. So she’s had to stop taking ibrance and letrozole and is going to start paclitaxel once a week starting in the next couple of weeks I’m glad they are giving her a liver biopsy in case it has changed as when this journey started she was er+ her2- but with small expression to her2+. xx
Yes I had to have a biopsy also. Hope all goes well for your mom. Give her a hug from me.
Has anyone heard of fgfr? I found out on Monday that my tumor markers went up with the Ibrance. My oncologist said she thinks I should try it for one more month. She said after that that I may be able to try the fgfr where they study tissue from past tests and pinpoint a more targeted drug to attack the cancer with.