Acupuncture : Hi ladies I had an... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Barbteeth profile image
30 Replies

Hi ladies

I had an acupuncture session today for my pain..obviously too early to know if has had any effect

Anyone had success with it..I’m desperate

Barb xx

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Barbteeth profile image
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30 Replies

Hi Barb,

Good for you! I'm glad you are having acupuncture. I hope you start to feel the benefits of it soon. I had my last complementary therapy session yesterday right after I saw my oncologist. She was sure I was due one more (I was entitled to six free sessions) but I told her that this was my sixth. I am also interested in acupuncture.

Take care,

Sophie ❤

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

The lady I saw put needles at the back of my knees and ankles for back pain..but she also stuck two plasters with a poppy seed in the both my ears..they stay put and I have to gently press on them throughout the day..apparently helps with stress and has a calming effect

I managed to lose one after two hours!!!.. god knows how..she gave me some spares so I was able to stick one back on

I’ve had acupuncture before so I’m ok with that stuff..going to have a reflexology session this morning..been going for years..balanced my energies

Hopefully I can ride this afternoon..taking strong pain meds now like a good girl!.. so will see if I cope better..can’t do without them or I’m hell to live with

All the best to you Sophie

By the did you find the book?

I’ve just ordered Kriss Carrs book..should come tomorrow

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

You sound like me. I would probably end up losing the plasters and poppy seeds too! I hope the acupuncture works for you. I tried reflexology, but gave up after the first session. It was OK, but I think I should have given it more of a chance. I tend to expect instant results!

I am still working on the book. I am taking it really slowly, writing down notes as I go along. I like it so far. Which Kris Carr book have you ordered? I'm currently reading her juicing book. Have you signed up to her free newsletter? She gives great tips.

I hope you are able to ride this afternoon. I saw my horsey pals, along with the sheep and donkey while I was on my first dog walk of the day. It really sets me up for the rest of the day!

Take care,

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

The book is the crazy sexy cancer survivor..stupid title imo!!!

I rode this afternoon ..took mega painkillers though ..just went off round the woods on my own..had a nice long canter and Bugsy behaved himself..beautiful day for it

That donkey sounds cute..aww I love them..strangely a lot of horses don’t like them..bizarre..Bugsys not met one so he might be other horse Monty is terrified of pigs!!

I once went to a different reflexologist when mine was away and she was absolutely rubbish..depends who you go most things..she spends a minimum of 2 hours and we talk a lot about stuff

I’m on kriss cars Facebook page and look at her stuff

Hope her books good

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

I haven't read Kris Carr's cancer book yet. I have heard of it, but haven't got round to reading that one yet. I started off with the Crazy Sexy Kitchen book, which was interesting, because it gave lots of all round tips for improving your health, from cooking tips, changing household cleaners/products/toiletries to how to get a good night's sleep (she uses a lavender diffuser and swears by it).

I'm glad you got to ride today! The donkey in question is a rescue donkey, along with the sheep Gravy, Spud, Cabbage and Harris. I nicknamed him Don the donkey, but I recently found out that his name is actually Wonky and he is pally with Willow, one of the horses in the next field. They often look like they are plotting with their heads together!

Sophie x

diamags profile image

I did it years ago for TMJ and it worked like a charm. The doc told me it would be half better in one day and all better in two, and that was exactly how it went. I would use it again in a heartbeat.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to diamags

Wow that’s encouraging

She did say it would take 2-3 sessions to have an effect..time will tell

Barb xx

mariootsi profile image

Barb, I had acupuncture for back pain for years when I was working and could afford it. It was very effective but takes awhile to work. I used to go three times a week, then 2 times a week, then one time a week. Then once a month as maintenance. It worked for me. I pray it works for you! Love, Marianne

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to mariootsi

Oh I hope so !!

Barb xx

PJBinMI profile image

I've not done it myself but two friends with mbc had very good results for bone met pain. Does Medicare ever cover it?

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to PJBinMI

I’m in England and have private insurance which will cover up to 12 treatments then I’ll have to costs £45 a session but I’ll pay if necessary

All the best to you

Barb xx

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to PJBinMI


blms profile image

I'm a big believer in Chinese medicine and acupuncture!! Give it some time. Yes it helps with pain but also to get your body in proper working order. If not already, find a Chinese doctor trained in mainland China to treat you with this, etc.

hurricaneheather profile image

have been regularly partaking in acupuncture and TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) for 10+ years. balances this body's chi (enerGy) and promotes healing.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to hurricaneheather

Hi there

Doesn’t Chinese medication interfere with cancer drugs?

Just wondered

Barb xx

hurricaneheather profile image
hurricaneheather in reply to Barbteeth

i have not experienced any interference. i am healthy and well; side effects/collateral damage from western medicine. doctors are 'pleased' with prognosis.

looked for info (that is not from two TCM doctors i see).

two articles that may be of interest:

Hi Sandra,

I have tried some of Kris' recipes (her banana soft serve ice cream is one of my favourites!) but I don't plan on going vegan or totally plant-based either. I like cheese and eggs, but I am not too bothered with cow's milk. I prefer almond milk. I always drink my tea black anyway, so I only use milk for porridge or a smoothie. She mentions "mucus" that can build up when eating dairy and meat, but I am not convinced about that. I eat organic chicken and sometimes some beef, but I mostly eat a vegetarian diet.

My day started off well. It was a very busy day though. I worked until lunchtime. Then I had my brother's person centred review in the afternoon (he has learning disabilities and autism and I am his advocate, as well as our other brother's advocate too), followed by an appointment to file my American tax return, as my husband is American and we own a house in California. So I got all that done, and then my husband and I stuffed ourselves at dinner. I need a rest!

Sophie x

Yes, please! Please do, Sandra. I find Kris Carr's story inspirational, as she has been living with metastatic cancer for 16 years! x

Julie2233 profile image

I had acupuncture about 10 yrs ago for a neck problem that was giving me pain in my elbows. It was done by a NHS physio at the local community hospital and was surprised to be offered it. I think I only accepted it because I was so shocked. I was very sceptical but it was effective, and I would have it again.

in reply to Julie2233

That sounds interesting, Julie. I had my sixth and final complementary therapy session yesterday afternoon. I had asked about acupuncture before, but was tactfully told it's for people about to die! I will have to ask my GP if I can get it on the NHS.

Sophie x

Julie2233 profile image
Julie2233 in reply to

Lol, well I wasn't as fit and healthy back then as I am now but I don't think I was at death's door! I don't know if it's offered on the NHS anymore but saying that I didn't know it was available then. It did help a lot. 😊

in reply to Julie2233

Hi Julie,

I was reading that it's rare to receive acupuncture on the NHS. I will have to run it by my GP when I see her on the 19th for my next Zoladex injection.

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Omg what a horrible thing to say..have these people no feelings?

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

I have had so many things said to me since my diagnosis that nothing really surprises me anymore!

Sophie x

Yes, I should have said something (I don't normally hold back!) I just think I was too shocked to say anything.


hurricaneheather profile image

forgot to mention...

have been following Kris Carr since 2011. have the DVD, which was the onset of her wellness calling, and all her books.

was vegetarian/vegan for 25 years prior; plant based in 2014.

in reply to hurricaneheather


I have tried some of Kris' recipes, and they have been really good! I have also taken on board some of her suggestions on cleaning up my diet, and using more natural products around the house. There is always room for improvement!

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to hurricaneheather

I’ve just bought one of her books..just started it

Barb xx

Barbteeth profile image


Just started reading the kriss carr book

I’m sure she means well but I find her a bit annoying..crazy sexy ffs!!

Maybe it’s because I’m British and can’t be upbeat about cancer

Just being honest

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

I agree that Kris is very upbeat. She has been living with metastatic cancer since she was 31. That was 16 years ago! I must admit I prefer her attitude to Sophie Sabbage's (I found her book incredibly depressing) who is also metastatic. I think if you can skim over the bits you don't like then you will enjoy the book or at least glean something useful from it. I have read one of her books and am now onto a second. I just gloss over what I don't like or agree with and focus in on her recipes and other useful tips she has to share. I tried one of her raw soup recipes and it was to die for!

Americans do tend to have a more naturally upbeat personality than us Brits (I should know; I am married to one!) but I think it is good to be that way. Seeing the positives in life can really lift the mood. Just remember that there are proven medical benefits to being more cheerful and upbeat and trying to avoid anger and other negative emotions (lowers blood pressure, and less chance of having a heart attack or stroke). I for one feel better physically when I am laughing or enjoying a joke! It can help so much as we live with cancer. I am one of those naughty people who can't help teasing medical staff at times. You know, when they say "Are you allergic to X?" I like to say "No, I just have cancer!" I always hesitate to call it a fight because then it feels like I am always on the defensive and can't let my guard down, or sneak that piece of chocolate I fancy.

Have a good day! I'm heading back to work shortly.

Sophie x

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