Had my PET scan on Tuesday and the results came back NED, still have that pesky tumor..Will see the doctor in October and talk about the next step. The tumor has gone from 3cm to 1cm, I am blessed that my treatment has been working. Had an amazing time in New York and for a week I forgot I had cancer...
Scan results: Had my PET scan on... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Scan results

So happy for you. It is hard to forget we have cancer. It's like a stone around our necks. But what we have to struggle to remember is that while we have cancer, we are not cancer. We are people with lives and dreams like anyone else. I travel to get away from "it," as much as to explore this glorious world around us. Spend the year planning my trip. Feel so good and free out there. Of course, fingers crossed that scans, etc., are good so I can go. Always get some kind of trip insurance. Glad you got to enjoy your family and NYC.

Same here! I finally forget until I get extreme fatigue or pain to remind me. My tumor from 8 to 5 in I’m assuming cm. I haven’t had a lumpectomy because it’s still on the skin and the oncologist says it wouldn’t do much good because it would still be there in the breast. I just hate feeling it still there! Bones and back are still weak from all the radiation and spine tumors but getting stronger every day through physical therapy. Coming up on my 2 year anniversary in May of this year. Keep up the good work of not letting cancer define who you are as a person!!! Xxxooo
That's really good news! You must be so happy to hear that you are NED. That is my dream too. My next CT scan is the beginning of November. Then at the end of November I am going on holiday to Switzerland.
Sophie x
That is great news. I pray these results for all of us as well. Celebrate , and enjoy every minute.
I love when I forget I have cancer too! Congrats on your results! It gives me hope.
What are you taking? How long have you been living with MBC?
I am taking Ibranace 125mg and letrolzole, I have been on the treatment since May 2017. Was diagnosed stage 4 from the beginng.
Gmaoftriplets, good to hear that you have been on ibrance for so long and it’s working. I am on ibrance and letrozole for 5 months and was stage 4 from the beginning as well. What else are you on anything for the bones? Also, did you have any other scans before this one and if so, what did they show? Also, where is your Mets?
Greeeeeeeeeetings: Sister/Warrior I said a prayer last night. I got up this morning, and said another prayer thanking GOD for all of the blessings that have been bestowed on me, and my loved ones along this journey we call life. Yes I am thanking, a-n-d praising GOD for your g-r-e-a-t news and I am asking for continued blessings. Yesssssssss you can now take a deeeeeeeeeep breath, and e-x-h-a-l-e. Remember the Serenity prayer. This is my version Don't worry about the things we have no control over, those things we must give to God ! ! ! C-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-e. I await more great news from the rest of my sister/warriors. XoXoXoXoX
how exciting to be NED, I look forward to that day
I’m confused. You say you still have that pesky tumor and that you are NED.
As my oncologist explained to me, that even though I still have the tumor there is actually no signs of cancer. I don't get it either but that was how she explained it to me..
So glad you enjoyed New York and even happier that you are ned!
I’m a bit confused how you can be consider NED when you still have a tumor.?
I am not an expert, but I would say that being declared "NED" would suggest no progression to other parts of the body, or growth and that the situation is stable. It would also seem that the tumour is shrinking, which is all good news. If in doubt, I would always ask my oncologist for further clarification. I have questions written out each time I see mine and she goes through each issue with me.