BCS or Mastectomy: My wife is under... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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BCS or Mastectomy

Caring_hubby profile image
18 Replies

My wife is under going Chemo for her breast cancer and surgery is to follow after Chemo 4AC + 12 Taxol, Herceptin . Oncologist is asking us whether we want breast conservative surgery or Mastectomy. They need to fix some metallic marker in case of BCS. I invite suggestions or pros and cons of both!

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Caring_hubby profile image
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18 Replies
4thTimesTheCharm profile image

Well-it’s a hard choice, and I suspect everyone must decide what’s best for them. In hindsight (big sigh here), I wish I’d had a double mastectomy in 2001 at the first occurrence.

Instead, I had conserving surgery on advice of physician. That tumor was triple negative and i had the adriamycin chemo cocktail and radiation. In 2014, it became necessary to “complete the mastectomy “ to repair what doctors believed was radiation damage from the first cancer treatment. It wasn’t until 7-days post surgery that I was informed that pathology showed a different type of breast cancer—this time double positive and I had chemo again. I did not pursue removal of the other breast at that time, but the cancer showed up again in 2016 on the other breast and I had a complete mastectomy followed again by chemo and radiation. Since more than 24 nodes were “dirty” I continued with endocrine therapy. Then 2018, it became clear that it had metastasized to my bones, and the spread is considerable and “not curable.”

I feel I’ve wasted so much time, my family’s time, and so much money, caused so much worry, AND had to take so much more debilitating medication, undergone more radiation and required so much more medical intervention than if I could have just been brave and “gone with my gut” back in 2001 and had the full mastectomy to begin with!

Sorry-that sounds like a rant- please know that i do feel blessed to have had nearly 20 years since first occurrence-as it could have all gone badly from the first.

None of us has a crystal ball. I’m simply hoping my history provides one perspective that will be useful as you make this decision. Praying that God blesses you with peace in whatever decision you make. kc

Caring_hubby profile image
Caring_hubby in reply to 4thTimesTheCharm

I like your chat name .. full of optimism. You have given a very useful advice, while you suffered to come to the conclusion. Think it may reduce if not eliminate the risk of cancer returning soon. Thanks and wish you full recovery soon.

hdhonda profile image

To Caring Hubby and 4th time, I had stage 1, no node involved, ER positive and her2 negative in 2000. I had mastectomy and tamoxifen followed by Letrozol. In 2017, I was totally shocked to find out through a CAT scan that the cancer had returned in the little bit of skin they leave at the sight. I had had reconstruction and continued to get mammogram on both breasts but the radiologist never saw it even though it was very visible. A PET scan showed it had spread to my lungs. I guess what I am trying to say is having a mastectomy didn't save me. A good radiologist would have though. Sorry for the rant but wish you both the best. Blessings, Hannah

Caring_hubby profile image
Caring_hubby in reply to hdhonda

Thanks for responding. My wife had slight reddening on skin and may be we have to careful. Still to discuss with surgeon oncologist. Hope we make correct choice. My wife's have no qualms regarding mastectomy considering her age. Wish you a speedy permanent cure. Take care.

Nursewithcancer profile image


There is no right answer but like the last coment , I had a mastectomy 12 years ago and now have been diagnosed with breast cancer in the less than 5% of breast tissue left behind and it had spread to my bones. So, mastectomy May not always be the znswer.

Caring_hubby profile image
Caring_hubby in reply to Nursewithcancer

Thanks for sharing your experience. It will help us decide between the two choices. Regards..

PJBinMI profile image

I was diagnosed at stage IV and mastectomy was not an option but I had decided that if a mastectomy was recommended, I would push to have a double mastectomy and would not do reconstruction of any kind. A good friend told me that she regretted having a single mastectomy as it left her feeling somewhat off balance, which made sense to me. Reconstruction can make detection of cancer progression more difficult. But these are highly personal decisions and there is no one right answer. She might want to get a second opinion from an onc who specializes in breast cancer if she hasn't already seen one.

Caring_hubby profile image
Caring_hubby in reply to PJBinMI

Fully agree with you that mastectomy or BCS if the option is there is highly personal. We were also discussing or trying to find correct option since oncologists (includung second opinion) have left this option to us. My wife is very clear on the issue.. mastectomy is her choice. Now with so many experiences shared here we will be able to take correct choice. Thanking all..

Gibbsbet profile image

I was diagnosed with stage 3a in 2013. I also had 9 lymph nodes of 17 that were removed that were positive. I was given the option of mastectomy or a breast conserving surgery.(oncoplasty) I was 65 at the time and chose the oncoplasty. I have recently been diagnosed with MBC but after 15 radiation and targeted therapy I dont show any


I wish you well in your decision

Caring_hubby profile image
Caring_hubby in reply to Gibbsbet

Thank for your concern. will show your reply to my wife so that she makes informed choice. Wishing you long cancer free life.

Maludagui profile image

Hi 🎀 My experience I had breast cancer right at 42 years old. I had already had children. I asked my husband "will you love me less if I lose a breast ??? I firmly answered: NO. So I decided to do Radical Mastectomy without aureole and nipple reconstruction. So eliminate the risk. Take care of my other breast all the time. I did all the preventive exams And last August they found metastasis in the bone of my left hip. It's the same cancer and it does not stay in the other breast. Physically and emotionally with my partner I am not affected. We always saw it as if in an accident I had lost a part of my body. You do not stop being loved for that. My humble experience 🎀🌸

Caring_hubby profile image
Caring_hubby in reply to Maludagui

Thanks. At our age breast or no breast, hair or no hair is not at all a consideration for mutual love. Risk of recurrence is the main consideration. Based on your reply we will make it point to keep an eye on the health of other breast.

Red71 profile image

If your wife clearly wants to go the mastectomy route and the doctors say it is your choice, then she should go for it. It’s certainly not a walk in the park to have it done, but if that’s what her mind and emotions are telling her to do, that is her path. No matter what path she chooses, there will always be those moments that you say, what if you had done it differently. We all have learned not to go there! You just can’t change what life has handed you, you just keep going forward. Caring thoughts for you both as you make this decision.

Caring_hubby profile image
Caring_hubby in reply to Red71

Thanks Red71. We have another week to decide and we are learning from experiences of those who were in our condition. Thanks again!

Ph30n1x profile image

Dear caring hubby.

I just thought I'd share a few stories I've come across from others I've met during my journey.

I was diagnosed stage IV at the age of 43. My first cancer diagnosis.

It was earth shattering.

I'm receiving palliative care but not in the way it sounds. I was given 3-6 months to live in 2016. The cancer was extremely aggresive and I already had 14 metastatic tumours to my spine ribs and femurs.

Now, as it normally goes, I met loads of beautiful people fighting the same fight and they have enriched my life beyond anything I can verbalize.

Some of those people were diagnosed with stage 1, 2 or 3 breast cancer.

I want to say from their experience. Those that opted for radical intervention and had double mastectomies without any reconstruction have so far had no recurrence. One, it's been 14 years.

It is a very personal choice as everyone has said, I thunk if it was me and I'd been diagnosed early enough for that kind of intervention, I would definitely have gone down the route if double mastectomy.

I'm currently only fighting one active tumour. A recent find in my liver. My bone lesions, due to radiotherapy and hormone treatment, are all sleeping.

If my liver tumour goes dormant, I'm going to ask for a double mastectomy. I want to eliminate all risks of this disease metastasizing more.

I wish you and your lovely wife so much warmth and love on this journey.

Never forget, you're not alone. There's always an ear and empathic heart to reach out to.

Kindest regards, Ann.

Caring_hubby profile image

Dear ph0n1x

Nice to hear from you. Chatting with people going through same trauma as yours is so re assuring and so much positive effects it has on you. We will keep in mind your suggestions in this regards. Yes rightly said, we including all members sharing there experience should not feel alone. Warmth of these posts reach very effectively. Wishing you best.

Caring_hubby profile image

Dear Tri78.

Thanks for response. The oncologist has written 4b N3 M0 in the prescription. Hope this is curable stage..

Caring_hubby profile image

Yes T4b N3 M0 .. hope now you can tell me the stage.

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