I was diagnosed with MBC (to bone) in 2017 and had cancerous knee replaced. I’ve been getting monthly FASLODEX & XGEVA injections for over a year now without any issues. Actually....the last two treatments I did feel a bit woozy during injections, but not bad. But today was a whole new experience!! While holding onto chair in my normal half bent stance while the nurse was injecting me.... I started feeling flush, dizzy, faint and could feel it going through and rising up my body. Then I had an uncontrollable coughing attack and it felt like it was going to come up and out of my throat. My eyes were watering and I felt like I was going to pass out. The nurse told me to sit and drink some water. Which I did. But that was only the first injection. I still needed to do the second one and I was so frightened!! The nurse told me to stand up straight this time (not bent over) which I did and when the injection started I only felt dizzy. No coughing or shortness of breath this time. We decided that it must have been due to me being bent or leaning over that caused the coughing and shortness of breath. I’ve never had this before and was wondering if anyone else had experienced coughing, faintness or shortness of breath while getting Faslodex injections?
Extreme Coughing, Dizziness and Short... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Extreme Coughing, Dizziness and Shortness of Breath while getting Faslodex injection. (Side Effect).

I don’t have those symptoms but doesn’t sound like it was caused by your standing position. Sounds either 2nd to “nerves” or drug reaction. I’m surprised they didn’t lay you down.and give next shot with you supine. Did they take your blood pressure pulse and and 02 sat? Listen to your lungs? Any itching or swelling? I’d share w your doc.
Oh my. I take two 650 mg Tylenol before I go to the Cancer Center. The nurse applies lidocaine cream at the injection sites and puts a plastic dressing over the cream so it can numb the area. I wait at least a half an hour to get numb. An hour is better.
The nurse takes the injections out of the refrigerator so they get to room temperature.
When I am numb, I roll the needles in my hands to warm them up to my body temperature. The nurse usually warms one needle and I warm the other one.
I stand for the injections, on my right foot for the left side, then switch feet.
By not putting weight on the side I am getting the injection, my muscles are more relaxed and it doesn’t hurt.
After I get the injections, the nurse gives me two ice packs which I put inside my leggings and then go for a walk through the halls of the center for about a half hour to get the injections to move around.
Then I go out for a nice lunch with my husband.
I had my last shot a week ago and only felt a pinch.
The nurse gives me the tube of lidocaine so I can use it for the next injection.
I am 68 and my MBC was discovered in August 2018.
I also take Ibrance and Zomax Infusions.
Give this a try and let me know. I care. Blessings to all of us, our treatment teams and researchers. And especially our supportive families and friends
Hi MiniLovr -
Is it possible that this is an allergic reaction? It sounds similar to what happens to me with, e.g. one of the contrast dyes for scans, which I no longer do because the risk of anaphylaxis is quite serious.
I have had serious food and drug allergies my entire adult life, e.g. I'm allergic to some forms of anesthesia, which is extremely rare...like 1 in 10,000 (from memory, could be way off...). It is so uncommon that may health professionals are not even aware that it is a thing. So I am pretreated with Benedryl and everyone is on high alert in case I have a reaction.
Prior to my first surgery for cancer, I visited with an allergist who specializes in drug allergies to document the issue to bring to the anesthesiologist...
In my humble opinion, I would look into the allergy possibility because, again, it can turn very serious, very quickly, not to scare you.
At a minimum I would pop a couple of benedryls before the injection and have a few more on hand for 24 hours after. I would also discuss with the nurse - even if she looks at you like you have two heads - so that if something happens she will consider allergy as one of the first possibilities. If you feel short of breath, I would risk a possible over-reaction in favor of getting medical attention.
Again, not to scare you, but i've been dealing with similar for decades and I've learned to take it seriously so that I can prevent issues....
Take care,
Never had that reaction to faslodex, but i did once to chemo. It was a full blown panic attack and i had never had one before but i could not stop coughing eyes were watering and i have never felt so out of control in my life. The dr gave me a shot of something and i slept through the treatment.
Thanks so very much for your replies. I will definitely try the Benadryl idea before my next injection. And also stand on alternating legs during the injections. The Dr did come in and say he thought it could have been a panic attack, but I’ve never had one before and I wasn’t anxious at all (until it started happening). And it happened during my first of two injections. I was so nervous to do the second injection after that, but it went well other than a bit of dizziness. They didn’t take my BP after.... only before my injections and it was normal. It’s just so strange that it happened now, after over a year with no problems. Well, thanks again for sharing and for all of the good tips. I’ll post after my next injection at City of Hope on 2/20/19 to let you know how it went.
MiniLovr - Just FYI, many allergies take time to develop, ie. not necessarily at first exposure. I would not rule out allergy based on a year of no problems. Also, my understanding is that allergic reactions can be exacerbated by combinations of allergens...your diet might have changed, or environmental allergens. I hope it's not an allergy, but I would not rule it out...
OMG!! I was just changing into my nightgown and noticed that I have a rash and redness ALL OVER my tummy and along my sides! So I must have definitely had an allergic reaction to the Faslodex or Xgeva injections. I took two Benadryl and will call my Dr in the morning. So strange!! I’ve been taking it for over a year without issue and now have these allergic symptoms?
Oh, gosh, MiniLovr, yes it sounds like an allergy! I'm so glad that your reaction is making itself known in a manageable way!! Please do be on alert for 24 hours... Take care!

Thanks so much LynnFish, All of your information has been very helpful to me. I’ll keep you posted.
Hi MiniLovr, sorry to hear about the side effect or discomfort during faslodex inj. For next jab, try ask your nurse to use a smaller like 21G needles. It takes all the pain away. My mom experience. She is on Faslodex since Aug18. Take care
It looks like an allergic reaction because you were having shorthness of breath, becareful call your oncologist and let him know before the next dose, I have been getting Faslodex and I do not have that reaction
UPDATE: Hi all, So I was really nervous to go get my FASLODEX injection today after last months fiasco. But to my surprise.... It went perfect! I took a Benadryl before appointment, I did the standing on opposite leg as injection side tip. The nurse warmed it up first and she did a real slow injection. Also I stood almost straight up, just bent slightly to front. The nurse and I talked about it before and after the injections and we concluded that the bad reaction I had last time might have been due to my position during injections. Last time I was bent completely over (L shaped). And I had an immediate reaction (Coughing, wattery eyes, dizziness etc). This time standing almost straight but slightly bent to front worked great! So with all your help, suggestions and support it all worked out great! Thanks everyone! 💕
Hello. I was literally “googling” FAINTING WITH FASLODEX. The first two times I got the shots I almost fainted but definitely felt very dizzy. First I felt a tightness in my chest and could literally feel the medicine creeping up to my chest right before I started the “fainting” spell. Now I get my shots laying down on my side. I get dizzy once in awhile like this but not all the time. What did your oncologist conclude for you? They are aware of this side affect for me but just monitor it.
I had about 6-8 monthly injections with no problems then I had this terrible burning sensation in my lungs and I would cough and taste the meds.. This same sensation continues to happen but only occasionally.. Very scary and weird. Not any if the nurses or drs have heard of this type of reaction.