I am new to the group. I was diagnosed in Oct, 207 with metastatic breast cancer to the lungs and liver. Currently on chemo. I am als on oxygen. Has anyone else been on oxygen and managed to either get off of it or lower the amount needed as the cancer shrinks?
New to the group: I am new to the group... - SHARE Metastatic ...
New to the group
Dear Pattie
I was never on oxygen but do have lung Mets. Want to let you know I did incredibly well on the chemo. Hoping it will work as well for you and you can get off the oxygen!
HI Pattie1951, I have met to bones, lymph nodes and the muscle in my back. I have been on oxygen for several months due to chronic pleural effusion. (Chemo causes fluid build-up in my left lung). I started at 1.5 liters and am now only using 0.5 liters. I bought a fingertip Pulse/Oxygen at Walgreens for $45 to monitor my oxygen needs.
Thanks Pat. I wish you well also. I also bought a pulse ox and do keep track of my oxygen needs. I have had to turn mine higher recently due to pneumonia. I am hoping I can get it down to a more manageable level as that heals.
Just saw this Pattie....Yes, I was diagnosed in Sept of 2015 and was hospitalized because I was struggling to breathe. After my release I was on oxygen for about 3-4 months. My onc had two main goals with the chemo.....to reduce the pain and to get my off the oxygen. Well, both worked. I was able to put the oxygen away after that time and have never had to go back on it. The chemo shrunk the met in my lung. I am currently on Afinitor/Aromasin which is "famous" for causing lung problems but so far (knock on wood) I have been fine. I am on my 4th month of this medication. Good luck!
So glad to hear you are doing well. And so glad to hear someone was able to come off oxygen. That would be my dream. Thanks for give hug me hope. And continued good luck to you alicehblack