Nagging Nausea: My mom has MBC Mets to... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Nagging Nausea

23 Replies

My mom has MBC Mets to bones, diagnosed in Dec 2017. She’s on ibrance (cycle #3) and letrezole, completes 10 radiation treatments. Since being diagnosed she has had this nagging nausea. She’s on phenergan, trying Claritin (we saw that on here) and the motion sickness bracelet-no relief. She take some OxyContin for the pain (low dose, am and pm). Anyone else have this nausea? Also, what do you take to manage pain. Love and Light to all! Thanks!

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23 Replies
Bluebird77 profile image

Hi. I'm sorry to hear that your mom is suffering from nausea. I don't get nausea from Ibrance/Letrozole but I remember when I was going through chemo years ago, they gave me Kytril for the nausea and it was very effective. More recently, after I had radioembolization to my liver, they gave me Zofran pills. There are other anti-nausea pills available; if she's not getting relief, her oncologist should try another until her discomfort can be managed. My mets are in my liver so I don't know about pain medication for bone mets but I'm sure others here can help. Hope your mom is feeling better soon.

in reply to Bluebird77

Thank you so much!

Thank you! A fatty meal is not even on her radar with the nausea. She had the nausea before starting Ibrance and letrezole that’s why I’m thinking it’s the pain meds.

Meadesmith profile image
Meadesmith in reply to

Yup. It's the pain meds. Try CBD oil products for pain , nausea, appetite. CBD is legal in most states. Also try medical marijuana, costly but very effective. No side effects.

in reply to Meadesmith

Illegal in MO😕

Jerseygirl45 profile image
Jerseygirl45 in reply to

It could be the pain meds. I have on all my medical records that I can not take Percocet or OxyContin because they make me very ill with nausea and vomiting. I also get nauseous from some chemo treatments and zofran usually works on it.

Hope you mom finds something to relieve it. It is the worst feeling.


Shelly265 profile image

Hi Cindy, I found the phenergran suppositories worked better than the oral version. Also Zofran helps too. Best of luck to your Mom, she is so lucky to have such a caring daughter!

Shelly265 profile image
Shelly265 in reply to Shelly265

Also, OxyContin made me nauseous so I switched to hydromorphone (Dilaudid) for my bone mets pain. I hope this helps!

in reply to Shelly265

Good to know, I’m pretty sure it’s the oxy making her sick. We see a pain Dr in a few weeks in search of alternatives for pain management. Thank you!

Moveit2012 profile image

I was dx sept 17 with bone mets to rib, t20/11 and t4/5 and the sacrum. and have been on ibrance/letrozole which I take in the morning with a Greek yogurt and banana. I have nauseousness occasionally some time periods are worse than others. My pain meds are, in order of usage, ketorlac, hydrocodone 20 mg, and fentynal 25 mg patch. The most effective are the ketarolac and fentynal. The hydrocodone makes me the most nauseous but usually as the pain starts to diminish. I have also done a total of 11 radiation treatments which did help with the pain.

Abby2312 profile image

So sorry to hear about your mom. I get nausea sometimes . I usually take so zofran , it helps. For my pain it depends how bad it gets. Sometimes I take hydrocodone 10mg. Hope this helps.

in reply to Abby2312

She has phenergan and Zofran but neither seems to work very well. Thank you!

Bekadawn profile image

I take a combination. I have Mets from the base of my skull to my tailbone, hips, shoulders and a few places on my ribs. So pretty extensive. If she is getting radiation to her bones she will get pain relief from that. I take extended release morphine 2 x a day. That helps the most. Then I take Celebrex for the joint pain that Femera causes. Norco for breakthru pain.

Nausea well that can be unbearable. I have Zofran, Phenergan (oral & supposed.), Reglan, Compozine and I just started ZyPrexa last week. I take it 2 x day and it seems to be the magic ticket. Although I have the others in case I need them I haven't in 5 days which has been wonderful as I have been battling a terrible round of nausea for the past 6 weeks.

Make sure she is sharing with her oncologist all her problems. She is her best advocate.

Best wishes to your mom.

in reply to Bekadawn

Hers is also pretty extensive, she’s on protonix, phenergan (pills, supp) and zofran. Im putting the Celebrex and zyprexa on my list when to discuss with the pain Dr. Thank you!

Kdst777 profile image
Kdst777 in reply to Bekadawn

I am similar to you.. what is a typical day for you

Pjriggs profile image

When I was first diagnosed in June 2017 I was put on Oxycontin 10 mg twice a day for long lasting and Oxycodone 10/325 mg every 6 hours for break through pain. It worked great till I was put on TennCare Medicaid and they will not approve them for me so I couldn't get them. I also take 25 mg Phenergan for nausea. One thing that helped me also the 2nd month I started the 21 day cycle I take close to bed time instead of in the morning. That way I can sleep through most of the nausea. My first 21 days when I took in the morning I fought it all day, then read where some women said they took it at night to sleep through some of the side effects. Hope this helps.

Wildcat1 profile image

I have bone Mets and I periodically use zofran. When I first was diagnosed and had my surgery when I was stage 1 I would get deathly ill from the anistetic that was given to me so they put a patch behind my ear. It’s used for people who go on cruise ships for motion sickness. Can’t remember the name but it worked well.

in reply to Wildcat1

Thanks wildcat, I’m sure it’s scapallomine.

spouseM profile image

I am so sorry to hear this. Nausea is the worst to have. I get bouts of just about every side effect, but not normally all at once, (I am knocking on wood here!). Something I do that helps me with everything is meditation. Lots of stuff on the www, and most likely a group in your town that gets together to do so. Please give that a try. My wishes for a solution for you and your dear mother! Michelle

SeattleMom profile image

Hi, Cindy!

I had exact diagnosis in November, with same treatment (10 radiation treatments to spine, along with daily meds of Ibrance (21 days on and 7 days off) and Letrozole. My biggest side effect was from the radiation which resulted in esophagitis and nausea. That lasted about 2 weeks.

Also, low white cell count from Ibrance which occasionally leads doc to pull me off for a few days. When I experienced the nausea, my doc prescribed ondansetron, which helped immensely; use only as needed, and it was gone in a very short time. You just let it dissolve on top of tongue, so very easy to use. Hope this helps.

Blessings to your mom, Cindy!

Linda in Seattle

in reply to SeattleMom

Thank You linda. She has that same medication and phenergan suppository and pill but continues to have nausea most everyday inspire if all that. We see the pain doctor and her oncologist in a few weeks and will be revisiting this.

Halfpint2 profile image

I took Zofran and it worked very well. I sipped on ginger ale and crackers a lot as well. Peppermint, ginger candy and hot ginger tea helped also.

Thank you all for your suggestions and encouragement! I am happy to say that my mom turned a corner!! The nausea is gone, pain is manageable and she is able to be more active-out to lunch and shopping!!! And her last bone scan showed improvement!! Celebrating where she is on this journey! #kickingcancersass!

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