Today was the first day of experiencing some dizziness. Is this common when you take ibrance, for this occur, dizziness?
Dizzy on ibrance?: Today was the first... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Dizzy on ibrance?

I think that happens. If it goes on you should call the dr but that has happened to me before and then I was fine. Good luck 💕
We all have different side effects. How is your blood pressure? Is itLow? Are you getting enough fluids?
Make sure to double hydrate. This drug is soooo dehydrating! Blessings!
thank you demanos, I think I may have become dehydrated without realizing it, along with coming down with a cold. I am laying low, drinking plenty of fluids. I am doing better.
So glad to hear. I think you will not find this as a side effect. Also the first few months on it for me were the hardest. I got sick at work when I was auditing an office and had to lie down for ten minutes. And other side effects first year. I have learned to embrace this drug and am so happy for it. I am on it for 2 years now on the highest dose. I also think that astragalus helps my blood counts and keeps me from getting sick. Wishing you the very best.
thank you Tap321, I'll look up astragalus
Just a quick reply that I experience dizziness when I get up from a prone position; it quickly passes if I just sit for about 5-10 seconds. Not sure if this is caused by the Ibrance but I've been told to be mindful of my hydration as well. Good luck, SusieIM!
Thank you, SeattleMom! I talked to a doc today. I think it is a combination of letting myself get dehydrated and having a cold. I am taking care now. Stay warm everyone.