i have neen prescribed quinine by my doctor but not helping. anyone else tried this?
Anyone tried quinine: i have neen... - Restless Legs Syn...
Anyone tried quinine

Quinine is prescribed for leg cramps - so that is probably why it is not helping much, if at all. Perhaps it might be a good idea to give your GP some information on RLS to read
Quinine is for leg cramps, Kaarinas right, and its a good idea to print of some info for your gp, they are not allways up to speed on rls, my gp wasnt, but we worked together on the meds.
I agree with the others on this, many years ago when people complained to their doctors about weird feelings in their leg, its what doctors prescribed because they didnt know about RLS. These days most doctors know what it is and how the treat it, but there are still some who dont. Take along some info with you.... Also ask if you can have a ferritin level, it should read 50 or above for people with RLS, If below that, then some people benefit from taking iron pills under instruction from their doctor, it doesnt work for everyone, but its worth trying to see if that is the reason for your RLS, if it doesnt work, then it can be ruled out of the cause for your RLS.
Agree with all above. I tried it - didn't work. If you want to take it have it in tonic form with a large gin! Won't help RLS but you will chill out eventually!
@ Drew love your answer
My Dr. attitude is after training for 7 years he did not want to be told how to do his job by a computer!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankfully he has left the surgery and I now have a female GP who will listen but I am a bit scared to take in any internet info!!!!!! How have other gone about this?
Agree the tonic is best served ice and a slice with a good measure of vodka

I agree it is a little scary to take in medical info to a gp but this is the only way that they will learn about it if they are not in the know.
This link may help you to help your gp. The information is from a very reliable source!
I read an article about Quinine, ran to my Dr, very excited and was refused as it wasn't a listed drug. I then went on the www and bought some, no good, found another site and ordered this (just in case the 1st was a fake) and no good again.
I really wanted it to work and I hear it does for some folk.
Keep trying is my way, just in case............you never know do you?