My RLS continues even with Gabapentin 1500 nightly , Tramadol 200 nightly , zopiclone and CBD gelcaps. I recently saw an internist who prescribed quinine nightly. I read that is not recommended by the FDA for RLS or leg cramps . I don’t want to take it but I’m wondering does any one else have experience with this drug . Thanks to the great people of this forum for any insights .
Has anyone knowledge /experience with... - Restless Legs Syn...
Has anyone knowledge /experience with Quinine for RLS?

I personally have no experience.
There are one or two members who have been given it.
It is not recommended for RLS, it has no effect on RLS and it it is dangerous.
It used to be prescribed for night cramps decades ago. Some Drs confused night cramps with RLS.
I suggest you don't take it.
I don't know what an internist is, but it sounds as if they know nothing about RLS.
It seems you have 'refractory" RLS. I siggest you read the following link and discuss it with a doctor willing to prrscribe s high potency opioid, rather than tramadol.
It was prescribed by a physician specializing in internal medicine or internist .He did not seem to know much about RLS . surprise, surprise! And I realized that from the start of the consultation. I have not filled the script so I wont be taking it. Thanks for your opinion.
I would avoid. Someone posted on here recently that their mother had been prescribed quinine years ago for RLS. Her mother now has suspected heart failure from the quinine.It does nothing for RLS and may cause heart damage.
So many doctors assume RLS is leg cramps. It isn't.
How do you take the 1500 mg of gabapentin - what doses and when?
I’ve been taking Tramodol for 10 plus years with good results. Unfortunately the state I live in (Wisconsin ) is on a kick to stop opioid use. I took 300 mg for years when I lived in Florida but when I moved to Wisconsin it was a different story. The most I could get was 150 mg and after a year my Dr reduced it to 100 mg. It’s still better then anything else I’ve tried.
Sorry to hear that. So sad when we have to suffer with a condition due to the lack of knowledge on the part of medical and/or politicians . Have you tried anything else Gabapentin or Pregabalin?
You may need to see another doctor more knowledgeable with RLS. There are many doctors out there who know that we suffer so much with RLS and need the meds to survive this world. Some doctors are willing to write a script and you can send to a pharmacy or they will FAX it there. THANK God my doctor is willing to give me whatever is needed to help with the plague of RLS. Don't stop with an ignorant doctor and try others until you find one to work with you. KEEP up the FIGHT......
I was up to 400mg a day for 12 yrs . (I live in Florida also). But I was just getting worse and worse and finally did some research and found out that my RLS wasn't getting worse but that the Tramadol was causing augmentation. Which basically means it was treating my immediate symptoms but was making my symptoms be in my entire body and they started earlier and earlier in the day which eventually meant I had symptoms 24/7 head to toe with little breaks in between when I took the tramadol. I found a neurologist in Gainesville who treats tramadol augmentation and have now been taking 5mg of methadone ( the recommended treatment from RLS specialists at Johns Hopkins) twice a day for a year. The augmentation is completely gone and my RLS symptoms are mostly gone. I might get a twinge once or twice a week and when I do it's only in my calves not my whole body.
Tramadol augmentation might be something you might want to look in to if your symptoms aren't being controlled.
Good luck! I hope whatever you do you find some relief!