I was just at my sleep specialist and she showed me a new device and I am just curious if anyone has tried it works by sending signals to your spine I believe that mimics movement in your legs so as to relieve RLS symptoms. I'm not sure it is covered by insurance or not.
Anyone tried this? : I was just at my... - Restless Legs Syn...
Anyone tried this?

It looks like other devices that fit around the back of the legs and stimulate your jiggy pikkies and stop RLS.
Not sure what names they go by, but check on Amazon to see what's available.
Restiffic is coming into my mind, but not sure if that's right??
I'm wondering if a tens machine would work the same ??
They have a website with some info. They have done a bunch os studies including reducing opiates prescribed for RLS. It seems a bit more direct nerve stimulation like an EMG than TENS. Is it commercially available in the USA. I have been in contact with the company but they have not looked at going through the regulation process in Australia. I guess the advantage of FDA/TGA is that insurance may cover it. But takes ages and adds a lot to the development cost which eventually goes back to the customer eventually.
It says "controlled release coming soon" in US. nidrarls.com/
I’m not sure if this is the same device as the TOMAC that was approved by the FDA in April. According to company it is available via prescription only and won’t be available until some time this fall. Do you actually have this device or is that a brochure you are displaying? Dr. B. was quoted as saying it looks “ promising”