Hepatic encephalopathy is brain dysfunction caused by liver dysfunction. “Encephalopathy” is brain dysfunction, and “hepatic” means liver-related. Encephalopathy affects your central nervous system and how you think, feel and act.
Restless legs syndrome encephalopathy, - Restless Legs Syn...
Restless legs syndrome encephalopathy,

I am not sure what you are trying to say here ?Did you mean H.E causes rls or vice versa ?
My husband died from liver failure years ago as a complication of Hep C. In the final 2 days of his life he was completely delirious, but did not have H.E.
I have no idea whether or not he had rls as he was on opiates the entire duration of our marriage, but I DID. He sympathised, but couldn't relate to rls, so I think not.
Hi thereGod bless you all
Thanks for the question
During manifestation of extreme RLS, extreme moods with delirium, encephalopathies are auto immune disorders, common infections, including viral encephalitis can turn encephalopathy, and both have behavioural problems with the management of long duration with acrive infectious encephalitis, other infections that can cause encephalitis, fungi, parasites, urine track infections, disease affects different parts, antibiotics removes urine track infections in a week, with other infections duration can be twelve weeks of delirium, antibiotics can knock down the toxicity loads are reduced the oxidative stress, when people get sick really sick, infection of some sort , viral, fungi, protazona parasite, yeast, can turn encephalitis, some people are paralysed by active infection, sarcocystosis is one i know of, neuroreceptor encephalitis can turn encephalopathy, sudden change in medication causes neuroreceptor encephalitis, it causes mental Dysfunction, if medication is weakening the immune system or causes toxicity and addiction, then you are at risk of drug induced encephalopathy, mixing with active infectious diseases, infections exert toxicity in blood and the brain,
I know im trying to say, infection cause psychosis, I'm calling it restless legs syndrome encephalopathy.
Members of the RLS group on HealthUnlocked are reminded that posts are an individual opinion and may not reflect general opinion or medical advice. Check with a professional before following any advice on the forum. Kaarina - admin