Vitamins can be toxic, many manufacturers are using high doses, to get vitamins a bad name, the recommended dose for vitamin B6 from a trusted source is 30 to 50 mg, many of the B6 vitamins on the market are 100mg and that can be toxic, also be careful of complex b vitamins, some will have 100gm of B6
When buying vitamins do some research and make sure you aren't getting a toxic dose, because many of the products available are over the safe limits and can become toxic.
I bought Vitamin B15 500mg the recommended dose from a trusted source says 150 mg, daily, although my scars are healing faster than before, so it does speed up the healing process it may become toxic after a couple of weeks, so i will be reducing the amount by separating the capsules.
I noticed on ebay that Germany is selling the correct daily dose of 150 mg of B15
So be careful what you choose there's many deceitful organisations trying to make you sick, including vitamin companies.