I was going to wait until I had full results , I have decided that it is unfair of me to do so due to the time frame it can take for research and results .
The Facebook page will direct you to the WIKI page which will answer ALL questions you have and were a list suppliers.
You tube Dr Mark Davis
This treatment was an available in Australia until 2022 when clinics where closed by TGA due to an unrelated single incident.
There are people who have been RLS free for 5 years with regular inoculations.
IF you go down this path start with 3 NA only do not be tempted to start with 5 .Another member from our group started with 10 and had to kill them off .
My first inoculation October 1 st of 3 NA
Only side effect was 3 days of dizziness day 11 12 and 13
Interestingly this is when the RLS stopped and medication ceased for a week.
Then I ate something that stunned them
there was coconut oil in my CBD that stunned them.
This treatment gave me the best 2 months regarding pain from inflammation was ZERO
Week 10 pain started to creep back getting worse daily this means I will inocoulate every 10 weeks instead of 12.
I have only just completed my second inoculation of 5 NA I’m looking forward to seeing how this months goes and trying not to eat things that stuns them.
When you think that RLS is predominantly a western disease this makes absolute sense to me.
You can learn to harvest your own
May this be the relief you are looking for all autoimmune , inflammatory bowel , and so many more conditions
Happy researching all.