This forum has over 10,000 followers across Europe but only a small number of you have taken part in the European Alliance for RLS (EARLS) Patient Survey 2018. We are asking for 5-10 minutes of your time, that's all. If you don't help us, we cannot help you.
We need many, many more responses. We need you to share the survey with your forum friends, encourage each other to complete it, share it with your family (if any of them have RLS), share it on your Facebook page etc, bump this post so others see it, 'Like' the post so it stays at the top of the RLS forum topics. This is the third time we have had to post this request, isn't that a shame?
In short, we need your help. For years we have heard people (wrongly) complain that no research is being done. This is research. Its findings will be shared with senior influencers and policy makers across Europe but only if we have a sufficient sample size to be able to draw some conclusions. Without your help and participation, we will fail. It's up to you, we need you to make it happen.
The survey takes about 5-10 minutes to complete and your answers will be completely anonymous. It is currently open to residents of the UK, Ireland, France, Finland, Netherlands, Austria and Germany.
Thank you