I used to be on here quite frequently, but then got busy with other things. However, I have exchanged chats with some members who asked me about some of my older posts, as well as I have read things in the newsfeed as they pop up in my email.
Here is an article which I have found not only helpful, but very informative about RLS. drprevent.com/restless-legs/ It talks about the neurotransmitters in the brain that, when deficient, cause RLS. And how to address these with various supplements.
I myself had been addressing only the gaba neurotransmitter, which worked mostly, but not always. Something was missing. When I added the dopa , it worked much better. Taurine is the supplement to take to supply gaba. Mucuna dopa is the supplement to take to supply the dopa. These are based upon the drugs that doctors often prescribe for RLS (which often have unwanted side effects.)
So, I recommend reading the article yourselves, reading more about these supplements, and then deciding if you want to give them a try. There is other info in the article as well, but for myself I did not need to pursue anything else, as these have worked well for me.