After waiting over two years since being referred, I have an appointment with a neurologist.
With the help of pregabalin and opioids, I took my last dopamine agonist last July after being on them for 22 years. My life has changed; I can read a book, watch TV and sleep!
Reasons to keep the appointment: the neurologist may suggest something new to help me. However, I am familiar with the Mayo Clinic Algorithm, I think I have had all the relevant blood tests, I read and learn from posts on this forum, and I have a GP who understands. What more could a neurologist offer?
Reasons to cancel the appointment: Firstly, after more than 30 years of suffering, I have a system that works for me; I am fearful that the neurologist may overrule my GP and insist I stop taking one or more of my medications. Secondly, if I truly do not need the appointment, it would be right for me to free it up for someone who does need it.
Does anyone have any views or recommendations on the above quandary (I live in the UK)?