As I am so desperate for help with my RLS, weaning off Roprinirole and augmentation, I decided I would try to go privately to see a neurologist. I have had to wait two weeks to speak to my GP on the telephone. Thanks to all your help on here I am aware of what I need to do and the medication I need to ask for. I am also now quite aware of the drugs that can make RLS worse. Anyway, on with the story, I phoned a private hospital for an appointment and after 48 hours received a response today. The neurologist left a statement for the person making the phonemail to read out to me. It began - for RLS he would advise Amitriptilyne or Clonozepan. If they didn't work try Roprinirole.... there was nothing else he could advise. Needless to say I won't be going to see him!!!!!! Thanks for reading.
Tried going privately to see a neurol... - Restless Legs Syn...
Tried going privately to see a neurologist

You've just saved a whack of money!🤓
Name and shame!
Definitely name and shame. The fact he couldn't even bother to look up the basics of RLS is terrifying. And he'd happily have charged you a fortune for the negligent advice.
This is awful!About five weeks ago I went to see a private neurologist and I've got to say it's the best thing I did.
He prescribed Oxycodone and after riding out a couple of side effects I'm realising relief from RLS. Not perfect but so much improved ( touch wood )
There's a list on this site with recommendations of private neurologists.

Thank you. I'm happy you are getting some relief. I don't remember seeing the list you mention. Any idea when it was posted and how I can find it?
Kaarina had the list. I think ( although not sure) she's an administrator.Good luck!
Hi cicek,
I keep a very short list of consultants/neurologists that forum members have recommended in the past. Should you wish to know if anyone has been recommended near where you live, let me know.
Morning Kaarina. I have tried looking for neurologists and as you say, most of them are in London. I live in the Midlands but would have no objection to travelling some distance for an appointment. Obviously I would not relish the idea of travelling to London if it could be avoided. Thank you.
The Royal Stoke on Trent Hospital, Staffordshire, Dr Jonathan Partridge has been recommended fairly recently. Hull Royal Infirmary and Spire Hull & East riding Hospital, Dr Alec Ming, neurologist. On looking him up I found two reviews, (not RLS related) one good and one not good....... felt this should be mentioned although he has been recommended by someone on this forum. Spire Cheshire Hospital, The Walton Centre, Fazackerly, Liverpool and Spire Murrayfield, Dr Nicholas Silver. Hope these hospitals are not too far away from you, cicek.
Thank you Kaarina. The Stoke on Trent one is about my nearest. Just under an hour. The others are a long journey but thank you. Ironic how some of the others are the Spire hospitals which is the same as the one I got the response about taking Amitriptyline from. Fortunately the doctors are all different. I will wait until after my GP conversation and Monday and decide from there. Unfortunately the hospital at Stoke is an NHS hospital so I don't think I will be able to self-refer there whereas I can at the Nuffield and Spire Hospitals. The doctor may of course do a private clinic.
Hi Summy,
Yes, I do have a very short list of neurologists/consultants that members have recommended in the past but the list has never been posted on the forum. If anyone wishes to ask if a neurologist/consultant has been recommended near where they live I am happy to look and let them know.
Hi Kaarina I'd love to see a list for my area, if one exists.
If you let me know where you live in the UK I can see if a consultant/neurologist has been recommended by a member of our forum. Most of the neurologists are based in London.
Hi Karina would you be able to give me the names of any consultants either in the Midlands or the north west? thanks
Hi Nottsali,
Cicek asked a similar question further up the page and these are the ones I suggested for her. The Royal Stoke on Trent Hospital, Staffordshire, Dr Jonathan Partridge has been recommended fairly recently. Hull Royal Infirmary and Spire Hull & East riding Hospital, Dr Alec Ming, neurologist. On looking him up I found two reviews, (not RLS related) one good and one not good....... felt this should be mentioned although he has been recommended by someone on this forum. Spire Cheshire Hospital, The Walton Centre, Fazackerly, Liverpool and Spire Murrayfield, Dr Nicholas Silver. Hope these hospitals are not too far away from you.