I am a 69 year old man in the United States. In 2016, I started experiencing leg spasms that would occur when I lie prone or leaned back in my recliner. I first noticed it during the day, but it would soon keep me from falling asleep and staying asleep. I mentioned it to a doctor I was visiting for another issue. He thought I might have RLS and he prescribed pramipexole 0.125mg taken nightly. It almost eliminated the spasms so I could sleep. He then had me start taking a morning dose as well to control the spasms in daytime. I would sometimes experience the spasms in the last couple of hours before my next dose.
When the leg spasms first began, I was going through a few months of physical therapy for lower spine pain. (This was after I'd had a few steroid injections in my spine.) The therapy included strapping my hips to a traction table that would separate at the waist and pull on my back. I remember asking one of the PTs if the traction could have caused the leg spasms and he didn't think so. I have always associated the onset of my spasms with that traction, though, as I describe below, doctors have been unable to find any issues that might cause the spams. The doctor who prescribed the pramipexole also doubted the traction as being the cause.
That dosage remained effective for about 6 years. Then the spasms began to occur even with the medication, and they were more intense and occurred every 30 seconds and sometimes as much as every 10 seconds. The only way I could stop the spasms was to stand up, and then they might continue for several seconds. It became difficult to drive a car or do anything that required sitting for more than a few minutes. In early 2023, I asked my nurse practitioner if I could double the dosage to 0.25mg twice daily and she agreed. That almost eliminated the spasms again.
I also developed insomnia, also starting in 2016, when we had a tragedy in our family. I would awaken in the middle of the night and not be able to fall back asleep for an hour or two. Then I would wake up around 5:00 AM without using an alarm. I don't remember the progression, but when I asked to double the pramipexole in 2023, I was suffering from sleep deprivation. I could fall asleep standing up.
I described my leg spasms to the nurse practitioner. From what I had read, I did not think I was experiencing RLS. I did not experience a restlessness in my legs. They would just spasm even when I tried to keep them from it. I could anticipate the onset of spasms because I would feel a tightness or tension in my lower back and butt. I should add that I had already sought treatment from a chiropractor and an acupuncturist. The acupuncturist was present when I started having the spasms lying on her table. She said they were unlike anything she had seen.
My nurse practitioner referred me to an orthopedic spine surgeon and to a sleep doctor. The spine surgeon had an MRI done. He noted the disc degenerative disease that had been diagnosed several years prior, as well as scoliosis, arthritis, and stenosis, but nothing that he thought would cause leg spasms. He did refer me to physical therapy to help with pain and immobility issues.
The sleep doctor diagnosed mild apnea after an at-home sleep study and I began using a CPAP machine. She also tried various medications to help me sleep before settling on temazepam. After trying lower doses, I'm now taking 30mg per night. That usually gets me 4-5 hours of sleep before I awaken and can't go back to sleep. I usually try to take a nap early in the morning, and sometimes mid-morning, and even in the afternoon if I don't have any activity to keep me busy and awake. She also diagnosed me with RLS and possible "myoclonic jerks".
I've abandoned the CPAP. Because I drool so much during my sleep, I was only using a "nose pillow", but the air would flow into my nose and out my mouth. So they gave me a strap to wrap around my head to keep my mouth closed, but that caused me jaw pain and aching teeth. Then I tried surgical tape to keep my lips closed, but my cheeks would fill with air and the drool would collect between the tape and my lips and was irritating. It got to the point I would rip the CPAP mask of in my sleep without realizing it.
The sleep doctor also referred me to a neurologist who did some unpleasant electrified needle tests but he found nothing that would cause leg spasms.
I've read that insomnia can be a side-effect of pramipexole, but the sleep doctor says it's not. The insomnia has caused me to alter my morning routine so I can no longer attend daily Mass or go to the gym early each morning. I have to be cautious about driving, usually taking a nap if I have to drive more than 20 minutes. I have days when I'm dragging, but I try to at least walk a few miles. It's just harder to motivate myself when I'm so tired.
I had been prescribed gabapentin within the last year for back pain, but it caused depression. I had also tried pregabalin for back pain, but it caused swelling in my lower extremities (and didn't help with pain.)
Another piece of the puzzle: When we'd vacation growing up, my dad would sleep on the bed with us kids. He would awaken me at night and tell me my leg was jumping and keeping him awake. I was completely unaware of it. My wife has told me for years that my legs do that, but it usually settles down after some time. Even when I take the pramipexole, she says my legs will still jump about.
My reasons for questioning the RLS diagnosis:
1) I don't have an urge to move my legs. They just jerk even if I try to prevent them from it. Before the spasms would start, I usually felt a slight tightness in my lower back and buttocks area.
2) The spasms were the same day or night, usually occurring within 30 minutes of sitting, reclining or lying down. When the spasms started in 2016, I'm fairly sure they didn't affect me ealier in the day or when sitting upright. I remember having to drive over an hour to and from work and having no issues with spasms. When the pramipexole quit providing relief in 2022, the spasms would start any time I was sitting, reclining or lying down for 10 or 15 minutes. Maybe the pramipexole was causing augmentation?
3) The spasms stopped within a minute of standing up. I didn't have to walk or stretch to relieve the spasms or the tight feeling.
I am afraid the pramipexole will stop working again and would like to see if there is some other solution. It sometimes doesn't seem to be working as well during my daytime naps which only last about 15-20 minutes and I'll awaken from having spasms. Occasionally I'll wake up at night and a jerking leg will keep me awake . Also, I sometimes get that tight feeling on my backside when I sit down, especially after a walk. It feels like the leg spams might start, but they don't. After a few minutes, that tight feeling subsides.
My sleep doctor said she could increase the pramipexole dosage, but after reading this forum, I'm afraid that will make the problem worse. But since I'm already deep into pramipexole, I don't know where to go from here.
Lab test from Feb. 2023 showed:
Ferritin level was 63.4 ng/mL.
Total Iron Binding Capacity was 302 ug/dL.
Iron Saturation was 24% (is this the same as ferritin saturation?)
Thanks for reading this!