I have had an outstanding prescription for some 200ugm Temgesic tablets since the start of April. So I phoned them yesterday and it seems that they just cannot get hold of any 200ugm tablets. They may be able to source 400ugm but those are out of stock. (I am on 3 off 200ugm per day) So I phoned another pharmacy and they then checked with their suppliers but again nobody had then. So is anyone else experiencing problems getting Temgesic from their pharmacy? I don't think there is an equivalent in the UK as most other options are too strong. I really hope this is not a permanent problem.
Temgesic Supply Problems : I have had... - Restless Legs Syn...
Temgesic Supply Problems

See this recent post and replies:
I too - as Joolsg reported in that chain - have had problems (with other things) with e.g. Boots that I've resolved by trying other pharmacies. But I think that some shortages are more widespread at present and more difficult to resolve.
Yes..Several UK patients are reporting difficulties getting ANY Buprenorphine.You have to call around many pharmacists and ask them to check their supplier's stocks.
They all have to order in and it takes a day.
Take the 0.4mg and use a pill cutter in the meantime.
The second pharmacy I tried initially said they could only check if I bought the prescription in. However they eventually relented but they could not source it. I've one more pharmacy to try but it looks like I'll have to somehow get 400ugm and use my pill cutter. Fortunately I've built up a small emergency stock and so I can manage for a while until I get the 400ugm tablets.
I discovered that you can send the prescription to your chosen pharmacy electronically from GP surgery and if they cannot source a supply, you call around and other pharmacies look on their computer and you then give your NHS number to the new pharmacy & they can download the prescription.We will all have to phone around each month when we need supplies.
Are you in London by any chance? I’ve spent the last week ringing round pharmacies, and the best part of a day visiting every pharmacy I could find in the West End. Nothing.
But one pharmacist suggested I might have more luck in Camden, so I rang a few pharmacies there, and three said they could source it.
Let me know if you’re in this part of the world and I can send you details.
Yes I am. See posts. Every month for last 3 months. Worldwide shortage apparently.
oh no if you see my recent post I was given temgesic instead of buprenorphine so there must be a general shortage
If you could get pure buprenorphine where you are you can cut the 0.4 mg tablets - I used to do that all the time - so that’s another avenue for you to try -
I’m not sure what we can do if there is no buprenorphine available because going into withdrawal would be horrific… I’m on 0.8 mg and in the UK too - good luck
I am getting mine supplied as Tephine 200. Same dose of buprenorphine, just a different brand name. I prefer these to Temgesic as they dissolve more quickly and don’t make my mouth sore
Yes, I've noted from the NICE list (via previous posts) that Tephine is also available. I'll talk to my pharmacy on Tuesday and see if they can source it. I believe that the surgery's pharmacy team may be phoning me on Tuesday as well and I'll see if the prescription can be a little more generic i.e. mention "Temgesic or equivalent"
They didn’t have it here in Wales when I picked up my prescriptions on Friday, they’ve had a few days to source it. It varies on and off, it seems. Luckily I too have been able to build up a reserve. The worst was having the really tiny 400 mcg pills, I managed to change it with some difficulty to 2x200. I didn’t know there are pill cutters, will look into that!
1. The surgery and the pharmacy have talked to each other and my prescription is now just for the generic name of buprenorphine . So I now have a supply of Tephine 200ugm. If that fails then there seems to be several suppliers who do 400ugm which would work in conjunction with a pill-cutter.
2. An article from Sky News on supply issues that came out today: