Just an update from previous posts. I'm currently in the process of experimentation with my RLS. I have tried to avoid sugar / chocolate and MSG. The MSG comes from eating out ! My Thai girlfriend makes healthy meals for me each day with no added 'stuff' ! I can have nights which are bad for around 3 hours and other nights which are 90% ok and so far it seems to be mainly down to diet. I will post more in time. I should add that I have diabetes and rather worryingly I appear to have increasing neuropathy in my feet - feelings of numbness even though I can feel test prods to my soles. I wonder if RLS may influence neuropathy or vice versa ?! Recently after having my legs crossed for a while, I could not properly feel one of my feet and walked with a limp. It took 15 minutes of movement to restore the blood flow to my foot, something that previously would take a minute or two. Either way, both conditions have worsened, seemingly in tandem ! Below I post names of you tube videos which you may find useful - especially the one about anabolic imbalance and circadian rhythms which may hold some answers for RLS sufferers:-
* Do you have an anabolic imbalance ?
* 4 steps to correct RLS
* The surprising link between cholesterol medications and nerve damage
I should explain that I have recently moved from the UK to Thailand. In the UK I thought I had finally overcome the RLS through use of vitamins B1 and B12, and Magnesium. I had no problems on the 3 flights over either ! (very unusual !). However, within a week or two the RLS was back, which pointed to a change in climate and / or diet. Viewing another video, the presenter / Doctor said that he'd heard a bar of soap under the sheets at night can help, as can taking Folate / Vitamin B9, so you may wish to consider these. I am looking to have blood tests for my diabetes as a matter of course and I plan at that time to have iron and ferritin levels checked also. I'll update again in due course.