My night began at 8pm when I took only 1 Pramipexole along with 1 Lycra. I am currently coming off Pramipexole. Went to bed at 11 pm feeling nauseous, started vomiting at11.20, then had further vomiting attacks hourly until 1.20 am. After this my rls has gone mad - on and on relentlessly keeping me awake, until in desperation I took 2 co-codamol at 2.40 am. It is now 3.50 and no sign of it diminishing. Is it possible that while vomiting the Pramipexole and Lycra came up too leaving nothing in my system? Should I have repeated the dose after vomiting ceased? Thanks!
Hellish night: My night began at 8pm... - Restless Legs Syn...
Hellish night

Yes I am so sorry that like gabapentin the lyrica caused this too.
Carowind, you posted a month ago that you were on 3x 0.088 Pramipexole. The usual safe withdrawal schedule is half a pill every 2 weeks. You seem to have dropped 2 whole 0.088 in a month.I suggest you slow down.
It's clear that gabapentin and pregabalin cause severe vomiting for you, so you would be more suited to a low dose opioid.
Go back to the GP and explain that you are vomiting and will need a low dose opioid to help withdrawals AND permanently once off Pramipexole. If they object, you'll need an urgent appointment with a knowledgeable doctor. There aren't many!
Where are you?
Prof Walker at Queen Sq in London will do phone appointments. He will prescribe iron infusions and low dose opioids. So will Dr Jose Thomas at Abergavenny sleep clinic. Both are knowledgeable about RLS.
You will also be able to discuss replacement meds for all the meds you take that trigger/worsen RLS.
Thanks for your advice. I was following the instructions of the second g.p. I saw who knew about augmentation and advised accordingly. I warned him about Gabapentin causing me to vomit. I guess he and I were seeing if history repeated itself with Pregabalin. Having read the advice here, I too felt pramipexole was being withdrawn too fast, but medics don’t like you offering them advice! I have enough Pramipexole to slow down the withdrawal rate. I am seeing said g.p. In 2 weeks’ time for further assessment.
you would have already absorbed all tablets before the vomiting if 3 hours had passed. It wouldn’t have been a good idea to take more because effectively it would be like taking double doses.
I too suggest a low dose opioid if gaba/prega aren’t suitable. Best wishes