Here I am again despite 0.18 mg of Pramipexole , to paracodeine 600 mg of paracetamol /40mg codeine, these are prescription meds for my spine and I usually only take one, I am still awake at 05.25 am. I’m so sick of this leg twitching . My dr says I am not to increase my dose of Pramipexole and kind of shrugs and looks at me with sympathy when I tell her about my rls. I can’t sleep in the day because it’s just as bad if I sit down so I’m on my feet till I literally am so tired I just conk out. It’s getting to be almost every day now. I take 20mg of citalopram for anxiety issues and my dr said take them in the morning instead of at night. It doesn’t make a difference. Fortunately I’m retired so I don’t have to drag myself out to work every day, god help those that do with rls. I’m reading a lot about augmentation on Pramipexole , I think maybe I have it because it did used to help. Any ideas ?
Another rls night : Here I am again... - Restless Legs Syn...
Another rls night

The antidepressant is likely causing your grief. Vould you go back to your dr snd adk for a more rld friendly one? Maybe Sertroline??
I'm pasting a list of rls triggers which may help you pinpoint some causes.
*Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
*Chronic venous insufficiency or varicose veins
*Cigarette smoking
*Damage to the spinal nerves,
*Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
*In 25-75% of cases, primary RLS seems to run in families.
*Iron-deficiency anemia.
*Lyme disease,
*Peripheral neuropathy, often a result of diabetes
*Rheumatoid arthritis,
*Stress and fatigue.
*Uremia (kidney failure causing build up of toxins within the body).
*Vitamin B-12 deficiency
*About 40% of pregnant women experience RLS symptoms which usually fade within a few weeks after delivery.
Certain medications can cause or aggravate RLS. These are: Alcohol, caffeine, Celexa, Celontin, Clozaril, Dilantin, Dolophine, Elavil, Halcion, Haldol, Intron, Klonopin, lithium, Methadone, Neurontin, Paxil, Pramipexole, Prozac, Remeron, Risperdal, Ropinirole, Sarafem, Seroquel, Sinemet, Topamax, Ultram, Xyrem, Zoloft, Zonegran, and Zyprexa
This is not exhaustive, as there ate many foods that also trigger rls.
Good luck.
Very informative! I have been on Lithium for 30 years for my bipolar disorder, have COPD from smoking, hypothyroidism, diabetes, stress/fatigue, mostly from RLS since I work full time. I cannot drink alcohol as this will aggravate my legs/arms and start symptoms right away. I also take Cymbalta. I’m just a mess! I appreciate your response to this person posting...
Not on Madlegs list, but Cymbalta is also on the lost of medicines to avoid. This website (read through treatment page) has loads of info on meds with respect to RLS. Spend some time informing yourself and please come back if you have questions, to discuss or if you meed any other help or support. Then talk to your gp and/or neurologist. Things can be better than they are now.
Cymbalta has been a great success for me in lifting my mood and helping me function up to my full potential. Going off of it isn’t an option for me because if I don’t have my mental health going on, then I don’t have anything else! My life would fall into the pits of hell and I’m not prepared to go there! My mental health balance is good right now in spite of my RLS nightmare. Thank you so much for replying!!
Understandable. But sounds like a real catch22.
Hit enter too fast.
On, Dr Buchfuhrer states that two antidepressants, Wellbutrin and Trazodone, don’t generally worsen RLS. If you feel up to it and your md agrees, may be worth a try.
Also Remeron is another anti-d that is supposed to be more RLS friendly.
I understand what you’re going’s horrible! I agree with your doctor about not going up on the Mirapex. I’m stuck at 0.5mg, down from a max of 2mg! I don’t have any pain meds, so I have been using Kratom 1 gram, Gabapentin 600mg and cannabis to sleep. I’m so surprised, at my age, to be using Kratom and cannabis just to sleep, but it’s working for me right now.
I’m going to make it to Emory University’s Sleep Center in Atlanta if it kills me! The doctors where I live are uneducated about RLS and I find that totally frustrating! I virtually have no support except for what I get and have gotten here on this forum. My RLS haunts me day and night, just like you!
I do think the Gabapentin is helping me too. That and the Kratom and cannabis are the only suggestions I have! I wish you much luck in dealing with this wicked and all-consuming problem...
Hi Kayjay6161, I really understand how it is when you get it day and night. I’m prescribed Pramipexole 0.18 x 3 for my restless legs I’ve been told this is the maximum I can take. It worked fantastically well to start with but became less and less effective.
At my wits end I bought some Simply CBD oil and (with everything crossed and touching wood too) since I started taking it (just 1 drop twice a day) it has brought my RLS under control, to the extent that I have been able to drop The Pramipexole from 3 to 2 and hoping to get down to 1 next week.
There are so many possible causes/triggers. I have always had it (runs in the family) but it got really severe following failed back surgery to the point it was driving me demented and I was being considered for a change to Targinact. Hopefully I won’t have to go that route.
I’m sorry I don’t have any real advice for you other than it is a trial and error situation.
Hoping you find some relief soon. X