Opioid prejudice at the pharmacy - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Opioid prejudice at the pharmacy

pennygates profile image
64 Replies

I wonder if other HU members have experienced hostile treatment from the pharmacy, while collecting their opioid medication?At my local chemist, there are a few members of staff who are rude and hostile towards patients who are prescribed opiates. I pick up my prescription every month. When I go in these staff members can be hostile and very rude. When I was waiting in the queue to pick mine up recently, there was a discussion about the opioid problem, among the staff. One member of sfaff stated she would stop giving opioids to anyone apart from cancer patients etc. , very loudly, so all the people in the queue could hear her. She knew I was waiting for mine, and I felt like a criminal. There may have been others in the queue feeling the same.

I have never abused my prescription drug, but it makes no difference. The attitude is there. They are often just thrown down on the counter when they give them to me.

It's bad enough having to take these drugs, even at a low dose, without being made to feel bad for using these medications.

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pennygates profile image
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64 Replies
Madlegs1 profile image

You could talk privately to the pharmacy manager / owner telling of your experience and asking them is this store policy.If no good out of that, then go higher. If a chain- then work your way up management.

Meanwhile you could look for a different pharmacy. I would always recommend a small independent set-up, owner managed.

Another course of action would be to write to the pharmacy union / oversight body stating your experience.

Finally, is there a medical ombudsperson in your jurisdiction, to whom you could lay this all out.

Very finally-- contact news-- radio chat shows etc. Starting up a conversation.. In terms of --- "has anyone else experienced this sort of reaction?"

Be strong. Your feelings are important and should be respected.

All the best.

See you soon on C4.😝

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toMadlegs1

Thank you Madlegs, I think its good advice. I couldn't help being amused at the notice in their shop stating ' we will not tolerate rude or aggressive behaviour' . I long to point it out to them when they are being offensive to people, and ask them to read their own policy.If I do get to C4 Madlegs, I'll be the person pacing around the studio waving a copy of the Mayo Clinic Algorithm. May as well get the most out of the publicity and raise our profile!

SueJohnson profile image

I agree 100% with Madlegs1. You shouldn't have to stand for that. Complain, complain, complain !

Joolsg profile image

I agree with Madlegs. Print out the Mayo algorithm and the Massachussetts Opioid study for RLS and hand both over with a formal letter of complaint.

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toJoolsg

That's a great idea actually Joolsg. Many thanks

ChrisColumbus profile image

There is clearly ignorance in pharmacies as there is in other fields, but you really shouldn't have to be exposed to this.

The General Pharmeceutical Council advises: "Customer service issues; for example, having to wait to get a prescription or a *pharmacy professional being rude* – please contact the pharmacy or the pharmacy’s head office."

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toChrisColumbus

Thank you ChrisColumbus, this is the end of a long period of concern with that pharmacy . I live in a large village, so when something like this happens it ripples through the community. People know you're on a controlled drug, because they make it obvious when you have to sign for it. So soon the whole place knows you're on a controlled substance. No respect or privacy.

Ive had enough, and will change my chemist, but will lodge a complaint with the management before I go. Thanks for the information.

SueJohnson profile image
SueJohnson in reply topennygates

Good !

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toSueJohnson

I'm a fairly placid person Sue, but when someone crosses the line once too often, I do let them know about it! They have crossed the line, so I'm on a mission now. Thanks 😊

Madlegs1 profile image
Madlegs1 in reply topennygates

I'm on a long term opioid study run by an American hospital.I've always wondered at their question about people's attitude to my being on an opioid.

It has never occurred to me that there might be some shame attached to it as you have experienced.

I certainly am not hiding my use of it, and delightedly announce to everyone that my pain consultant has declared me "opioid responsible"

This incident has opened my eyes.

Thanks, and good luck.

PS. I certainly have no time/tolerance for people who smoke/ vape or abuse alcohol.

So maybe I'm being a hypocrite.?😢

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toMadlegs1

When someone suffers from RLS, or other awful diseases you do wonder why someone would do something to hurt their own bodies. I don't think its hypocritical, it's maybe just saying, 'it's bad enough having an illness without bringing more problems upon yourself, especially when you try hard to improve your own health.' I don't condemn them, but I find it hard to understand why someone would do that. But I'm a sugar addict, so there you are .. I'm being hypocritical too!

Madlegs1 profile image
Madlegs1 in reply topennygates

Love it!💚

Pippins2 profile image

That's awful certainly put in an official complaint. I have used 3 pharmacies whilst being on opiates and never experienced anything like this .I am on 2 controlled meds but never been made to feel bad in any way. Sorry you had to go through this its totally unacceptable and very unprofessional of the staff .I honestly don't feel the person should be in such a responsible job. Pipps x

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toPippins2

Thank you Pippins2 . She certainly needs to go on a customer service course at the very least. I'm going to register with another pharmacy, but will tell them why I'm leaving.

Shumbah profile image

I got my doctors to do a letter up stating what the medication is not used for addiction and that it is used for Will Ekbom Disease and gave pharmacy a copy and made a few spare copies ..

And yes prior I have been abused mucked around for for a week they kept making excuses saying my script was written wrong by doctors etc and other time they even made to wait for 5 hours saying they had to speak to specialists so I waited until they did absolutely disgusting. If it was their parents they would be furious .

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toShumbah

That is appalling Shumbah, and I agree if it was their parents they would be furious.It's got to the point where I won't be staying with this pharmacy, as I can't take anymore hostility.

I think your idea of getting a letter from your GP with reasons why you take it is a good one, but it angers me that you have had to do that. It's between you and your GP. People working in the pharmacies know nothing of our medical history, and jump to conclusions., that we are all addicted to opioids and misusing them, or worse selling them on to dealers. That does happen I know, but they can't accuse everyone of that.

Lilcatfeet profile image

I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. All too common, I fear. As I’ve said before in this forum., those of us with chronic pain or RLS issues are also victims of the opioid crisis because of the stigma we experience. I have even been castigated by a young physician when I was looking for a new gp after mine retired. He refuses to take any patient who takes narcotics unless they have cancer He even criticized my wonderful gp, claiming she had done me a great disservice and he was shocked.. Too many ignorant people equate opioid use with opioid abuse. They assume drug dependence equals drug addiction. I lost 2 long time friends who staged an intervention with me, accusing me of addiction simply because I take prescribed Oxy 5. The fact that a one months supply always lasts me two made no difference. I took them, because of RLS and severe RA, ergo, I was an addict.

This has been so distressing for me. Finally decided never to tell anyone I took them. It’s nobody’s business but mine and my doctors’.

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toLilcatfeet

That we have an illness is bad enough, but to be stigmatised because of our opioid medication adds insult to injury.I can understand how you feel after being told that the physician refused to give opioids to anyone other than for cancer patients. Like you I take it for two illnesses.

I have also experienced this attitude while I was in hospital. I have been told I shouldn't be using opioids, and have had negative comments from doctors about my prescription. I was glad to get home before they took them away. I always feel that they won't allow me to continue taking them , and they will be taken off me, without any offer of anything good in its place.

I'm sure there are many who don't advertise the fact that they take them at all. I don't myself but I do agree with Madlegs1 that we should be able to say we are taking them and are responsible people, and not feel ashamed.

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toLilcatfeet

I do hope that after losing your lovely GP you found another who would continue prescribing your medication. It is distressing, and you're right. It's our business, between the GP and patient.

Simkin profile image

How dreadful. You certainly need to complain. I am shocked by their behaviour. They do not have the right to make you feel like a criminal. Appalling.I collect my opioids from a small friendly pharmacy within my GPs.building.

So sorry you have had such a horrible experience.

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toSimkin

Well Simkins, small minded attitudes are part of our lives in many ways. This is one of them. I can change pharmacies, which I'm doing, but it's harder to change people's attitudes. It isn't right that I'm the one having to move because of their behaviour. But I really can't take anymore and so I will move, as it has gone on for too long. I have had to take my prescription elsewhere a few times, as they told me they had run out of them, and wouldn't be able to give me them. They wouldn't say when I could get them. I think that was a lie to be honest. They even told me that because my surname begins with a 'W' that I would always be at the bottom of the pile, as they deal with the scripts alphabetically, and would have run out of my medication by then. The list of excuses goes on. It's all designed to make it awkward for me to get my prescription. I'm going to take them to task now though.

Simkin profile image
Simkin in reply topennygates

Well done.

TheDoDahMan profile image
TheDoDahMan in reply topennygates

The "alphabet excuse"! Now I've heard it all!

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toTheDoDahMan

The old ones are the best!🤣

Nikos64 profile image

I have certainly encountered suspicion when obtaining a control substance to treat my restless legs. My doctor transmits prescriptions electronically and follows up with a written prescription from his office. I am never involved in that communication. But I’ve encountered one pharmacists who considered me a drug seeker and demanded to re-verify the prescription with my doctor. I couldn’t help but wonder whether my doctor thought I was seeking more than his orders after he got that call. Nonetheless, I no longer encounter this behavior after switching to Amazon Pharmacy.

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toNikos64

My GP sends my prescription electronically too Nikos64, but this hasn't made any difference. Does your GP send your prescription to Amazon directly?

Nikos64 profile image
Nikos64 in reply topennygates

Yes, prescription is sent electronically to Amazon. No involvement from me. The pills arrive according to US regulations. However, I don’t think I take any hard core meds. I’m only on 50mg Tramadol and 1200mg of gabapentin.

TheDoDahMan profile image
TheDoDahMan in reply toNikos64

Wow! Every time I have to refill my 10 mg per day methadone prescription I hold my breath because of the likelihood of hassles. Do you think methadone is too heavy-duty for Amazon? I'm in the US.

Nikos64 profile image
Nikos64 in reply toTheDoDahMan

As far as I am aware and according to a relative who is a recent pharm school graduate, you can only get methadone at a clinic on a daily basis. But she said some people may be able to get it for home use. She highly doubts you can get it from Amazon pharmacy or any other retail pharmacy.

Personally, I completely disagree with this policy even though my RLS is not as severe to require it. It seems that the penalties are very severe for overprescribing it and medical and pharmaceutical professionals are understandably super careful not to lose their licenses which would destroy their livelihoods.

Kakally profile image

😔😔😔It is appalling . There should be patient confidentiality so that there should not be any conversations about what drugs you are collecting from them. Nor any attitude about what you take….

I try not to go to my surgery to pick up my medication because I have been made to feel embarrassed about my opioid controlled drugs and I’m stared at and disapproved of….. My kind partner does it for me. I mentioned it to one of the doctors. Maybe they are better now… but I still avoid going in if possible.

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toKakally

There shouldn't be any embarrassment, the medication is a 'treatment'. The fact it is an opioid should not be relevant at all, but I understand how you feel about going to the pharmacy yourself.

Kakally profile image

Thanks pennygates

The embarrassment and humiliation continues for many of us at the gp or neurologist clinics and the pharmacy . We will/must continue to change this with education and perseverance.

p.s. Isn’t there a high profile e.g. politician or actor who is a sufferer of RLS who we can approach with all the science? I don’t move in those circles 😂😔

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toKakally

It seems that there is a problem out there. It would be good if a well known spokesperson would help, but I too haven't heard of anyone with RLS, who takes opioids in that sphere. We probably have to do it ourselves.

pennygates profile image

My experience completely ! Everyone knows my address as its shouted out, my name too! There is no confidentiality, so you have people waiting in the pharmacy looking at you disapprovingly as you wait for your 'controlled drug' to be signed off by the pharmacist. I understand the need for these measures, but not the way they are carried out. I think using an online pharmacy is the only way to avoid this. I dread going too. To change my pharmacy means travelling 5 miles to the next one, but it's worth it. The one I have in mind is a small independent one, with the owner in charge, as he is also the manager.

Kakally profile image

yes… I am doing everything I can.. I think we all do except it can get very draining particularly when our symptoms are at their worst. I am fortunate in being really good with regards to my RLS at the moment. Best wishes to you in your struggle/challenges xx

Gmc54 profile image

This makes me so angry, just who do these people think they are!

If I were in your shoes, I would put my mobile phone on airplane mode, then discreetly set it to voice record the next time I walked in to the pharmacy to collected my prescription. You will then have evidence to send to whoever you need to complain to.

I always now record important conversations, not just medical, but other stuff nowadays. It stops your word against theirs.

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toGmc54

Sadly, I agree we have to do these things, to protect ourselves. I'm not letting it go. I have already put a review in. I notice only six reviews on the local pharmacy site, all brilliant. When I looked at the reviews at the headquarters I saw loads of bad ones, complaining about the attitude of staff. The company send a standard reply to everyone, with apologies etc but no personalised ones.

I have had replies from this site, with very similar experiences. It makes you think how big this problem could be.

Thanks for your support.

wilsond profile image

First a meeting with the pharmist in charge, then a written request for a more professional staff attitude. If continues, a complaint to the General Pharmaceutical Authority.

Not good enough at all

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply towilsond

Thank you Wilsond. I have arranged to see the pharmacist and will say that the person concerned needs to go on a customer service course at the very least. Will see what response I get. I know I'm going to change my pharmacy, as I really have had enough over a long time.

Fingerandus profile image

hi .tell her next time you are in there if she doesnt like her job she should leave and find one she does enjoy.. how dare she judge a person and in a pharmacy as well they have no idea what a person is struggling with be safe my dear xx

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toFingerandus

Thank you Fingerandus for your kindness and support. Much appreciated.

Fingerandus profile image

i will say my pharmacists are lovely i only get codiene paracetamol mix occasionally but have never had any problems my people bend over backwards to please.but i am in Australia its the doc who isnt very accommodating i have to go every month and she cant give them all the time or she will have to explain why she does...she says

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toFingerandus

I do hope Fingerandus that you have enough medication to help your RLS. Your GP obviously very nervous about it. Good that you have a kind pharmacist.

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toFingerandus

Im sorry to hear that Funderandus. It seems a shame that you have to go in every month , and that you don't always get it!! That sounds very odd to me. I hope that she is aware how difficult RLS can be to live with, and that you need medication on a regular basis to deal with it.

Danni54 profile image

That is awful and what an ignorant person! She shouldn't be working in a Chemist's! As for the other member's of Staff...word's fail me at how unsympathetic and uncaring some people are. I haven't had to cope with that but the way I am feeling at the moment , I would report them to whoever is in charge and ask for a meeting with all of them and then tell them how , the only reason we take Opioid's is because we are in agony every day of our lives! I would also let your Dr. know and maybe get copies made of patient's stories and hand them out to the Staff! Or...show them this reply and I would ask them how they would like to have fractured vertebrae, Diverticulitis, +++ lung cancer ( in remission but left for 15 month's with a tumour on my lung, had pneumonia and was asked why I hadn't had treatment for the tumour. I didn't know I had one ! Mistake by the hospital. ) So do these people who know NOTHING about why we take Opioid's want to be in agony every minute of every day ?! Do they think that we WANT to be like this? I would give anything to be pain and Opioid free .I'm sending you all the support and empathy that I can . So much sympathy and I hope that any time these stupid people make you feel bad that you will remember that everybody here is with you and understands.

Love and hugs,

Danni x

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toDanni54

Hi, I have left the pharmacy now, and reported the people concerned to the central office. Received a standard reply, I could see so many complaints about different pharmacies in the group. I also informed my gp practice.I'm so sorry to hear of your history. It sounds absolutely horrendously, what yiu have been through. You must be a very strong person to cope with it all. Although that doesn't mean it has been easy for you.

I know what you mean about some people who work in the pharmacies. They make massive assumptions about people, thinking we are wanting to be on opioids. It's not a walk in the park. Taking opioiods is a difficult thing in itself, never mind the illnesses people are enduring.

Your kind words are greatly appreciated. It makes such a difference, so thank you.

I hope you can remain as well as possible. You have all my sympathy too. All the very best for you Danni. Love penny xx

Danni54 profile image
Danni54 in reply topennygates

Thank you Penny. If you ever need to rant then I'm here for you. Love Danni xx

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toDanni54

The same applies to you. Rant away! Always here to listen. With good wishes, love Penny x

Danni54 profile image
Danni54 in reply topennygates

Hi Penny. It would be good if there was an address that we could all send our stories to and then distribute them to all medical people! Attitudes have to change from Pharmacists to G.P.'s to Hospital's, Consultant's and all medical people. Our pain is so real and most people probably wouldn't be able to cope with what we go through and RLS is just horrendous....just to top off the pain !Good for you Penny. Tell these idiot's that you have so much support from us! I had a rant at my Dr. today but he seems to be taking me seriously but I thought that before. He was with me for ½ an hour though and is keeping me on Tramadol for a week to see how I get on with it. I told him that my spine pain is worse and asked him to check the vertebrae as I thought that another vertebrae has fractured so, he did. That hurt and is still hurting despite the Tramadol! He is sending me for an urgent Xray thank goodness! He is also going to phone me next Thursday to see how I am but if I need him then I'm to phone him ! Wow ! He might then try me on Tramadol and PreGablin. I just want this pain, back and front, to stop and definitely, the RLS ! He is prescribing liquid iron and I've to take it wit pure orange juice which somebody here said to do.

I hope that you are feeling alright today. Good luck with everything and if you need back up then let me know! Take care Penny. Please let us know how you get on.

Love and hugs,

Danni xx

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toDanni54

Danni I've just lost my second post to you. Deleted them both. My eyesight is bad, glaucoma. Left eye rubbish, right eye ok ish. So I will attempt to reply tomorrow. Think I've left it too late. Hope you can get some sleep, courtesy of the iron. Don't forget Vitamin C., and hope tramadol gives you some relief. , love, Penny x

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toDanni54

Hi Danni,I hope that the Tramadol is working for you, and you have had some relief, and some rest from RL. Have you been on Pregablin before, or will it be new for you? I hope the combination will be good for you. Good luck on Thursday with your urgent xray, and hope you will cope until then.. sounds very painful. Take good care, very best to you, Penny x

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply topennygates

I have sent a post to myself, which was meant for you. I must have a word with myself!

Danni54 profile image
Danni54 in reply topennygates

I usually write a long reply to somebody and accidentally delete it! Hate doing that! It's because we have so many intelligent conversations with ourselves! xx

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toDanni54

Hi Danni, I did suggest getting a collection of stories out to GPs etc a short while ago. ChrisColumbus pointed out how difficult this would be, as RLS UK is such a small charity, and there are many priorities. It sounded a good idea, but things have been tried before, and produced zero results from our GPs, so disappointing. Many people dip in and out of HU, getting superb help and support from members, all for free. But it is hard to persuade people to take out membership of RLS UK. It would be so good if it was given the support it deserves, penny x

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply topennygates

I felt so guilty when I realised that I was using the website, but not supporting the Charity which made it possible to access such a great site , with its excellent advice, and working so hard for us, RL sufferers.

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toDanni54

I have sent two messages to myself instead of to you! It's time I retired from posting tonight! Pennyx

Danni54 profile image
Danni54 in reply topennygates

Sleep well...I hope....! More tomorrow Penny ! I did a bit of gardening to try to loosen my muscles but overdid it....as usual! Now I am so sore I just want to scream! Typical! It's pouring now so, at least I won't be able to go out till tomorrow..or next month ! I think that the Tramadol is helping with the RLS but I will reserve judgement! I have to finish a poppy painting for my big sister. I have only had it half finished for 5 year's but promised that I would finish it ! Oh , the pressure! 😇💜🧚‍♀️ xx

ChrisColumbus profile image

I've recently discovered that my sister - previously a receptionist in a GP surgery- is now a prescription clerk . I have to admit that she has some (learned within the practice) general concerns about over-prescription of, abuse of, and addiction to, opioids.

I illuminated her on the role of low dose opioids in RLS and research showing that this did not lead to addiction or abuse. (Not that she makes any decisions: her role is simply to create prescriptions on the system and to issue paperwork as determined by the doctors in her practice).

She of course totally agreed that if opioids (or any other medications) are prescribed by the doctor - for any reason - pharmacy staff have absolutely no right to comment adversely or show any reluctance. I hope that in your case complaints have been made!

pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toChrisColumbus

Hi, My GP, is a genial chap, although with the usual lack of knowledge about RLS, was interested to know why I had changed my pharmacy, as he knows I will have to travel five miles to the next one. I decided to tell him about it. He seemed genuinely concerned about the attitude and lack of respect for confidentiality. It is noted, and will no doubt be shared by him. He knows I'm not a person running around looking for something to complain about, so took it seriously. He recommended that I take it further. The General Pharmaceutical Council as mentioned by you, is one avenue, to work my way up, if the pharmacy management doesn't take it seriously.

ChrisColumbus profile image
ChrisColumbus in reply topennygates

The GPC "will investigate...serious unprofessional or inappropriate behaviour" but "usually won’t investigate...pharmacy professional being rude – please contact the pharmacy or the pharmacy’s head office.... Most concerns can be dealt with quickly and effectively by the pharmacy’s own complaints process. Therefore, we recommend raising these types of concern directly with the manager of the pharmacy or the professional involved at the time."

Where they draw the line between 'serious unprofessional or inappropriate behaviour' and 'being rude'...

Still, I would view what happened to you as the former, particularly if a complaint is made to the pharmacy/HQ and the issue isn't resolved to your satisfaction.

ChrisColumbus profile image
ChrisColumbus in reply topennygates


pennygates profile image
pennygates in reply toChrisColumbus

Yes, I think its worth saying this to Head Office, if they don't take my complaint more seriously. That I do think she behaved unprofessionally and inappropriately. Thanks again Chris for drawing my attention to the detail with GPC.On a different matter, but while I'm here, I read in one of your recent replies that you take Losartan, for high BP, and you've had no issues with RL whilst taking this. I thought I might add it to a list of suitable meds for high blood pressure which Sue has given me for my GP?

ChrisColumbus profile image
ChrisColumbus in reply topennygates

Sue has seen reports of RLS issues with losartan and possibly thinks that I'm an anomaly, which I may of course be.

Or it might be a case of dosage: I take 50mg/day without problems; Wutheringheight has recently said that she has gone from 50mg to 100mg a day and has RLS symptoms, but then she is also on other drugs known to trigger RLS so losartan might be innocent...

It can be so difficult for people with a number of conditions - and a cocktail of meds - to isolate what is triggering RLS. I'm not sure whether some drugs get a bad rep without good evidence.

ChrisColumbus profile image
ChrisColumbus in reply topennygates

BTW, before losartan I was on perindopril for BP: this didn't trigger my RLS either, but did give me a cough which was why I changed.

Trouble is, as we used to say more frequently on here "we're all different"

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