I am concerned about the new genetic test AvertD just approved by the FDA washingtonpost.com/health/2... It uses DNA to predict whether a person is likely to get addicted to opioids. I can envision where doctors will require patients to take the test and use the results to decide whether to write a prescription. We all know that with the low dose opioids for RLS that there is almost no risk and yet I can see RLS patients being denied these drugs when they need them.
New FDA approved genetic test to pred... - Restless Legs Syn...
New FDA approved genetic test to predict the chance of opioid addiction

Hope it doesn’t happen in the UK. 😲.
For those like me without a Washington Post account at least some of the story is here:
Very likely to happen..
In Europe, GDPR rules prevent the sharing and use of such information.
We are not even allowed to use CCTV footage to identify miscreants if on public property.
Very tight rules.
So I imagine this type of information would not gain much traction here.
I feel so sorry for the extreme hype over addiction in America.
Especially when it affects serious sensible citizens .
Just wait till AI gets control of this.
It already has made huge life-changing mistakes in facial recognition, according to racial profiling.
Good luck in your future lives.
I share your concern Sue and I’m suffering from that medical ignorance and awaiting again a response from my GP Partners to my recent letter asking them where do they think I can go now for relief as they won’t treat me. Are they pushing me into the realms of illegal substances.
Absolutely unbelievable 😡
Everything crossed!
I wouldn’t worry about this too much, at least not yet. Here in the US I took the GeneSight test which supposedly shows genetic interactions with various psych drugs including benzos and z-drugs. My psychiatrist said these tests are nowhere near conclusive enough to make treatment decisions. One of the drugs on my “red” list I have taken “as needed” for many years and never had a problem. In fact I can take a quarter of the dose and it’s plenty. The reason it’s on my red list is because I metabolize it slowly which actually works in my favor. Anyway, I don’t think physicians are too swayed by these tests, at least not currently.
oh my gosh, I am a recovering alcoholic of 33years and most of my ancestors were! I take my meds just like I am supposed to and this would be the end of me.🥹
That is concerning Sue!
I just read today that this test was approved by the FDA against the advice of their own advisory panel. A group of physicians has written a letter to the FDA urging it to withdraw approval, because this test is NOT a reliable predictor. It only tests 15 genes which is not nearly enough to draw any conclusions in this regard. One of the authors of the letter said, approximately, that it’s not just ‘not very good’… it’s entirely bogus!
Unfortunately, the FDA has proven itself to be much too influenced by industry.
Along wth doctors leading the charge, American insurance companies will be right at their side. Fentanyl is so cheap and easy to obtain in the US that studies now show prescription abuse and black market reselling of pharmacy opiods are down significantly.
You can get a fentanyl pill for $5 that is 25 times more potent than oxycodone and just as cheap.
Still, Doctors and insurance companies pretend we are living in 2005 when pill mills were rampant. They both need to get over themselves and do whats right for pain management and for other off label use of opiods like RLS.
I hold no judgement for those who turn to street drugs for physical and mental pain relief where the system has failed them.
Put in that position i would seriously consider such options verses being miserable with minimal quality of life.