Hi, It would be nice for anyone who has been prescribed opioids by the USA doctors to provide their providers' name and location to help each other who is in need for opioids but has no access to find a doctor, especially in an emergent situation. We all have become a victim from this "war on drugs" and sometimes in a situation where we have run out of the opioids and face a very unbearable tortuous pain. then our life can be saved literally by someone who can come out to provide his opioid-prescribing doctor. Thanks in advance for the compassionate members at this forum.
Urgent help from someone who is locat... - Restless Legs Syn...
Urgent help from someone who is located in the USA and being prescribed opioid

Hi! I'm in Bear, DE and have found a Neurology Practice in Wilmington that the girl told me does use Methadone Treatment for RLS. If they ever get me scheduled for an appointment, I will let you know if they actually do!
Hi. I see Dr. Brian Koo at Yale Sleep Studies in New Haven. He took me off Gabapentin, which was doing really nasty things to me and put me on methadone which has helped a lot. Only does out of state phone visits. Don't know if he's taking new patients but you can try.
Hi, scifire, very grateful for your reply. I'll let TeddiJ know your post and hope she can get an appointment with Dr. Brian Koo in time, thanks.
Thank you, All!! You are so kind to help! xo
You are such a doll to post this and try to help! I'm sure many others need this information, too! Thank you very much, halperinchen!
SO many issues come with your suggestion. The big one, as I see it, is that your Dr. will then be innundated with new patients seeking an Rx for opioids. The doc is then on the radar as one who prescribes carelessly, or illegally, and could end up losing his license to practice. So, no to making suggestions for a specific MD. I will suggest that you see your PCP, explain that your chronic pain...which is what RLS is... is life altering and almost unbearable. Then immediately request a referral to a Pain Mgt Specialist or Clinic. They are better equipped than your PCP to prescribe any necessary course of treatment.