I suffer from restless legs syndrome and was prescribed pramipexole. I started a reduction program several months ago and by September I was down to half a tablet today. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have a mastectomy 3 moths ago. Unbeknown to me the surgery temporarily raised my ferritin levels and so I have had an amazing break from RLS.
Over the past few days the symptoms have come back with a vengeance. I restarted the reduction of pramipexole about a month ago, and I also take gentle iron, two tablets every other day. I now take a codeine tablet every night. I really do not want to increase the pramipexole as I know I need to come right off it.
I am now at a loss what to do. Back in the summer I emailed Professor Walker to ask for an appointment, but despite chasing his Secretary I have heard nothing back. Is there anyone else who I can see, that anyone on here can recommend?
So feeling very sorry for myself! Any advice would be really really welcome. Thank you all for listening.