Anyone else have positive results?
So positive I slashed pregablin intake in half.
Hope the hellish weight gain is put an end to also!
Anyone else have positive results?
So positive I slashed pregablin intake in half.
Hope the hellish weight gain is put an end to also!
I tried compression knee wraps. Worked for about a week. RLS finds a way.
Compression Stockings help me when I’m having a restless episode. However, I have to bunch up the stocking across the bottom of my foot which adds extra pressure. You have to be careful not to keep it on too long or to fall asleep with it like that as it can affect your circulation.
I’ve used alternating compression pumps on my legs that also has a heat component. It’s helpful, but a pain if you need to get up or if you move around a lot as they have hoses.
what brand and where did you get them? Thanks